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K A I R A 

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“KAI-" her voice became huffing. I frowned. When I got back to her room from her changing room, I saw a person. It was a man. He was hiding his face with a mask and was wearing black pants with white shirt.

I froze on the spot. He hadn't noticed me yet. My breath became uneven as I realised he was covering Sitara's face with a piece of cloth. I gritted my teeth and kicked him hard, knocking him on the floor. He shouted in agony. “GUARDS. JOHN. SAKSHI. GUARDS. GUARDS."
He hurried up and was leaving when I threw a flower vase on him.

Sitara ran into her bathroom. Crying loudly. She must be scared. My eyes started flowing tears. Soon enough everyone came rushing into the room. The guards took the man out holding him by his collar. John and Sakshi ran to me,“oh god..! Are you alright ? Where is TARA ?"

“She is in the b-bathroom." We banged on the bathroom door. “Sitara. Please open the door. Look, I am here."
“Yes,Tara. Come out, Kaira is here." John said. We could hear her sobs. “N-No..b-ba-dm-man." she whimpered. “The guards took the bad man. He will never return. Promise." After trying for a million times then also she didn't come out. “Please don't cry, Kaira. You will become sick so will be the baby." Sakshi said.

“How, Sakshi ? How ? How can I relax? Because of me all this happened. I shouldn't have left her alone." I sniffled. We heard yelling and shouts from downstairs. I stood up, hearing footsteps. I was so scared what would happen when Devansh would hear about it ? He will skin me alive. I started panicking when I saw Devansh flouncing towards us.

His eyes were holding rage. Pure rage. I gulped audibly. I stepped back when he approached me. My heart skipped many beats. He gripped my arm,“Where is Tara?" I felt like my tongue was tied. “I ASKED WHERE IS TARA, YOU BLOODY WOMAN ?" I whimpered loudly.

“D-Dad-dy." We heard the door unlocking. He pushed me aside. I almost stumbled against the wall. I gripped my stomach and glared at him. “Oh my baby, are you alright?" He bowed and took her in his arms. She sniffled in his shirt,“I missed you. T-The b-ba-d man h-huwt m-me." She sobbed.

He turned and glared at me, I did the same. I gritted my teeth. Tears of fury filled in my eyes. “I could not believe even in your presence someone was hurting my child. I knew it, you all women are the same. They just try to be with men for their money. I shouldn't have trusted you." He spat with a disgusting face. “If you hate women this much and could not trust them,why don't you ask your wife, Sitara's mother, to take care of her child ? Or she might have left you. Cause the man care about none could never get love from anyone " I fired out.

He clenched his jaw, a look of hurt flashed but guess what ? I didn't care,“It's none of your business to poke your nose in my personal life. Moreover, I don't have a wife. You better be in your line. And what do you mean by I do not think or care about others ?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“You pushed me. What if I could have gotten hurt ? What if my baby would have gotten hurt, huh ?" Tears flowed from my eyes, I wiped them. My eyes were burning. “You know what ? For your baby only,I trusted you and let you stay here but you. You broke my trust. And please,han..! Stop taking sympathy or pity for your baby. Of course he or she won't like it when they will get to know you used to gain sympathy using them. Who knows that you might have done this just for money ?" I gasped loudly. I sobbed.
“I don't know why I trusted you ?" I looked at him with disbelief.

I closed my door with a boom. I jumped on my bed, I pushed my face in the pillow, trying to hide my sound. Waters from my eyes never came to halt. My heart was clenching. The man for whom I fell. Whom I adored even if he was an asshole. With whom I always felt comfortable and happy, broke me. I never felt this devastated. My head was aching.

I ignored all my names being called and all the knocks. I wasn't in a mood to talk with anyone. I hugged my pillow,“please baby, please never hate mumma. I promise I will give you all the happiness. But please please please.. never hate me. I will die if you do." The baby kicked.

“I am so sorry. You don't deserve to be called a child of whore or slut. I am so sorry, baby." I cried harder.

I was feeling like giving up on my life. But the only thing stopping me was the life inside my womb.

I picked my phone, my finger scrolled but paused in front of an ID, mom. I wanted her, so bad. I wanted to hug her. I wanted to be with her. Unconsciously, I tapped at it. She accepted almost promptly.

“hello..!" Mumma spoke. I paused. “Kaira, what's wrong child ? Don't worry, your father is not home. He won't listen to anything."
“Mumma," I said with a shaky voice.
“Kaira, were you crying my child ?" Her voice was saying everything, my mother was worried for me.
“No mumma, I just woke up from sleep."I lied.
“Don't lie to your mother, child. I miss you so much but I am so helpless."she sniffled.
“Mumma..!" I spoke
but I instantly hung up. I was about to cry again.

I heard voices shouting and screaming, again. I took a deep breath, trying to end my cries but they never did.

After what felt like hours,I was finally calm. I had decided something. I was going to do that.

~to be continued~


Words : 1027
Published : 25 Mar 2022






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