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„Come on, you bit me way harder than that.“
You heard him say and suddenly you felt his lips against the spot on your neck again.
First his lips and then the teeth again.

You gasped and looked around, heavily breathing. You sat up straight in your bed and pressed one hand on your chest to calm down.
Moonlight was shimmering through the window of your room and slightly touched your face.
Scared you grabbed onto the spot on your neck. It was untouched.
'It was just a dream, calm down.'
You told yourself and laid back down in the sheets.

Time skipppp

You just sat there, trying to focus on eating your cereal. Toga was right in front of you, bashing about how she heard of a thing called 'reality shifting' and how she wanted to learn it, so she could be with Izuku at least in one way.
You just kept thinking about if you should tell her about your questionable Dabi dream from this night. But you eventually came to the conclusion, that it would be best to keep it to yourself at first.
Then suddenly Dabi entered the room.
You tried your best to act normal, not blush by the thought of your dream and not focus on the bite mark to much.
„Morning everyone.“
He mumbled and poured himself a cup of coffee like every morning.
You just gave him a quick nod in his direction.
„I'm gonna work out after breakfast, y/n, wanna join me?“
He asked and sat down next to you.
„Great idea! I also want to stay in shape!“
You agreed and BOOM!
it was one of those moments, where your mouth did all the talking without your brain functioning. And you still hated it.
Dabi gave you a short smile.
„Great. We didn't work out together ever since you got these bad injuries and we moved into the new hideout. “
He said and you nodded in agreement.
„So don't you dare and expect me to be as good as usual.“
You chuckled.

Time skipp

Sweat was dropping down your forehead and your clothes felt disgustingly sticky on your skin.
You took a few steps forward and slammed yourself into Dabi, taking you both to the ground.
You had your elbow poked into his guts and held him down to the ground.
„Good one y/n.“
He coughed and then you decided to stop at this point and just let yourself fall back.
Now you two were laying next to each other in the dust, heavily breathing and looking up to the sky.
„Good one y/n.“
Dabi repeated himself.
„Thanks, I did better than I expected.“
He let out a chuckle.
You already forgot about how awkward your dream had made you feel this morning, everything was okay by now. You were just focused on the four hours of hard combat training and working out with Dabi.
„You smell.“
He said after turning around to you.
„If I smell, than the liquids coming out of your body right now are enough to release the next plague!“
You fought back.
Turns out to be not a very good idea. Dabi rolled over to your side and pulled his coat off to cover your face with it.
„It stinks!“
You whined while Dabi pressed the air out of your lungs by laying on top of you.
„You really gotta wash it.“
You tried to push him off of you and get the smelly piece of clothing out of your face at the same time.
Dabi couldn't hold it back anymore and started laughing, while you were struggling to breath properly.
„Get down you piece of shit.“
You huffed.
„Hell no, I finally got you where I wanted you the whole time.“
He responded with an evil grin.
„Not fair!“
You finally managed to get the coat out of your face, now you were able to see how you and Dabi were tangled up in each other.
„You serious? This is how you want to beat me?“
You tried to free yourself but your attempt wasn't successful at all.
„Is this what you guys call combat training?“
Someone asked from behind.
Dabi turned around to see, that Shigaraki had come across the new training grounds.
„Got her in the end, you can declare me the winner.“
Dabi said and got up.
„I will not declare anyone anything today, understood? Besides, I would appreciate if you'd take this seriously and if you really feel the need to hold a cuddle session with any member of the league, get a room.“
He said, glaring at Dabi.
„Wait, no! It wasn't like that! I just tried to get her unconscious by taking her breath with the help of my sweaty coat and body weight.“
He tried to explain.
„Also Details I never asked for moron!“
Shigaraki hissed and uncomfortably scratched the back of his neck.
„Let's just call it a day.“
You interrupted them.
„I wanted to go and take shower now anyways.“
You gave them both a smile and pressed Dabis coat against his chest until he took it in his hands. Then you started running back to the quarters.

You stepped in the hallway with a towel tied around your head to keep your wet hair up.
This was  likely to be the most relaxing shower you had in weeks, which was probably related to the intact lock of the bathroom door.
You sighted in relief while walking to your dorm.
When you almost reached the doorframe of your room, Toga came jumping around a corner.
„Hey y/n-chan! Today's game night at Twices room, you gonna come? We're gonna eat snacks, play video games and just hang out!“
She explained.
„This sounds amazing, besides, I've never played a video game in my whole life, that could be exciting.“
You mumbled like you were still thinking about joining them.
„Only one more reason for you to come!“
She squealed.
„Right, don't worry, I'll be there.“
You said with a smile on your face.
„But before we do that, I'd like to go change into something more comfortable."
She nodded full of energy and you entered your room.

That was it for today! Y/n's little dream was heaven for everyone with a biting kink, right? OK, I should stop.
But I ain't wrong tho!
See ya in the next chapter ~


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