Part 42

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"No!" Emily screamed with horror on her face. "No way! I am not doing this!" she waved her hands and stormed out of the room.

I was on cloud nine but my sweet little Princess didn't take the news as good.

I exited the building and saw her sitting on a bench. She was playing with her fingers nervously and tapping her foot like crazy.

Last week was like a nightmare for me. All the news came crushing on me like a brick wall. My sweet Princess was actually the bloodline of the biggest Mafia family in Russia. That was not exactly the thing you wanted to hear. Every day I was arguing with Roman. That fucker wanted to take her "home". Running all my life from that kind of living and ending up in Russian Roulette wasn't my dream at all. We came to a decision only when Emily got pissed and told Roman that she won't go there and would remain lost and dead to their world. She didn't want any connection except to her brother.
I too had to sort all my mess to become free again so I called the only man I trusted. Salvatore understood my position to stay dead and to live a peaceful life away from our family. He arranged some accounts for me and was happy to take my invitation for a visit.

Emily was finally at ease knowing we could live a normal life without any drama and raise our small family wherever we wanted to.

I plopped near her on the bench and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Don't you touch me! It's all your fault!" she snapped at me. Ahhh, the feisty Emily I loved so much. It was so hard for me to not smile but I knew better. Her hormones were making her crazy and it was deadly dangerous to smile at her right now.

"Love, it's going to be okay," I reassured her.

"How?" she stood up crossing her hands on her chest. "You!" she pointed her finger at me. "I should kill you for that!" oh how I loved when she was angry.

I stood up caging her in my arms and kissed the top of her head.

"You know I love you, right?" I trailed my lips to her ear and felt her shudder. The only good thing about her hormones was that she was very horny lately and that was the only way to control her. "We will make it all work," my hot breath fanned on her neck.

"Tony...Stop," she whined.

"But I'm not doing anything," I left wet kisses on her neck and hugged her tighter. If it wasn't for an open space on the street I would take her here not caring for the daylight. "Let's go. I have a surprise for you." I finally got to her lips and kissed her hard not living space for an argument.

"I am still pissed," she narrowed her eyes sitting in the car.

We were driving down the road that overlooked the sea and I couldn't take my eyes off of Emily looking like a little child and admiring the view.

"Maybe we should stay and live here. It's so beautiful," she said excitedly.

"Maybe we should," I answered calmly.

We drove for another 20 minutes from Athens and entered the region with small white villas around. After two turns I stopped at the spacious white-brick house and exited the car.

"Why are we here?" Emily asked while I helped her out of the car.

"You'll see."

Her eyes sparkled seeing the see right behind the house. I took her hand and led her to the back lawn.

"Surprise!" everybody shouted in unison startling Emily.

Roman told me it was her birthday and the fact that Emily didn't want to celebrate it made me sad. I called everyone and arranged for them to come over.

Luca, Salvatore, Nancy with Tomas, Haker, and even her old friend Jess were now hugging her and greeting her. And of course Roman.

"Oh my God! I didn't expect this!' she looked back at me with teary eyes.

"Happy birthday love," I mouthed with my lips because now she was too far in other people's hugs to hear me.

The lawn was decorated with flowers and balloons. There were buffet tables and some chairs and of course I arranged some music.

"So, who are we waiting here?" her friend Jess asked putting her hand on Emily's belly.

I froze on the spot thinking of the outburst that Emily could make right now.

"This one," she pointed her finger at me. "Managed to put two fetuses inside my womb!" she spat angrily.

This time I couldn't hide my smile. I was so damn happy.

"Hey, I just wanted two more Princesses in my life," I winked at Emily.

"That's my bro!" Luca patted my shoulder making Emily narrow her eyes at me.

"So when do you guys move in?" Jess asked and I felt irritated, she continued to ruin my day apparently.

I was going to surprise Emily later about my purchase but now I had to bear the consequences.

"You bought this house?" she asked moving closer to me and looking around.

"Yes, Princess. You said you would like to live here so why not." I reasoned my words.

Her eyes were watery again and in a second she crushed her lips on mine in a heated kiss.

"Okay, get a room you two!" Haker's voice resonated somewhere from the buffet.

"We don't need a room, we have a whole house for us now," I answered looking at happy Emily.

After a long day of chatting, playing games, and dancing we were finally left alone.

"I've got some clothes for us so we don't need to go back to Roman's," I said hugging Emily from behind.

She was standing at the cliff that went down to the shore and was looking at the stars.

"Do you think this is our happy ending?" she asked leaning her head on my shoulder.

"No. I think it's just the begging of our long journey. There will be so much to our life. Rising two girls won't be easy. I have no idea how I am going to let them go to parties or dates. And I still want a boy you know," I kissed her temple.

She giggled and turned around cupping my face in her small hands.

"But no matter what, we will always be together," she whispered near my lips.

"That we will." I captured her lips in a kiss closing my eyes.

It indeed was just the beginning.

The end


So, my dear readers, this is the end of Tony's story.

And don't forget that I have a story about Emily's previous life, called "Cheating myself". It's not a must-read but it will tell you more about her and their history with Tony.

I hope you enjoyed it! Want some bonus chapters?

I am thinking of adding a new story about Roman Volkov but I am not quite sure. Please let me know your thoughts about it.

Please leave your feedback in the comment section. It really helps me to go on.

Lots of love, author!

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