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Dabi and you walked side by side down the road to the grocery store.
You hadn't talked much and he still seemed to be upset.
You stared down and watched how you put one foot in front of the other while you constantly felt tears rise in your eyes.
Dabi being upset also made you feel upset.
And Dabi feeling upset about Yuriko made you feel even worse.
It felt like something inside you shattered and your happiness was slowly running and dripping outside now.
Still no talking.
The doors of the store opened automatically and you just walked in both of your gazes pointed to the ground.
You just took one item after another from the shelves until you reached the isle with the hair products.
Dabi looked at the different shades of black.
„Which one will look the best? What do you think? "
He asked and turned around to you.
His facial expression was suddenly softer than before.
„I-I don't know..."
When he saw how close you were to having an actual breakdown he stepped back from the hair dye and got closer to you.
He said with a soft voice and pulled your chin up.
„I'm sorry.“
You apologized choking back some tears.
„No don't be. Tell me what's wrong.“
You tried to look away.
„No, no! We're not doing that, we're gonna talk.“
He said and stopped you.
„Y-Yuriko... You.. She...“
You stuttered.
„Why does she still mean so much to you?“
You asked feeling how actual tears streamed down your face.
„Huh? Why would you think-“
„Because you ran away yesterday after Shigaraki talked about that stupid news report. And you refused to talk to me the whole time.“
You interrupted him.
„I-I... I can't deny that happened.“
Now he tried to look away.
„But I can assure you that this didn't happen because I'm still in love with her or something. I was shocked. I was shocked because Shigaraki said that she probably jumped off of that building and ever since I got to know her she never seemed to be struggling with her mental health. It simply doesn't go together with the Yuriko I knew. And I was also shocked because she died so suddenly.“
Dabi took a break in talking.
„Even though I ended things with her and am way better now I can't help it that my feelings are kinda... Mixed up because of that. I've spent a lot of time with her and simply didn't expect it but that shouldn't mean I value you any less than I did before. You're my darling after all and that won't change because of something like that.“
He stroked your hair at the back and now pulled you into his chest.
You felt your whole body relax as you breathed in his scent.
„Now let's get that hair dye and your poky sticks and we'll be fine.“
He grabbed one box from the shelves and you continued your shopping spree.

On the way back home you felt way better than before. Getting things clear with Dabi solved at least most of your problems.
„Here, take one.“
He shoved another poky stick down your throat.
You mumbled trying not to choke.
Before you reached the next crosswalk multiple people came running in your direction.
„What the-"
You tried to look out for whatever made them run away.
You couldn't see anything.
Then you saw a car flying and crashing down on its roof.
„Huh what-"
You took a step back.
A villain was just a corner away from you.
Not a professional tho.
Just some trouble maker, that's all.
„We should go. It won't take long until some heroes show up and if they recognize us we're done."
Dabi was about to grab your arm and pull you away when you saw a man crossing a road on the other side.
Another car came flying right towards him.
You dropped your bags and sprinted in his direction.
Seconds before the car could've hit him you were able to punch it away with a shock wave.
He looked at you and you looked at him.
„Y/n? Is that you?“
He asked a little confused.
You greeted him with his name trying to catch a breath.
„You just saved my life.“
He looked down at himself as if he could not believe that he was still around.
You nodded.
„How come you're faster than the heroes?“
„Was just around.. Not a big deal..“
„Hah,not exactly what I would call it but if you think so... By the way, did you ever think of becoming a hero? Your quirk is perfectly suited for the profession trust me."
You looked away.
„Sorry... But I don't think I'm exactly cut out for that... I've done some shit that you probably wouldn't exactly expect from a hero... All in all I wouldn't call myself really heroic."
It was obvious that he wasn't sure what you meant by that but he also didn't bother to question your decision.
„I'm also sorry about what happened to your sister.“
You added after a short break.
„Oh. You've probably seen it on the news, right? Yea yea... It's a sad story.“
He looked to the side.
„But you know what?“
He suddenly lowered his tone.
„I don't believe in it."
„I don't believe in what they said on TV. I believe she was killed."
You froze up.
„W-why would you think that?"
„Because I know her. Yuriko was my sister goddammit! She would've never done that by herself!“
Yoshino got visibly emotional over it.
„And I've also been there a few weeks ago. You might think that all of this was nothing but an abandoned building district right? But it was intact when I was there for the company. But you could clearly see in the pictures that they took that multiple areas were completely destroyed. That can't just happen on its own. Somebody was there with her and whoever it was killed her.“
„I uhm... I... Do you really think so?“
He nodded.
„And whoever it was, I swear I will find that person and I will take action so they get what they deserve. I promise."
A shiver went through your body.
Was he really serious about this?
„I- I feel like I should go... Dabi is waiting for me and.... And I... Uhm..“
„You okay? Looks like you're sweating.“
Yoshino pulled up an eyebrow.
„Me? Naah I'm totally good just a little stressed that's all.“
You let out a nervous chuckle.
He asked again.
„You don't got anything to do with that do you?"
You shifted one foot backwards.
„Do you?"
The color vanished from his face.
Then he seemed to connect the dots.
„Y/n... You killed my sister...“
He choked out.
You couldn't answer.
„I- I will have to turn you in."
He sounded like he couldn't believe it himself.
„How could you do this to me?!"
He had a certain look on his face that made it seem like he was about to go insane.
„I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you Yoshino!"
You yelped.
„You didn't?! How could you possibly think that killing my sister wouldn't hurt me?!"
He yelled and grabbed his head from both sides and dropped down on his knees.
„I-I tried to get justice! That doesn't have anything to do with you!“
You felt how tears began rising in your eyes.
That was the moment you realized that he would never forgive you for what you've done and that nothing would be as it was anymore.
„I'm sorry-“
You choked out once again.
Yoshino looked up to you.
„I swore that I'm gonna serve the person on a silver tray who did this to my sister and nothing is gonna change about that... Not even now that I know who was it...“
You took a few steps back and choked down some more tears.
It was time to leave and it was obvious to you so you turned around and ran out of the alleyway as fast as you could.
Dabi was hiding in a corner and grabbed your arm running by.
He wanted to say something but then realized how you were crying.
„Y/n? What happened?"
He started walking you down a street in the direction of the hideout.
You thought about what you should say.
Should you hold it all in?
Or should you let it all out?
You dropped your grocery bag and stopped walking.
„I'm a horrible person!“
You yelled in his face.
„Yoshino hates me! And the most painful thing is that he is right hating me!"
Dabi had a concerned look on his face and held onto both of your shoulders.
„Because it was me! I am the person all of you should hate because I killed Yuriko! Yes now you know! It was me, I did that!“
His grip loosened and he just stared at you with widely opened eyes.
You knew that he had troubles believing you.
„H-how could you do this? We're you really that jealous?“
He asked.
„Jealous? Jealous? This is not about jealousy Dabi!"
More tears streamed down your face.
„C'mon we all know you hated her. Don't try to play that off. I get why you didn't like her but did she really have to die? Couldn't you just dealt with it in a different way?"
Did he even realize what he sounded like??
„If I wouldn't have ended her she would've killed me! This was not about jealousy! This was about me getting attacked by her and fighting for my goddamn life!"
„Oh really? How could a quirkless girl possibly have the power to threaten you?"
Dabi was visibly mad.
„She was not quirkless! She wasn't! I don't know why she always hid it but she had a really powerful and dangerous quirk! I almost got fried that night and all you seem to care about is a bitch being dead? It sounds like you're still on her side even after she left your life!"
Both of stared at each other.
„I'm not but I just don't know how to feel about the fact that you-"
„Stop it Dabi! Just stop talking! I know what you were about to say and I don't want to hear it! You don't even listen to me! All that you pay attention to is the fact that I am the one who caused her death but you look away as soon as I try to make it clear to you that I was fighting for my life out there!"
„You're selfish y/n. Stop making up stuff to excuse yourself.“
He had a dissapointed but still angry expression on his face.
That was the moment when you quit the conversation and just stormed off.

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