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Spencer was the first one to find out about all of this. It's pretty obvious he would, but I can trust him with anything. I trust him more than most people.

"That's  kind of strange, Serena. I've never heard of anything like that  happening before," he says, concentrating on the road ahead of him,  "maybe Mom will know more than that," he looks at me for a split second,  then back at the road, "since she's older, wiser, and is more  well-known on the subject."

I ponder this for a moment. "I suppose. I do want to tell her about it all, but I'd have to start from the beginning."
"You haven't told her anything about Lance?"
"I haven't wanted to." I admit.


"It's not like I'm scared to, because I'm going to have to open up someday, but I feel she'll get kind of worked up about it."

"...Why?" he asks again.
"Because it's just so sudden."

"So was Arlo's death."
Harsh, but true. "I know that."

"Does she know about the guy who texted you about it?"
"Start with that."
"Well, duh," I start as he pulls into the school parking lot, "it'd be the only way to start from the beginning."

He  parks and opens his door, then grabs his backpack out of the back seat.  I do the same thing, slinging mine over one shoulder. "Besides," I  continue, "she doesn't know what he said."

"Would you avoid telling her about that?"
"Maybe, to keep things from being weird."
He looks at me. "What would make it weird?"
"Oh, I don't know..." I say, kind of rudely, "Maybe because Lance was Arlo's best friend?"

Spencer's hands shoot up in surrender with my tone. "You have a point there. That is kind of strange. Also kind of off-putting."
"Off-putting?" I question him.

"It's just..." he sighs, "it seems like you're cheating on him with his best friend."
He  has a point, and that's why I think everyone else would find it weird.  "I see where you're coming from. But Arlo's no longer with us." I look  at the ground. "So I don't think it really matters now."

"Well, that's what you think."
"Do you think, too, that Arlo would've wanted me to meet Lance? And get along with him?"

"Considering Arlo had Lance text you from his phone, I'd say it's probably likely."

"Yeah, you're right." I look at him. "But I still see no issue with it and going farther if it turns out that way."
"As long as you don't, I'm okay with it."

I smile at him. "Well, thanks." He nods in response as we walk through the front doors of our school.

The day dragged on for what felt like forever. Class after class... after class... after class.

Couldn't the day just end already? I'd like to talk to some people about this whole Lance situation. I've been itching to  tell someone else about it. I exit my sixth hour classroom and shake my  head, trying to get rid of the thoughts in there. Only two... maybe one  hour to go.

Again, another hour that felt like it took forever.

Maybe everything's just going in slow motion and I'm the only one that can sense it.

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