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It was half past 6 when I was starving. I had lunch 3-4 hours ago, and now here I was craving for food. My type of food. I went to the kitchen and searched for my snacks. After I was done eating a whole bag of chips, I was left bored. Just then something struck my mind. I stood up on my feet, without creating any sound of my presence, I climbed up to the first floor.

I sneaked into the unrevealed hidden room. I wanted to observe the pictures all over again. I went into the room, coughs left my mouth instantly. I coughed behind my palm. This time my gaze fell on a photo that had Devansh,that ladya and Sitara. They were in any party or gala outfits, I assumed, observing the background. For some reason, one weird thing in it caught my eyes. Sitara. She was not looking very glad to be in the picture. Her face was frowning while something kind of fear was displaying in her eyes. She looked nervous and anxious. But what about ?

Devansh and the lady did not seem to notice it.

Busy parents

“WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE ?" A loud animalistic growl made me jump high and hard. I spun around only to find Devansh, his eyes were holding pure rage, his jaw was tightly clenched, fists, turned into balls, knuckles turning white. I back away a little by his dark, fury filled eyes. It was like his eyes were digging hole in my soul.

He strode towards me. I was about to run away with my trembling legs when he caught my arms and tugged me back with all his force. My elbow crashed with his hard rock one making me cry in pain.

I frowned in curiosity wondering what he would do now. My heart could pop out of my mouth any moment as it was thumping harder than ever.

“Why the fuck you came here?" He spat calmly with gritting teeth. He tucked my arm, pulling me closer to his face. I tried to escape from his grip but all went in vain, instead he squeezed it hard. I yelped. My knees buckled and I fell on my butt.

He kneeled and said,“You are pregnant that's why I am leaving you. Next time do not dare to come in this room. I don't even want to see you around this room. Am I clear?" I hesitantly nodded. Which was a complete lie, of course I was gonna come over here again.

I was quite dumbfounded when his arms went behind my body, he stood up with me in his arms. Heat crept my cheeks. “Sorry." I mumbled under my breath. He just hummed in return.

Next morning,
"Have a safe journey. Call us after you arrive there. Take care. And Sitara do not leave your daddy's hand while you are in public. Be with either Kaira or Dada always. Okay ? And Devansh, Kaira is your responsibility now. Alright." Arna maa kept giving us instructions till we were at the front door. Today was the day we were leaving India and going to fly to Switzerland.

My excitement was on another level.

“Don't worry Arna maa, I will take care of both the kids. Bye. We will take our leaves now. Take care. If any problem happens, call me right away." He warned them with a demand filled voice. We bid our farewells before sitting in the jeep. The chauffeur bowed at Devansh before getting into the car.

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