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You were laying on a bed, your face turned downwards.
You were half asleep when you felt someones breath against your neck.
Your eyes opened up and you tried to turn around.
You looked up to the ceiling where a half tattered band poster was dangling over your head.
You recognized Dabis room immediately.
'How.. The fuck did I get here?'
You were still wearing the dress Toga gave to you for going out.
Dabi was still sleeping but he somehow managed to place himself up on you so all the air was squeezed outside your lungs.
Suddenly it hit you like a lightning strike.
' What on earth happened?!'
You looked back at Dabi and panicked.
„Don't move around so much, you're disturbing my sleep.“
He mumbled to try to shut you up.
„Dabi, what - what...“
You shook his shoulder to wake him up.
„Are you okay baby?“
He asked and and looked up to you.  You gasped for air and he immediately knew what you meant.
„Don't worry, I didn't sleep with you but I just couldn't let you go for the rest of the night.“
He got down from you but immediately pulled you into his arms again.
„Come on, don't act like you never hooked up with someone. And you also didn't seem to not like it.“
He interrupted you.
You heavily blushed and hid your face behind your hands.
Dabi softly put his hands around your wrists and pulled them down.
„Don't be so shy darling, see? Nothing to be ashamed of.“
He spoke still in his morning voice.
His face got closer to yours and his breath brushed against your lips.
Your heart was racing and you were trying to not blush but your face only got hotter.
„Don't be ashamed.“
He repeated himself.
His forehead was pressed against yours and he pushed you down to the mattress again.
He held you close to his chest and ran his fingers through your hair.
„You still smell like alcohol.“
He mumbled.
„My head hurts.“
You mumbled back.
„No wonder, you slurped up all that shit in no time.“
Dabis other hand traveled down your body and stopped on your lower back.
„You can spend the day at my room.“
„No, please stay, stay with me darling.“
You heard him say.
You leaned more into his chest and smelled his scent.
„I'll stay.“
You mumbled.
Dabi still traced along your back and through your hair and you just enjoyed being close to him.
'But what about Yuriko? Did he actually break up with her now?'
Then he pressed a slight kiss on your forehead before you drifted off into a peaceful, comfortable sleep.
When you woke up again, Dabi was still laying in bed with you.
His arms were wrapped around your waist and his face rested on your collar bone, near your chest.
You were still utterly fucking tired and the hangover was really kicking your ass, but at least Dabi was spending time with you. To be honest, you still couldn't believe what happened.
First that you apparently hooked up with him in the club and that you also slept over at his room and just the fact that you were being so fucking close to him all the time and that he seemed to actually crave your touch... Scrumptioulicious..
You never wanted to let go of that closeness ever again.
'Well I guess I do still like him... Definitely can't deny that...'
You softly traced through his dark hair.
He mumbled and slowly opened his eyes.
Your gaze met his.
„You wanna get breakfast? I can make you your favorite iced coffee.“
He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear to get it out of your face.
„Not now but I want someone water.“
You mumbled back at him.
„Don't worry, I'll get it for you.“
He removed his hands from you and got up.
You immediately felt how much you craved his touch the second he let go of you.
After a few minutes he came back with a big glass of water.
„Here, I also got some ibuprofen tabletts for you. Drink it all up and you headache will go away in no time.“
He popped out a pill for you and watched you closely while you drank the water.
You gave the glass back to him.
„So you wanna stay in bed all day?“
Dabi asked with a smirk.
You slightly nodded.
„Well I don't have a problem with that.“
He got down and pulled you on top of him.
„Wanna stay like that?“
He nearly whispered into your ear what gave you intense goosebumps and blush on your face.
„I already know you like it.“
He said with a smirk and kissed your cheek.
Then he began to go down your neck.
A shiver went through your body when you felt his lips hit your collar bone.
You slightly leaned your head back and Dabi continued to suck your neck.
After he left a mark on there he looked back up to your eyes.
„Y/n, I know it's probably weird to ask such a thing right now but... Would you want to be my darling?“
Your eyes widened a bit in disbelief.
He then touched the spot on your neck and said
„I already marked you as mine, I only want to have your full consent to take this along.“
There was this short little moment until you asked
„But what about Yuriko?“
Dabi let out a chuckle.
„Didn't you witness how I kicked her out? I could swear you were right there...“
There was a moment of silence.
„So will you officially be my darling or just come over to make out every now and then?“
You hesitated a sec just because you still couldn't believe your own eyes, but then you nodded and a huge grin appeared on Dabis face before he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close into his chest.
You still felt numb but couldn't tell if it was the hangover or Dabi suddenly making moves on you. He was actually more than just making moves on you, let's be honest, he just straight up asked you to be his girlfriend and you even agreed to it.
You were completely over the moon.
You touched your neck in disbelief over and over again, you looked back at Dabi who just wasn't willing to take his hands off of you. You were able to smell his scent because you were so close to him and it just gave you that beautiful pink glitter sick feeling in your stomach.
You enjoyed every single part of it.

So that's it for today!
Hope y'all are finally satisfied now <3
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