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„Your skin is so soft."
Dabi held your chin in his hand and traced his thumb along your cheek.
„Toga wanted to get facials."
You chuckled.
„Hmhm I see. Totally worth it in my opinion."
He responded and pulled you closer to his face only to softly press his cheek against yours.
His staples were cold and you could feel the changes of his skin texture pretty much.
You remained like that for a couple seconds.
You had a small smirk on your face while Dabi pressed his face onto yours.
„Soft. "
He huffed almost inaudible.
You escaped his grib and lied down on his chest.
While Dabi was slightly stroking your hair you drew circles around his nipple piercing.
„I want to spend so much time with you darling."
He traced down your spine and as soon as he reached its end he traced it back up again.
You nodded as a response.
„I have a Grat idea on what we can do, you just gotta be down for a little trip."
You looked up and your gaze met his.
You smiled.
„Alright I'm down."
He cupped your cheek with one hand and gave you an look full of attachment.
„Amazing... I will take you to an amazing place and we will have so much fun there, I promise."
He looked calm but you could feel that he was very excited about it on the inside.
„But can we stay like this for a little while longer please?"
You asked and looked up to him.
He gave you an expression that made clear that you should lie your head back down on his chest.

Time skip

Dabi held onto your hand with a tight grib and pulled you after him.
He was walking fast and the yellowish light of the lamps on the railway station was making the scene appear unreal.
A few other people were also waiting for a train to arrive so you weren't alone.
Suddenly he stopped walking and you almost bumped into him.
He quickly put his left arm around you and pulled you close into his side.
You stared down at your boots while you felt Dabis body heat warm you.
The nights were slowly getting colder and colder with the time and you realized that seasons were soon about to change.
A shiver went through your body.
Dabi must've noticed.
„Are you cold?"
He asked and looked down to your side.
„I could use my quirk to warm you up a little."
He suggested.
You were actually cold but you also knew that his quirk was taking a lot out of his body.
You shook your head.
„No it's fine, please don't use your quirk on me."
You gave him a little smile to assure him that you were alright.
He still didn't hesitate to pull you in front of him and make you go inside his hoodie as well.
You were closely pressed against his front not really knowing where to put your hands.
„Jeez you're tense.. Relax a bit, k?"
Dabi mumbled down on you.
You took a deep breath of his calming scent in and put your hands on his chest.
You felt how he suddenly tensed up under your touch. It made you chuckle.
„Damn your hands are cold!"
He hissed.
„Now you're the tense one."
You teased.
Then you remained silent, just standing there in the dim light, waiting for the train to arrive.
You heard it arrived and your slowly crawled out of his hoodie so he could grab your hand again to walk you into it.
You were standing for the whole ride.
Dabi held your hand and mad sure you were not getting too far away from him.
After many stations you got off the train and you realized you were in the middle of nowhere.
„What is this place?"
You asked.
„Just be a little more patient my darling. You will see very soon."
He walked you away from the sketchy looking train station and brought you to a road.
The asphalt was crumbly and had a couple cracks here and there.
Everything around looked like people hadn't been here for a while.
You and Dabi walked along it for some time until a district of a few abandoned buildings came in sight.
„We're almost there."
He suddenly walked a bit faster and pulled you after him towards the buildings.
You eventually entered the trogh a broken window on the ground floor.
Dabi pulled you after him the whole time.
You were crossing multiple rooms that looked like they used to be offices and walked up a stair case until you passed by a few floors.
Then a crumbling room with huge concrete walls was exposed to you.
Moonlight was shining through the broken window front and drowned everything in a silverish light.
„And here we are. Did I promise you too much?"
You didn't quite understand what you were supposed to do here or why he brought you to this place.
It was just then when you realized that Dabi was picking up a spray bottle.
„Let's paint some graffiti here my darling."
He threw one at you and you caught it mid air.
A big smile appeared on your face.
„You definitely didn't promise too much."
You responded and walked up to the closest wall.
„What am I supposed to do?"
You asked and turned around to Dabi who already started spraying.
„Just do whatever you want, that's why we came to this place dummy."
He chuckled.
You really tried to think of something good when you just started spraying the paint on the wall.

You looked at your work with a gaze filled with criticism.
„I don't know... I think I probably could've done it better..."
Dabi walked up behind you to take a look at the finished product.
„Hmm not bad darling. You pictured me committing arson."
He guessed it correctly.
The paint was slightly dripping down on some parts but it was still recognizable.
„And what did you do?"
You asked and smirked at him.
Then you took a look at Dabis wall.
It looked like one of those graffiti artists work who paint their names in fancy looking letters, just that Dabis piece was inspired by his quirk.
„It's definitely not the first time that you did this, this much I can tell."
It was no secret that you were impressed.
„Doesn't matter, I really like yours. Also I think it's really cute that you decided to do me as your first piece."
You felt your face uncontrollably heat up.
„And you're also still blushing when I give you compliments, I can't believe it."
It only made you feel even more flustered.
„I want to show you something else."
He said and guided you up to the roof.
The night was cold and millions, no, billions of stars were sparkling in the night sky.
Out here where the light from the city wasn't blurring out anything you could see way more of them than back at the hideout.
You kept looking up and Dabi held you close from behind.
„They are so beautiful!"
Dabi just looked down and watched the reflections in your eyes.
„Yea, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
You remained silent for a while before you sat down at the edge and Dabi smoked a cigarette.
You had placed your head on his shoulder and you just enjoyed the moments of peace.
Just the two of you, far far away from everything else.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, was very much fun writing it
Don't forget to vote if you want to read more <3

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