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"Why were you stalking me?"I narrowed my eyes along with the query. He chuckled,"Great imagination, woman. Don't think of yourself as the precious princess because you are not. And moreover, I had come there for my own work not to babysit you." He answered while his focus was slightly on me.
"Look there. I don't want to die this early. Nonsense!" I muttered. I pushed his face.

"And may I know what work you had there? Do you also like chocolates, by any chance? Oh my god, imagine the great mafia leader, Devansh Shekhawat, eating chocolates while watching Disney princess on television. Haha..Why don't you try it once? Hahaha..!" Here my laugh started their work of embarrassment. Firstly, I am a loud laughter. Secondly, I hate my laugh because it's odd.
Thirdly, huh! Do I have to give more reasons ?

However, the devil inside Devansh was out. Yup, this man is possessed by a devil, believe me or not but it's the truth. How do I know? Well, I am the one of those people who spends more time with him. Simple.

His grip tightened, as his deadly glare landed on me. I tried to control my laugh somehow. I held my mouth closed through my hands. My eyes had tears of laughter by now. "Will. You. Stop. With your shitty thoughts and talks. Please?" He spoke while gritting his teeth. And guess what? I burst into a fit of laughter. I hit his shoulder as I dropped my head back, laughing.

"Bro..!" I slapped his shoulder two more times. He looked completely pissed. The speed of the car increased.

In a blink of eyes, we were pulling up at his house. Getting out of the car, I nervously went in. I glanced at everyone's tense faces. I must have made noise while coming in as everyone turned to me.

"Hi..!" I cleared my throat to get their attention.

That day was surely the worst day for me. I got so many scolding from everyone. And guess what! The prominent member of the house was having a lot of fun and he also got great entertainment from those scenes. Note the sarcasm!

Anyways, in the afternoon, I received a knock on my door. I opened it to find a maid. She wished me,"Good afternoon, mam!" I smiled and wished back. "Mam, sir is asking for you." I frowned. Why does he need me? "Oh ok! Where is he?"
"In his office!"

I closed my door. Tying my hair in a bun and fixing my clothes, I walked downstairs, straight to his office. I saw him taking a sip from his coffee mug while discussing something with John. I lifted my hand as my knuckles made their way to the door. Devansh looked up at me then John. "Come in, Kaira." He told me and I walked in. I took a seat beside John, but not before sending him a kind smile.

"You asked for me?" I queried Devansh. "Uh.. yeah! This evening we have to go to a Gala. John, Sakshi and I will be attending the Gala along with you and Tara. I did have any intention to disturb you at this period of time as Tara won't stay alone, I have to take her. And for her safety, you are bound to come with us. I hope you understood my words." I nodded. I did not want to go anywhere but what could I have done at that moment!

Disheartened, I spilled out some promising words to reassure him,"No, that is fine! After all that's my job for which you pay, of course!" I stated the fact, shrugging my shoulders. "Ok then, Kaira will help with your makeover." I simply nodded and left that suffocating room.

Entering my room, I groaned. "Awe yuv okie?" I heard a voice. I jumped, hitting my head with the door knob, in the process. Rubbing my scalp, I glanced at Tara who was sitting on my bed with her favorite Sheepy. I smiled,"Hi, cutie." I went to sit near her only to be captured in an incomplete hug. Her arms could not fit around my body, unfortunately. I held her closer, caressing her hair,"What is it, Sitara?"

"You wiw not go wif me to pawty(party) ?" She pouted. "Oh no, who said that? I am coming with you all." I admitted, happily. She started hopping on my bed while clapping her hands,"Yay..! We wiw meet my fwiends! They wiw wove yuv."
"I hope so."

"Uhhu..Can I come in?" I heard Kaira. I turned and told her,"You are already inside." I shook my head. "Oh... Yeah! Well I was here to give you these dresses. Sorry, you might not get to wear your choice. What to do? We had to do everything quickly. That's why I myself went alone to the mall for our dresses. You still have these many options. Choose whatever you like. Be hot." She winked then left. Sitara giggled at her behaviour.

After Sitara left, I dropped the dresses out from the bag, they lay shattered on my bed. Placing the bag away, I held a piece of dress in my hand, feeling its fabric. It had a rough texture making me scrunch my face. Not at all comfortable.

One by one I tried every dress but they were out of my comfort and tolerance level. I will surely feel dizzy if I wear them to parties. With a 'tch' sound from my mouth, I huffed in frustration.

All of a sudden an idea popped in my brain. With a run to my closet, I started searching for a box. It had something that I could wear for this party if possible. It took more than half an hour to search for it. What to do; I was quite lazy these days to clear this big wardrobe. I felt the box in my hand, somewhere deep inside the closet. I dug my head into the piles of clothes and pulled the box out.

A smile itself got spread on my face.

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