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What the fuck is happening with my life ? First that bastard locked me in this prison and now he was asking me to get a test to get confirm about my pregnancy. Dude, did I look stupid ? But definitely the man was.

I had threw up twice. I was feeling sick. Because I was tied , I can't even vomit properly. I had some sprinkles of my vomit on my clothes and the smell made me feel more nausea. I wanted to use washroom which I was holding since god knows when.

Ugh..! Why the hell this doctor is taking an eternity to arrive ?

I tried to call the the guard infront of my prison,"hey man!" he turned and asked,"What ?" ,"I want some water." I barely spoke. "You can't drink , eat or go anywhere until boss orders." he exclaimed.

"FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR BOSS. HERE A PREGNANT LADY IS ASKING YOU FOR WATER AND YOU'RE DENYING. MAN, YOU WILL ROT IN HELL." I shouted only ended up with coughing. "uff man. This woman is a pain in ass. Give her some water or else she will destroy our ear drums," another man stated.

I felt I survived after taking a sip of the water. He gave me disgusting look pulling the bottle away from my mouth. "Hmph." I turned away.

A doctor came in view with him a girl in maid dress entered inside. "So, you're the pregnant lady ?" I nodded in reply. "Okay. How many weeks ?" he queried. "Probably seven or eight." I uttered boringly.

"Can you pee in this cup ?" he forwarded me the cup type thing. "How ? Infront of you ? Tied ?" I fired. "ahem..umm..no." he gave the thing to the maid and went out. The maid untied me and took me to a small bathroom.

I emptied my bladder and also obeyed the doctor's order. "Please finish it soon or else this bastard will kill me." I gritted my teeth looking at the same man from bar who was controlling his anger. "I will do it right away." he smiled at me.

He isn't bad, I guess. Atleast not as the bastard.

After few minutes, the doctor sighed. He looked at me then at the man,"She is pregnant." The man looked shocked. I smirked. "But young lady, you don't have any idea how worst the baby's health must be." my smirk dropped at the doctor's statement.

"W-What ha-happened to my baby?" my hand encircled around my stomach, automatically. "You don't have a proper diet which effecting the baby's health. You need to have foods that give energy and fruits for nutrients." he explained.

"I said this bastard to leave me but he didn't so what can I do ?" I snapped the man. He clenched his jaw,"We shouldn't discuss this here. Bring her to my office." he walked out.

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