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„Oh fuck.“
You groaned.
You had a massive headache and at first you didn't recognize your surroundings. But after a few seconds you realized that you were in your room.
But how did you even get here? Fuck, you didn't remember shit.
You were at a party at Yurikos place and met this nice guy and you drank something with him.
Probably that was it. You lifted yourself up and looked across the room to see yourself in the mirror.
You still had your party dress on, but your shoes were laying on the floor in front of your bed.
Somebody took them off of you and honestly, you were glad that they didn't take off anything else.
But who got you back home?
You left your room to go to the kitchen. Dabi was in there preparing some coffee.
„Good morning.“
You yawned.
He turned around and grabbed onto a spot on his neck.
„Oh hey y/n.“
He said, slightly stuttering.
It was like he was nervous because of something.
„You good? Why you covering your neck? Did you have fun yesterday and don't want to be judged?“
You chuckled, rubbing your temporals.
He shook his head and moved his hand away.
Turns out he was covering a bite mark.
„Well, who gave that to you? “
You giggled when you sat down.
Dabi pressed his lips together and didn't answer.
„I bet it was Yuriko! She looks like that kind of reckless person who just walks around and bites people.“
You said, almost laughing.
„Yea Yea, definitely. Besides, I made you a coffee.“
He said to obviously change the topic.
He placed a huge glass of iced coffee in front of you.
„Wow thank you.“
You responded with sparkles in your eyes.
„I know how much like this crap and after you had this tough morning, I thought I could make you some.“
He said and sat down at the table as well.
You gave him a smile before you started drinking your coffee.
Not gonna lie, you didn't think that Dabi could be that thoughtful. But him making you coffee truly made you melt at some point.
„So... How was the party for you?“
You asked while sipping on coffee.
„Why do you bother?“
He asked.
„I just wanted to know if you were having a good time?“
You responded.
„Well, Yuriko was with me most of the time and honestly... The party wasn't that bad after all.“
He said.
„You also seemed to have your fun. “
He chuckled.
„W-what do you mean by that?“
You asked kinda scared.
„Well, you were with this one guy, Yoshino I guess, he's Yurikos brother. You drank with him and then he brought you to his room, because you couldn't walk straight anymore. I picked you up from there and brought you home.“
„Oh,so that was you then. Well also thanks for that.“
You responded with a smirk.
„No problem. I didn't want to spend the night there and I also didn't want to leave you alone.“
He said and took a big gulp of the coffee.
And once again, his thoughtfulness surprised you.
And he also had you smiling once again.

After you finished having breakfast together, you got back to your room to hopefully get rid of your headache.
But Toga was already sitting on your bed and only  waited for you to open the door.
„Hey y/n-chan! How are you doing? You got pretty wasted last night.“
She squealed and patted the place next to her as a sign for you to sit down.
„I'm okay, Dabi also told me about some things that happened.“
You said while sitting down.
„Oh really? Like how hard you bit his neck for example?“
„W-what?! I was the one who gave him that mark?! I thought it was Yuriko!“
You gasped while covering your face.
„B-but how? “
You whined.
Toga began explaining everything to you.
„He carried you back to the car when we wanted to leave and you always tried to throw yourself off of his shoulder and then you bit him.“
„Just like that?“
„Yup, just like that.“
Toga nodded.
'What the hell? Why did I do that? And why can't I fucking remember it?'
You cussed in your mind.
„Anyways, the party was cool, but the guy I talked to is never going to be as cute as Izuku-kun!“
Toga got you back to reality.
You just kept nodding, while she talked.

' I bit Dabi. I bit Dabis neck. Why did I do this?'
You were laying down in your bed and overthought everything over and over again.
You couldn't believe that you really did this, but the mark on his neck was the prove.
After some time, you finally fell asleep.

You were standing on the roof. Stars sparkled in the night sky and a smooth breeze moved your hair.
Suddenly you felt how someone wrapped their arms around you and pulled you close.
You felt their breath on your neck, then brushing against your collarbones.
„What are you doing out here, it's late.“
A familiar voice said.
„I don't know... I couldn't sleep I guess.“
You responded leaning against him.
Dabi pulled you down with him and now you sat on the ground, looking up.
Suddenly you felt how his teeth sank into your neck.
„W-what the-“
A shiver went through your body.
„Just some payback.“
He whispered with a smirk.
You softly rubbed over the aching spot and looked up to Dabi who was smirking at you.
„Come on, you bit me way harder than that~“

Hey everyone, here is the new chapter, I know I posted that I wanted to give weekly updates, but I got bored because I hate waiting and now I will just give you updates when I want, hopefully at least once a week
Author-Chan ~

Oh well and I also wanted to thank every single person, who voted for the chapters, that really means a lot to me and I am happy to see that some people like this book <3

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