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„Her quirk originated through your shock wave quirk and her fathers wind quirk. All in all, it's a very impressive, but not quite accurate combination of both of your quirks. With this ability, she'll surely have a bright future as a hero. "
The doctor continued to talk.
„We're not interested in that kind of nonsense."
„Pardon me, that's very unusual. Most parents are very relieved to hear such a thing, because they want their children to have a glorious future as heroes some day."
The man was clearly confused.
„Just because it's unusual, doesn't mean that I am supposed to think that becoming a hero is necessary for my child. Get up y/n, we're leaving. "
You let yourself slide down from the chair and followed your mother, who eventually grabbed your arm, to drag you after her.
„Don't you want to make another check up appointment? "
He asked.
„That's unnecessary. We're done here."
Your mother answered.
After you left the building, a black limousine already waited outside.
„Mommy? What are heros? "
You asked, being confused from what the doctor said.
„You don't need to know about this. Being a hero is totally unnecessary for you and your success in life. I've already planned everything out. I also never want to hear about it again. "
She scoffed, letting go of your arm.
„Now get in the car an be quiet."
After you arrived back at you mansion, you opened the car door to get out.
„Good evening Misses l/n! "
A woman on the sidewalk said. You knew that she also lived on the block, so she was your neighbor or something.
„It's Miss."
Your mother responded, without even looking at her.
„Oh- I'm sorry... Actually, I was wondering if you and your daughter would like to come over for dinner tonight. You see, I also have a daughter her age and I thought they would maybe get along pretty well."
She said with a bright smile on her face.
„I'm sorry to decline your invitation, but we're already busy tonight."
Your mother already wanted to leave, when the other woman said
„Then maybe another time? I'm sure our kids would be great friends."
„Listen, I don't know who you are and I can assure you that I don't need any advice on how to parent my child. Also, y/n does not need any friends. It's distracting and a waste of time. Good evening."
Then she grabbed your arm again and walked towards the door of the big black and white mansion.
„Mommy, why were you so mean? I would like to have a friend. "
She turned around, glaring at you.
„Didn't you hear me? I already said, having friends is a total waste of time and won't get you anywhere in life."
She opened the front door with a key card.
„But what if I want to have some fun?"
„Life isn't about having fun! It doesn't fit your schedule."
She paused and turned around.
„Do you think, bringing you to life was fun? I assure you, it wasn't. Now get down to the basement, you still have late night training. "

You jumped over some bushes blocking your way.
'Goddammit! All I wanted to be was a fucking hero. What a pathetic wish. This was probably the only thing my mother was right about. Being a hero is unnecessary as fuck!'
You clenched your teeth.
Surprisingly, you ran into two students.
„W-where the hell did you come from? "
The boy stuttered.
„The only thing I wanna know is, where that Bakugou kid is at, understood?"
You scoffed, unimpressed by your opponents.
„We- we don't know! "
The girl responded, fear sparking in her eyes.
„Wrong answer."
You huffed.
Lightnings started zizzeling down your arms, balls of electricity forming in your hands.
„I'm going to ask you this crap one more time."
You tilted your head slightly downwards and held your eyes closed, feeling the full power of your quirk flowing through your body.
Then you opened them as you proceeded to speak.
„Where is Bakugou?"
Your voice seemed a lot calmer, but that only made it more serious and intimating.
„Run! "
The boy pushed his friend in the bushes next to them, then trying to run away himself.
He wasn't fast enough.
Only a few steps after he started sprinting, you zapped him with full energy.
He immediately collapsed to the ground.
You heard the other one squeak.
You quickly turned around and started chasing after her.
You followed the sound of feet making forst ground crack and the clear smell of fear.
Chasing her wasn't hard, since she made so many mistakes, just by being scared.
You followed her, until you suddenly lost track.
'What the heck? Where is that little brat?'
You looked around carefully.
A few meters away from you was a huge mud pit.
Could it be? She was probably hiding in there.
But after all, she wasn't important enough for you to take a dive into that thing.
So you just decided to turn around and keep looking for other targets.

Blood Streams / Dabi x Reader Where stories live. Discover now