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The mall was stuffed with people. You didn't like going here but you promised to go shopping with Toga soon and the day had now arrived.
You sat in a little Cafe and you overviewed the people rushing from store to store.
She had some little pink macaroons neatly set in front of her.
You decided to stick with a simple coffee.
„Hey, don't worry too much about Yuriko, k?“
She pulled you out of your day dreaming.
„I'm trying Toga... But it's just...“
„You're insecure.“
She interrupted your rambling.
„And that's completely normal.“
You gave her a quick smile.
'Cute how she always tries to make the situation better.'
You thought while looking at her.
She stuffed another macaroon in her mouth.
„These things are absolutely delicious.“
The fragile porcelain plate she was eating from was almost empty.
After some time you left.
You walked through the people and pulled your hood deeper in your face.
The fear of getting recognized by the people at the mall freaked you out.
Even if all the times you had to do your villain jobs, you wore a face covering.
Suddenly Toga stared down at the lower floor.
„Y/n-chan! Look!“
She squealed and started walking faster.
„Toga! What the fuck are you doing?“
You followed her and grabbed the sleeve of her hoodie to stop her from running.
Then you followed her gaze and spotted a green haired boy on the other floor of the mall.
„Isn't that this hero kid from UA?“
You pulled up one eyebrow.
He was sitting on a bench, talking to a brunette girl. Both of them seemed to be kinda uncomfortable in the situation.
She heavily nodded.
„Izuku Midoriya!“
She pulled her arm away from you and quickly walked towards the escalator.
„Hey wait!“
You followed her and eventually stopped her.
She looked up to you with an expression that made clear that she didn't understand.
„B-but why can't I go?“
You took a deep breath in and turned your head away.
„You shouldn't be falling for those who are actually trying to kill us.“
A slight shiver went through her body.
„But... But I just want to...“
„He would immediately recognize you.“
„But isn't that the whole point? He should recognize me so I can ask him out and then he will say yes and-“
You cut her off.
„Toga! We are trying to stay disguised in public and you really think that you can just slip out of it to tell a high school boy that you have a crush on him? A hero high school boy to be more specific!“
She suddenly went quiet.
„We should leave now.“
You added.
The hood of her pink cat hoodie fell deeper into her face as she lowered her head and followed you in silence.

Timee skipppp

When you arrived back at the apartment the door opened right before you could touch the handle.
A tall girl with long black hair stood there and almost ran you over.
She grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you against the wall.
„You! You are the reason Dabi hates me now!“
She hissed.
„You manipulated him! At first he ordered me here to talk, that's when I thought that things could actually still get better in the end! Turns out he only wanted to see me so he could tell me right in my face to fuck off forever! Yes, that's what he said!“
She glared right into your soul.
Suddenly she got very close to your ear and whispered
„I hate you y/n and I promise... One day... You're gonna get it.“
Then she let go of you and left.
You and Toga entered the apartment.
Dabi stood in the hallway and Toga immediately pulled him into the nearest room.
„So you did what I told you to.“
She hissed.
He heavily nodded.
„Damn I almost died but it was worth it.“
He responded and scratched the back of his neck.
„Yuriko almost ripped out my staples and she smashed a plate in the kitchen but I'm pretty sure we won't see her again.“
He had a proud smirk on his face.
Toga grinned at him.
„Good job, you gotta tell y/n-chan!“
You were still  in the hallway, waiting for Toga to come out again.
Dabi nodded.
Both of them stepped outside again.
You leaned against the wall and clenched your teeth while fidgeting with your bracelet.
„Hey darling.“
Dabi got close to you and put his fingers under your chin to make you look up.
You tried to smile at him.
„C'mon tell her!“
Toga dammed her elbow in his side.
She seemed to be a little more energetic than back at the mall.
Still all of it seemed a little bit forced.
Dabi gave you a soft smirk.
„I'll take her to my room for this. You can have her back later.“
He said and winked at her.
He grabbed your arm and walked you down the hallway.
He closed the door behind him and made you sit down on his bed.
You still kept fidgeting with your bracelet as you looked down to your feet.
„Baby I know you're feeling... Insecure right now.“
He said and gave you an understanding smile.
You pressed your lips together.
„Hey hey, don't worry my darling. I'm here for you.“
He said as he let himself fall down next to you.
Dabi his hand on your thigh and you looked up to him.
„But why was she here again?“
You quietly asked.
You noticed how your voice was about to break.
Suddenly Dabi pulled you into his chest and held you close.
„Yuriko was here because I invented her. That was only to tell her that she can fuck off once and for all, you gotta believe me.“
Dabi whispered in your ear and still held you very close to him.
„Toga told me to talk to her again just so I can make sure that she wouldn't disturb us anymore and especially leave you alone.“
He began stroking your hair while you felt tears to rise in your eyes.
„I am pretty sure she didn't take it that well but at least I told her that I don't want her company anymore. That means she has no right to be here anymore."
„I love you y/n. Please don't think otherwise.“
You tightly grabbed his waist and held onto it while tears streamed down your face.
He kept stroking your hair and holding you close.
„It's okay darling... It's all gonna be okay. I will stay with you, alright?"
You kept holding onto him.
He did it. He actually just sent Yuriko away once and for all. You couldn't believe it and it made you so unbelievably happy.
It made you so happy that you actually couldn't stop crying.
Dabi smirked down on you.
„There there, you're my precious little darling, don't forget that.“

Hey everyone!!
Hope you enjoyed this chapterrr <3
I don't know if there are gonna be chapters next week because I'm writing my finals, hope you understand that <3<3<3
Still trying to make it, in case I don't, see y'all in two weeks <3

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