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Nobody helped me. NO BODY. Not a single soul. Not even a fly , let alone these selfish people. No one notices here. All pretends as if I didn't even exist.

Okay if not me. Coudn't people once think about the baby inside me? I think my brain had also became empty with my stomach. My baby bump was not visible currently, then how people are supposed to know I am carrying a baby?

A seven weeks pregnant woman , walking down the cold streets. I was feeling like it's a movie. Could someone even imagine falling into this situation in real life ?

Well in my case , no. A big fat ass NO. I wanted my life to be a fairytale but not a worst part of movie. Truism.

All left me. ALL. All ran away , when I needed them. My own parents disowned me. You must be thinking ,WHY?

Well ,the answer is. I was carrying someone's child. Whose ? I don't know. Why ? Maybe..maybe cause..SIGH. I don't know.

My family asked me to abort this child. And when I denied, they threw me out of their house. And from their lives as well. Well..who knows?

In these few months, I lost everything. I lost my dignity. I lost my loved once. I lost my job. And here I am. Roaming aimlessly across the cold streets, in search of some job,all parched and famished .

I felt like I crashed with someone. "Can't you see ?" a man barked. I held my ear,"I am sorry , sir!" he scoffed and walked away.

I clenched my fist. I am not a woman who apologize so easily but time has made me. In front of this society if you doesn't show yourself a little down ,then they will kick your ass. Moreover,I don't have power to fight with anyone.

I want my baby to be safe and sound.

My gaze fell on a restaurant. It's Christmas time so it was decorated, fabulously.

"Maybe today mumma can help you," I whispered, touching my stomach. I bit my lip before pulling the door. There was a woman in the reception area. I fixed my coat and spoke,"excuse me , please!" She looked up and gave me bored disgusting look. I gulped, awkwardly.

I hated this. I really did. I knew I was not presentable much. Why they need to give me that revolting look?

"How may I help you?" she asked in a different voice. "Hello ! Umm...I am Kaira Aggarwal. Actually, I really need a job. If by any chance, you may help me." I tried to makeup a statement. She thought for a minute then replied,"Wait. Let me check if I can help you !" I smiled.

Thank god! She wasn't behaving as one of those bitches who just spat right on your face.

"The manger wants to meet you. Come I will show you the way." she guided me to a brown wooden door. I knocked and entered when I heard a 'come in'

There was a woman sitting in a leather chair. She pushed her specs up,"take a sit !" she ordered. I obeyed her. She inspected me. "So, why you want this job?"

"So that I can get myself a shelter and three times meals to fill my stomach." I answered. "You don't look like one of those needy people. I mean you seem smart then why you want a job here as a waitress ?" she asked. I sighed. I didn't want to say her everything. So I lied,"It just some financial problem!"

"okay then you may leave now. I will let you know later." she proclaimed as I filled a form. It means no. I was sure I was rejected. Whenever they said me 'I'll let you know later!' it always ended up rejected.

They never called back again. My stomach grumbled loudly. My legs gave up. I dropped myself on a bench beside the road.

I got a sudden urge to throw up. Running to a corner of the street,I puked everything. The smell and taste of vomit didn't left my mouth, making me feel sick.

'I need to have some food or else I'll die.'

I had lost all hopes. I was feeling blank. I was such a pathetic mother. I wanted my soft bed and warm blanket back. The chilling air was freezing my palms and face.

My head spinned.

No Kaira. You can't give up so soon. You have a live inside you ,now. Get up ,go ahead.

I encouraged myself and got up. I stopped near a bar. I idea popped in my mind. It was wrong but no more option left except this. Oh lord! Give me strength this time ,more!

I somehow managed to fool the guards. I really had bad memories with bars. It was dark. Only the colourful lights were falling or bouncing on the floor.

"Hey beautiful lady. What would you like to order?" the bartender questioned. "only water."

"here you go." he slid a glass of water. I swallowed it in one take. My thoat was happy. A hand landed on thigh. I noticed the seat beside me was occupied by a man in his early 20s. "Wanna dance with me?" the creepy unknown man gave me an unpleasant smile.

I nodded,"Sure handsome." he smirked and proceeded to the dance floor with me. His hand explored my back. I shivered with gross. "You soo pretty," he complimented snuggling in me. I carefully searched his wallet. As my hand landed on it at his pants back pocket, I brought and pushed it in my pocket.

I jerked away. "I need to go." I turned around, leaving. "Hey wait. I know you stole my purse." after few seconds, his voice boomed. Everyone's attention was on him while he was running to me. The bar was so big. It was hard for me to reach till the door in a short period of time.

"Give it back to me." he yelled. Suddenly the music of the bar stopped. People were murmuring things.

A huge man appeared from god knows where. He was handsome, though but as well as scary. "Theft , that too in my bar ?!"

~to be continued~


Words : 1032

Published : 1 Jan 2022

Happy new year buddies 🤭

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