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“Dumbass." I hated him so much. The bastard is only good in making excuses. A soft knock brought me out of my train of thoughts. It was Sitara. “C-Can you give me a bath ?" she was hesitating. I nodded,“ofcourse, don't get scared of me, sweetie. Always feel free to ask for anything, anytime." I led her to her room.

While I was giving her a bath,“You know dada's birthday is neawr." Sitara whispered as if she was sharing a secret. “When it is ?" I asked. “I do not remember, but it was in this month." She grinned. “C-Can we do something special ?" She didn't look in my eyes. I stopped pouring water on her,“What do you mean by special ?"

“I-I have seen in TV the mommas help their children to make their daddy's birthday amazing. I-I want to dwo that." She teared up. I gave her a quick shower and wrapped a towel around her body.

Holding her closer to me, I whispered,“I promise it will be the best birthday for your daddy." She giggled then wrapped her tiny arms around my neck.

“But how will we know that when his birthday is coming ?" I bit my lower lips while dressing Sitara. “It's in my diawy. S has pwomised to write everyone's birthday date hewe." She sniffled as she wiped her nose.

I checked her dairy. It was tomorrow. “It's tomorrow, 7 March."

She squeaked. I kept my finger on my lips gesturing her to be quite. She copied me and giggles. I kissed her nose. Downstairs, I made her seat beside Mr. Shekhawat. He kissed her head. Aarna maa approached us as we greeted each other. “So what would you like for breakfast ?" We turned out heads towards Sitara as she grinned and replied,“Noodwles."

“Alright," she was leaving when I stopped her,“Wait Aarna maa. Sorry to be rude, but you are older than me, you have more knowledge about children than me, then how can you let a two years old have noodles. It could be dangerous for them." I was awestruck by hearing her reply,“I know noodles are not for two year toddler but everyone here knows she is stubborn much including Devansh. He let her eat anything she wants. No one could protest." She pressed her lips.

“Sitara, can we skip noodles, today." She glared at me,“NO."

“Please, it's not good for your health." I tried to understand her. “Let her eat whatever she wants. I don't see any problem in this case," Mr. Sekhawa- ughh..bastard stated, rolling his eyes.

“What ? Do you have any idea about children ? And how to take care of toddlers ? If she eats noodles and accidentally chokes it then ?" I gritted my teeth. His expression changed, he looked at Sitara and nodded,“Uh..ok."

“You know we can have something very yummy except noodle." I whispered,“and if you listen me, we will also bake cake for daddy." Her face lit up and she bobbed her head,“okie dokie,"

“Haa," all gasped,“how the fuck you made her mood change in a second. It take us a whole day or maybe more to make her change her mind," Sakshi shouted. I chuckled,“You're overreacting. And today I will make breakfast for our little princess." I went in kitchen with Aarna maa.

What should I make ? I thought.

I decided to make her mini chocolate pancakes, I used to make them a lot, they would turn out extremely delicious. I asked Aarna maa to make breakfast for others as I was only making for my partner not for any bastard or whoever.

Partner, that's what she was for me. I love my partner.

I made many tiny pancakes probably each of one or two inches. That's what attract children much, miniature things. I took them in a bowl and pour chocolate syrup and some chocolate chips on it. I took out a bar of chocolate from freeze and broke two bar pieces for her. I had already told Aarna maa to make a banana smoothie for Sitara. With all the dished, I walked to dining area. With Aarna maa behind me.

“Here is your breakfast," Everyone gasped at it. “What the fuccckkkkk ?" John wailed,“She got an extraordinary one and we are here having this boring pancakes."  Sakshi exclaimed. “THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. SO MUCH. I WUV YOU THE MOST." Sitara shrieked. She jumped off her chair and tried to on me. I lifted her,she instantly wrapped her arms and legs around me,“you are the bwest."

“So are you partner," she kissed me neck,“I wuv you," she said calmly resting, snuggling in my neck. “I love you too sweetie," I replied sweetly holding the back of her head.

She was the only person who make me feel so different.

I adored Sitara while she ate her pancakes. I felt gazes on me. I stared to find bastard gawking me. My face felt warm but I didn't show any emotion. I looked down at my plate and continued eating my breakfast. “Can we dwaw (*draw) after this." Sitara queried. I blinked with a smile. “yay..!" She exclaimed took a sip of her smoothie.

I waited for Sitara to finish her food after I was done with mine. Did I stated before that Mr. Sekhawat was also there ?! But as if I care. Hmph.

“I am full," she rubbed her belly. I tickled her stomach and put her out of her chair. We cleaned our hand. “I will try to return soon," Mr. Sekhawat took her in his arms and kissed her,“bwing me chocowlates, pwease." She showed him puppy eyes.

“Okay, I will try, alright ?" He rubbed his nose with her. She squeezed his face between her palm and kissed his head. He chuckled,“oh my baby. Bye,see you later." He picked his duffle bag and made his way out of mansion.

Sitara looked up at me and winked. I repeated then we dashed to her bedroom.

~to be continued~


Words : 1017
Published : 12 Feb 2022

p.s. If you get any mistake do not hesitate to acknowledge me. Please.




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