Part 30

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Hi guys!

I am so caught up in this story that I upload chapter after chapter without a proper edit.

I will edit the whole story after I will end it.

Please be patient.



"What's the plan boss?" Haker sat on the opposite side of the table clicking his fingers on the glass.

"First of I need to speak to my father. I need to be sure he is conscious and ask him some questions. Keep tracking Emily's bracelet and keep the men on alarm in case we need to move" I gritted my teeth thinking how scared Emily might be now.

After we came back from the mall our mansion was ruined. They attacked us while we were saving our women. It was a nice trick but they forgot that we were Campanos. We had a specialized bunker that lead from the mansion. Everybody made it in good health but with some minor scratching.

But my father. He took the attack under his supervision and got shot. Twice.

My dear sister Rose and her mother never came back from the mall. So as the men that were guarding them.

At least now everybody knew who helped the Rosso's in the attack.

It was all planned. Our sources found out that she was befriending Rosso's family for a while now. So there was no question who did it. The only question was when could I kill her with my bare hands.

It's been two days since the attack and we were still tracking Emily down. Her bracelet helped us to locate her but the target was constantly moving from one side of Italy to another. We weren't even sure if she still had the bracelet on. So we decided to locate some men on each side but we had to wait before attacking. Otherwise, we could have lost her.

I entered the room where my father was lying with lots of tubes attached to his body. The beeping sound of the machines echoed in the quiet room.

I sat near his bed and looked at his rough features. All his life he dedicated himself to our family sacrificing his own happiness. Despite our conflict, I really admired the old man. I never had it in me. To put my life for the family. I was a true egoist to run away just to feel free and build my own life without any duties.

I lowered my head sighing loudly.

Maybe it was a bad choice to leave this place. To leave my family. This would never happen if I was here. Emily would have lived a happy life. And now she is God knows where, she might be injured or worse.

I cringed my face imagining what could she be reliving now. And it was all my fault.

"Don't blame yourself son" my father's weak voice resonated in the room.

I looked up seeing him try to reach my hand. I took his hand in mine and looked into his eyes.

"I know you blame yourself for what happened but it's not your fault. I should have never marry again. I never loved Angela but it was unacceptable to rule without a wife. I was so engrossed in business that I didn't see the betrayal in my own daughter." he squeezed my hand lightly and looked up. "It was me who commanded to take Emily out of Italy. But all I wanted is to move her somewhere in Europe with a good start and a nice piece of capital. But Rosa jumped ahead of me in this."

I stood from the chair making it fall. I clenched my fists and tried to take control of my anger.

"You...I tried to kidnap her?" I leaned closer to his face seeking some regret in his eyes.

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