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"How are you feeling today ?" Rishab questioned. I nodded,"I am pretty well.","You are ready for checkup ? You remember I am gonna accompany you, right ?" he playfully said. I smiled,"yeah..!" He pinched my cheek,"You're cute." I chuckled.

Mr. Shekhawat coughed loudly. I noticed him and Sitara glaring at Rishab. Damn, was something wrong ?

"You weaving (*leaving) me ?" Sitara frowned her lips. I took my face near,"No baby, I am not. I will just go for my check-up." I pinched her nose. "Awe (*are) you sick ?"She cupped my cheeks with her mini palms. I took her hands and kissed them,"No but I need to know if the baby is fine or not." Her eyes snapped up at me,"Baby ?" She squealed. "Where ?" She asked.

I pointed to my stomach. "Is that why you are fatty ?" I threw my head back controlling my laugh at her words. "Yup," I whispered.

"Hmm..!" She hummed as if she understood everything clearly. "Can I come ?" She gave her puppy eyes. "No, I am going with Rishab uncle." I ruffled her hair. She rolled her eyes.

I slapped her hand,"Hey, don't be mean. It's bad manners." Her eyes welled up as she rubbed her hand. She sobbed and started crying. "Are you crazy ?" Mr. Shekhawat shouted. I showed my hand,"Don't tell me what to do. She was showing a rude attitude, if you won't teach her at this age then when will you teach ? After she will become like you ? An arrogant person like you ?" His eyes flashed anger.

"You better be in your limits. I know what to teach, whom , how and where?!" I rolled my eyes,"so what ?","You're the worst woman" he yelled. "And you are a dirty pig lying in a drain." I flounced out of the mansion.

My eyes filled with water. I hated my pregnancy hormones. I heard footsteps behind me. I wiped my tears. "You know, you don't have to hide your tears from me. I am your friend now." Rishab said, wiping my cheek.

"May we leave ?" I queried him. "Of course, sweety." I suddenly felt an intense stare at me. I looked around and found Mr. Shekhawat throwing daggers towards us. I smirked. I pushed my arms around his left arm and hugged it. He smiled at me, oh maybe actually smirked.

I heard a loud sound. I noticed his office window was closed now. I huffed and walked near the car with Rishab. He opened the passenger seat door for me unlike Mr. Shekhawat, careless shit. Hmph.

After my check-up, he dropped me back at the mansion. I thanked him and went in. I went inside and found Sitara sitting on the couch. I changed my clothes and came back to the living room. I walked closer to Sitara and sat beside her. She looked at me with sad eyes. I knew she had cried a lot as her eyes were light red. "Is Sitara angry with Kaira ?" She didn't even look at me and continued playing.

I sniffled,"I am sorry." She hugged me from the side,"Nuh Nuh, don't cwy (*cry). It's okay. I wuv you." She said, rubbing my stomach. I chuckled,"oh thank you."

"You know, I have chocolate for you." I brought my hand from my back revealing a lollipop. She was about to take the chocolate when an annoying familiar voice interrupted her,"Tara, you should not take chocolate from the people who do not care about you." I glared at the bastard.

"okie." Sitara squealed and started enjoying her lollipop. I snorted with laughter and showed him my tongue. He stomped away.

It was half past midnight, when my tongue started showing his real face. Stupid tongue. Yeah people in love says stupid heart but woman in her pregnancy always says stupid tongue. All the delicious fast food started appearing in my mind. I didn't realise I was drooling until I felt something wet on my hand. I wiped it and walked out of my room.

I went into the kitchen and started searching for something yummy. Damn, why did this man need to make cabinets this high ? I jumped for the jar of pickles but it was out of my reach. I brought a stand from the island and climbed on it. The stool started moving weirdly. Shit, what if I fell ? I cried,"ahh..!" I held the cabinet tightly.

"Kaira,"I felt someone's hands around my waist. Soon enough I was kept down. "Are you crazy ? What if you would have fallen down ?",I ignored the scold and hugged Mr. Shekhawat, unconsciously. I sobbed. He rubbed my back,"calm down."

I felt him making me sit as I was still holding him. I got scared. I wasn't physically trembling but I was trembling. "Maybe you got scared." He stated. I nodded. I never in my life got this scared I promise. It was so terrifying for some reason. My heart was pounding. I was feeling something in my chest. I caressed my stomach with one hand.

Mr. Shekhawat tried to get away but I made a loud sound stopping him,"ok ok, I am here." I felt him moving. "drink it," he broke the hug and brought a glass filled with water near my lips. I took a sip still hiccuping between cries. He caressed my hair. "T-Thanks y-ou." My voice shook.

He carried me in his arms. He laid me in my bed, covering me with the quilt. I didn't leave his hand. My chest was still feeling scared to be alone. "D-Don't leave, p-please." He leaned and caressed my hair, continuously. I snuggled with him.

"I-I am so-sorry for bot-ther-ring y-ou",I sobbed.
"It's normal during pregnancy to get scared easily. Nothing is wrong, calm down.", I felt him kissing my forehead as I held him tightly. If someone would hear or see all this, they might call me slut or bad omen but believe me I relaxed near him, in his arms. I felt safe. I felt my baby being comfortable and relaxed. I knew I was overreacting but it's true, I really felt it. Sorry.

~to be continued~


Words : 1046
Published : 12 Mar 2022

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