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Days flew away in a blinks of eyes. In these days, Devansh and I had became very closer to each other. He bring chips most of the time, I tell him I crave for anything. But I would get those under two condition. That is, never discuss it with Sitara and do not have those often.

“Here you go." Devansh threw me a packet of chips which he hid in the top cabinet. Currently, we were in the kitchen as I woke him up. I noticed him standing with a bottle of water and staring at me. “Why are you standing there ?" I asked with an annoyed tone. “It's my house, I can do whatever I want." He snapped me. I rolled my eyes, muttering,“asshole."

Yeah, we must be a little closer but we still talk that way and ya, sometimes behave too.

Suddenly, Sitara came sneaking into the kitchen. She didn't even notice us and opened the freeze, searching for something.
Kiddo..! Look behind.
I looked at Devansh, he narrowed his eyes at her. Her figure was completely hidden by the freeze. He closed the cap of the bottle and kneeled behind her,“What do you think you are doing ?" She jumped and shrieked, so hard.

She gave both of us a sheepish smile. She was about to run away when Devansh held her and pulled to his lap. “What were you doing ?" He picked her in his arms and held her like a baby. “Ice-cweam." She whispered.

“You will get sick.",Devansh said, rubbing her nose with his. I smiled at their cute and pure relationship. I touched my stomach. 'Never worry, my sweet world, I will always love you. Promise.' I kissed my hand and took it to my stomach.

After tons of requests, Sitara finally got her ice-cream. Devansh gave it to me too. He sat with his bowl. l looked down and gulped,“Can I get some pickles please ?!"

“Hmn..!" Devansh got up and brought me some pickles. I dipped my chips in it and ate. Wow..it was weirdly delicious. Then what I did was abnormal for me but pfft, my cravings. I took a little pickle and ice-cream. I moaned,“hmm..! Yum..!" Devansh and Sitara chuckled.

“Craving ?" Devansh questioned. I nodded and continued eating. After I was done, I stared at the ice-cream bucket which was in the middle of the island, sucking my spoon. Devansh stopped eating, he perhaps noticed me as he got up and gave me more ice-cream.

“Thank you." I squealed. After we were done,I kept my plate and bowls in the sink. I felt light headed. I gripped the sink, everything started becoming blurry and movement occured in my view. I was about to fall when I felt a grip on my arms. “Are you alright ?"Devansh rubbed my hand. I grasped his shoulder,“I am feeling like I will faint." I then suddenly threw up. I felt him holding my hair and rubbing my back.

“Sitara, go and call John. Ask him to call the doctor."I sighed,“I-It's okay, Devansh. I am alright." I murmured before blacking out.


I picked Kaira in my arms when she passed out. God..! Fuck,she shivering a little. It's all my fault, I should have taken care of her. I shouldn't have let her have this much ice-cream at a time. Moreover, those stupid cravings.

John came rushing,“Boss, everything good ?",“No, nothing. Call Mr. Das immediately." I shouted, rushing to the guest room,her room. I went into the bathroom and wetted a towel. I wiped her mouth and face.

“Did you call ?" I yelled at John. “Yes, boss. He is on his way." Sakshi and Aarna maa came rushing. “What's wrong ? Why are you shouting ?" Aarna maa asked. “Look, Aarna maa, she suddenly fainted. She also threw up." I said with worry.

“Oh god..!" Sakshi sprinted to her and rubbed her hand.

“Boss, Mr. Das is here." John stated. I said everything to him. He asked us to leave the room and open the window to let some air enter the room. We obeyed him.

He came out after a few minutes,“What did she have last time ?",“Chip, ice-cream and pickle." I said rubbing the back of my neck. “Hmm..! Maybe because of that she threw up and you need to be more careful now. She is under a lot of stress. I told her to take care of that but she was probably neglecting." He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Is she taking her medicines on time ?" I looked at Aarna maa and Sakshi. They were looking back at me. We all shared a look.

Mr. Das shook his head, kinda disappointed. “A pregnant woman is between you guys and you are ignoring her. Wow..!" I felt like punching myself. I never thought if she takes her medicines on time or not.

“Do any of you know the reason for her stress or something she worries about?"he questioned. “Yeah, she thinks about her child. What they will think about him or her will think about their single mother ?! What will she do when they ask for their father ? Then who would be the father ? She wants to meet him." Sakshi said.

“Goodness..! This is so depressing. Take care of her and make sure she takes the medicines. Let her take rest for now." He said and left. I went to my office. A part of me wanted to find the father but another part was thinking in selfish way, it didn't want the father to show up. But I could not be selfish.

What could I do to make her forget about all this ? How could I make her stress-free ? I was so confused about what to do ?! Suddenly SHE appeared in my mind. My breath became aggressive. I clenched my jaw. A growl left my throat. I shook my head trying to erase her face. I slapped myself hard. I clenched my hair. Shit, SHE still hadn't left my mind yet.

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