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"I asked Rishab to bring your clothes and medicines as well, yesterday. Here." Sakshi gave me the bag. "oh thanks." I smiled, taking it from her hand. I changed my clothes, not before taking a shower.

When I walked out of my room, the first person I saw was Mr. Shekhawat marching out of the house. He was wearing a casual shirt with black pants. He stopped near the couch and turned around. He was bending to take his phone from the coffee table but halted almost instantly as he noticed my presence.

He eyed me from head to toe before grabbing his phone and exiting the house.

The sooner Sitara gets better, the sooner I will leave this place. I could not live under the same roof with Mr. Shekhawat.

He was a bipolar weirdo who knows nothing other than showing his anger to people. The dumbest mafia leader. Hmph.

My feet have been killing me lately. I reached Sitara's room only to find her sleeping soundly in her bed. Her Sheepy tucked with her. Pillows either side of her body. Her breath was forming a wheeze. She was wheezing and coughing the whole night.

I approached her as she coughed. I took her in my arms and rubbed her back. Her body was still burning like fire. She was becoming breathless against my chest. I gripped her sippy cup infront of her lips. She sucked water from it, calming slowly. I held her and the bottle patiently waiting for her to relax.

She sighed after leaving the tip of the sippy cup. Her hot breath was fanning on my bare skin. I caressed her hair and planted a kiss on her forehead. Aarna maa entered and promptly a smile made its way to her lips. "How is she now ?" She questioned.

I shook my head. She pursed her lips. "You should give her a bath when she wakes up." I nodded at her suggestions. I assumed if I would be able to handle my child while he or she would be sick?

"Devansh is in the warehouse. They found some information from the man who tried to kidnap Tara. He will be back till breakfast." I internally rolled my eyes at her last sentence. It's better if he comes late. Moreover, his presence suffocated me, every time.

'Are you sure ?' my subconscious queried. I scoffed,'shut up'

I was out of my trace when I felt movement on my chest, I beamed at Sitara. She threw her hand in the air and bent backward, stretching them.

"Let's go and take a bath, hmm ?" I asked while she was rubbing her eyes. She whimpered while nodding. I took her hand and kissed it,"my strong girl."

"Wow. You're such a good girl." I complimented Sitara as she was not being naughty while bathing. I wrapped the towel around her and brought her out of the bathroom. Mr. Shekhawat was sitting on the bed, typing something on his phone.

'Ugh..god what the hell you want ? Why is this bastard again here ? Can't I even live a moment peacefully ?' I thought, scowling.

I changed her clothes beside him, neither I made any eye contact nor I uttered a single word. I pretended as if he didn't exist in the room. I felt the baby kicking for which a grin crawled to my mouth. I touched my stomach hoping for another move.

This time it moved again. I chuckled. "Is it the baby that is making you laugh without any reason ?" he asked softly. I was about to nod with a smile but I didn't.
"Sitara, stay with daddy. I will bring your breakfast." She grinned tiredly.

I went to kitchen. Aarna maa and Sakshi was present there. I asked Aarna maa if she needs any help. She refused kindly,"oh no no, my child. It's okay. I will manage." I heard a very loud familiar laugh from outside of the kitchen which means it was from the dining area. We padded out of the kitchen to the dining table. Mr. Shekhawat was sitting and Sitara was sitting in front of him, on the table.

"I wiw eat wif you." She chuckled. "Alright." Aarna maa went into the kitchen. I dragged my feet to dining table and took my place. I drank a glass of water.

"I want watew." Sitara said. I nodded. I was giving her water when at the meantime Mr. Shekhawat's hand landed on mine. My vision trailed from his hand to his neck passing by his muscular arms. He smirked catching me gawking his biceps. I cleared my throat and snapped my eyes away.

'SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. What the hell is wrong with me ? Why can't I just control myself ?' I scolded myself in my mind.

The sound of water droping in the glass was audible. We sat there in silence. None of us talked which was fabulous, believe me. I seriously didn't want to have a conversation with this bastard.

"So what are you planning to do next ?" He asked me. Shut up, idiot.

I ignored him and his question.

"Deaf woman." I heard him mumbling. "Oh hello mister. Mind your tongue or else I will pull it out and tie it around your foot." I gritted my teeth. "And before that I would have chopped your hands. Did you get me ? Check your tone." He screeched banging his fists on the table. Everyone came rushing to the dining table. My eyes became blurry, I hated him so much. He knew I start crying easily yet he shouted on me.

'I hate my pregnancy. I hate my pregnancy hormones. I have mood swings.' I was feeling so low for not being able to fight back just because of this filth- oh god..just because of this pregnancy.

His eyes turned softer as he noticed my tears. I turned my heel and was about to stomp away when he held my wrist. "Hey. Hey, listen. Stop. I was messing around." I wiped my eyes. I snatched my hand away and sat in my chair back, folding my hands on the table.

~to be continued~

Words :1029
Published : 14 Apr 2022

Double update..!




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