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"Ooo...! Ooo..! Ooo..!" I soothed Tara. She rested her head on my shoulder, hiccuping. I sighed loudly, turned around and found Kaira looking towards our way. She awkwardly glanced away while I proceeded towards Tara's bed.

All of a sudden, she started coughing. I rubbed her back. In a blink of eyes, she puked all over me. Everything she hardly had this morning. I cursed,"shit !"

"Oh my god !" Kaira approached us. She promptly extended her hands to take Tara but I backed away,"What do you think you are doing ?","I need to clean Tara and you can also change your clothes. Now give her to me." She fired back. My mouth left agape. 'What did she just say ?' "You will clean her puke ?" I queried, being unsure if I heard correctly.

"Yesh..she needs to be clean." She forwarded her hand to me. My grip upon my baby loosened. Taking the advantage, Kaira carried her. "Now you can leave and change those dirty clothes."

Tara whined loudly and started wailing. "Aww..just a second then we will be clean. We will become good girls." She kept exclaiming light-hearted words. I felt like my feet and tongue were tied. Neither of them made movement. It was just my eyes that didn't blink to miss any chance.

She brought the wet wipes and pairs of clothes from Tara's wardrobe. She placed them on the bed and cleaned Tara's naked body by the wet wipes. She dressed her with clean and fresh clothes before standing up straight. She kissed her nose, wholly unaware of my presence.

Her breath hitched in her throat when she noticed me just beside the bed, at the same position, as earlier. Why did I never notice her disparate behaviour with my baby ? It was as if her care and affection for my baby was beyond comparison.

Why does she do so much when I hurt her in return ? Last time I remembered SHE never did that to my baby when I loved her the most? Instead she left me alone even after promising. Alas! Fake promises.

The scenario was still pacing in my brain, how broken I was ? How devastated I was? How I even started avoiding my child but thankfully realised my mistake before any damage.

"Y-You haven't left y-yet ?" She swallowed loudly. I shook my head, staring straight to her face. She coughed before sitting beside Tara,"You have vomit on your clothes. It will stink if you remain any more moment so go and get your clothes changed." She advised me.

"Hmm..!" I hummed in agreement. Instantly, throwing my shirt and pants in the laundry, I wore a casual tee shirt with sweatpants.

Not wasting any further second, I sprinted to my baby's room. Tara was sleeping in Kaira's lap whereas she was resting her back by the headboard. Her hand never ceased bobbing on Tara's stomach. Tara was breathing lightly.

"Mr. Shekhawat." Kaira opened her eyes, hearing my footsteps, her eyes were sleepy and slightly red. "Everything okay ?" I asked. She nodded with a smile,"I was saying that it would be great if you take Sitara in the garden. She is getting irritated. It's ordinary when your kid is sick or having a fever." She explained understandably.

"I see, you know much about kids, don't you?" I raised an eyebrow, picking my princess. She snuggled in my shirt, her lips were marginally apart. I slid away tiny strands of her hair from forehead. I kissed her tender skin.

She yawned and licked her lips. Her eyes opened, making me smile at her frowned face. Her eyes were holding sleepiness and screaming fatigue. "daddy." Her broken voice afflicted my chest. With Tara nuzzling to my chest, I ambled down the stairs humming sweet and loving music to enliven her however it did not work.

On the other hand, the sound of vacuum cleaner, mixture blender and other machines affected her as her face scrunched. Delay was not in the option for sure, so I hastened out to our massive garden. The chilly wind blew my hair, the chirpy noises by birds were mind-relaxing. "Daddy, pup." Tara exclaimed pointing behind me. Her head moved further high, she was scanning the background behind my shoulder.

I spun around and found the puppy running towards up with her tiny paws. I chuckled at it. I bent down, putting Tara on her feet, in the process. She stumbled on her way to Pup, clapping her hands. Pup came over to her and started licking her cheek. She broke into loud gleeful laughter.

"Baby, come to daddy." She approached me with Pup who was swaying his tail vigorously. I sat down with folded legs; crossing them.

They hopped on my lap. The puppy tried biting my hand but it was of no use, it barely had teeth. I rubbed its head and it laid down on the grass, of course enjoying it. I fisted and undid my palm on its stomach. It barked.

I smirked.

Tara stood in my lap, her arms were around my shoulder. She pointed upward. I looked in the direction and found Kaira adoring us. I raised an eyebrow, her eyes went wide as she gulped and twirled to the opposite, walking in.

"Dada..!" Sitara sat in my lap, pouting sadly. "Yes, baby?" I played with her hair. "Daddy, Can Kaiwa be my mumma ? Pwease, daddy. Pwease." She was about to cry. I froze, I stared at her with shock. I cupped her face,"Baby. You need to understand. Please baby, it's not possible. She is someone else's mumma. She won't like to become yours." I gulped the guilt. My chest aches seeing the tears that rolled down through her cheeks.


"Okay, dada." Sitara hugged her daddy. Devansh's one hand went behind her back and another caressed her scalps,"You are becoming mature, my baby. You are so understanding. Daddy promised you, he will always take care of you. You will never need a mumma.

Meanwhile, Kaira admired their father-daughter from her room's window. Her hand made its way to her stomach. She caressed her stomach, whispering,"Never worry, my baby. Momma will always be there for you. I promise I will always love you. I will never let you feel the lack of your father's presence." She sniffled, smiling at her belly.

~to be continued~

Words : 1078

Published : 29 Apr 2022




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