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A soft breeze moved your hair around as you looked up into the night sky.
The stars were shining brightly over your head and the smoke of Dabis cigarette surrounded you.
„I had an amazing night, thank you for everything.“
You said and looked up I to the sky.
Dabi let out a small chuckle.
„No need to thank me y/n. I had a great time as well.“
He looked at you and you felt the sudden urge to be close to him.
But you knew that it wasn't really possible.
„Hey y/n? You good? You look like you're thinking about something.“
He noticed.
You decide to follow your urges and hugged him.
First he was surprised but then he wrapped one arm around you as well and held you tightly pressed against his chest.
His shirt smelled like ash, smoke and sweat but you didn't mind. Actually you took a deep breath in and relaxed.
The smell was some kind of soothing to you.
Dabis hand drew small circles on your back and it made you calm down even more.
After a while, you felt yourself drifting off into a calm black nothingness.

You opened your eyes and realized you were in your own room.
You turned around and pulled the blanket over your head again, but then someone knocked at the door and it flew open a second later.
„Good morning y/n-Chan!“
Toga squealed and you tried to turn around again.
„What do you think of breakfast in bed? “
She asked and you saw that she was holding two bowls of cereal.
„I actually really like it.“
You mumbled while rubbing your eyes.
Toga sat down on your bed and gave you one of the bowls.
„Here, take it.“
After a couple minutes of eating in silence she asked
„Why aren't Dabi and you together yet?“
You almost choked on your cereal.
„I mean... You already do all the couple stuff together, so why aren't you dating yet?“
She tapped her spoon against her lips while thinking.
„Couple stuff? What exactly do you mean? “
You were able to press out.
„I'm taking about him giving you snacks all the time, you sleeping over at his room, you two sneaking out at night and let's not forget your little cuddle session on the roof this night.“
„Wait. How the fuck do you know about that?“
„Oh c'mon... You don't have to play all secret and all of that shit, you know? Besides, you're not the only person who's awake at night.“
She responded with a toothy grin.
„But after what I've seen, you were definitely not awake my dear y/n-Chan.“
Toga put a judging look, but failed a few seconds after.
She straight up burst out laughing.
„Yea yea, I probably fell asleep but who are you to judge? I had a long day, alright? It was all very exhausting.“
You tried to get yourself out of this.
Toga let out a chuckle.
„But you did enjoy it tho, right?“
„Enjoy what?“
„Having your face in Dabis tiddies?“
You blushed.
„You did.“
Toga smirked at you.
„Enough of that!"
She started laughing again.
„Look at you y/n-Chan! You have such a big crush on him, it's almost insane!“
„Don't act like you're any better! You have a whole collection of photos glued to your walls! You would spend every minute of your life time spying into his room if Shigaraki allowed you to go this near to UA.“
You hissed.
„And you wouldn't if you got the chance to?“
She asked, blushes appearing under her eyes.
„No! Of course not! I'm not a fucking stalker!“
„But you walked in on him showering.“
„To All Might, that was still in the old hideout! The bathroom lock was literally nonexistent and at some point there wasn't even a door left because Dabi himself burnt it! So how could this possibly be my fault?!“
You took a couple deep breaths to calm down.
„You see? I'm totally innocent.“
„Yea yea, whatever y/n-Chan, but you can't fool me.“
She just wouldn't get it.
„By the way, Twice and I were planning a little something and we would like you to come.“
Toga swirled her spoon through her cereal.
„What is it?“
„A little skin care night. We were joking about how wrecked Shiggys face looks and then we came up with this little idea. Soooo... You wanna come?“
You nodded.
„Sounds great, when exactly?“
„Tomorrow night. It's gonna be lit, I promise! “
Toga squeaked and put her bowl down on the night stand.
You smiled.
'Well, skin care night with Toga and Twice does not sound to bad, besides maybe it's also helps me to relax a bit. It also made her change the topic, so I'm definitely glad she mentioned it.'
You put your bowl next to Togas and leaned back.
„But because of Dabi-“
' God please, not that again! '
She probably noticed your annoyed face.
„Alright alright, I will stop, it's not such a big deal anyways, right?“
Before you could answer she started muttering again.
„Well actually it's a really big deal, so I shouldn't stop asking you about it. But on the other hand you seem to be really annoyed. But as if I would've ever cared about that! You know what y/n-Chan?“
She asked.
You pulled up an eyebrow as response.
„All we gotta do is just get rid of Yuriko! Then you can finally ask him out and everything will be fine. You'll get in a relationship, probably fuck around a lot at first but you'll become more responsible with the time... I think... And then he'll always leave you gifts at the door and bring you your favorite snack. You'll have a family and you might move away from the league after you had kids. Well, actually.. Please don't move away from the league even if you have kids, I'm gonna miss you. And all in all, you'll have a super happy life until the day you die.“
And suddenly the words stopped flowing out of her mouth.
„Wow wow wow Toga! No one was thinking about having kids or shit, how did you even come up with all of that?“
You asked, wondering how she could make up all these explicit details about your life but in response, she just put a finger on her lips and gave you a wink.

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