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Mona's husband stood up. He was about to attack Rajesh, when he spoke,“Look man. I don't know who you are but you dared to raise your hand on my friend, who is pregnant. Therefore I had to shoo you away. Hence, I pushed you."

”Don't you know the difference between push and punch." He growled. “Don't teach a doctor, please." He went and took a seat with a glass of wine in his hand.

This husband and wife, both were testing my patience. One can not control her shitty mouth and another cannot control his hand. When he raised his hand, my gun was almost out. But Rajesh saved that son of bitch.

“Wow, woman. You have so many men under you. Good. Good. Why don't you give me some tips and training so that I can also have my husband always close to me!" Mona smirked.

“Yeah, sure. You should actually take training from me but not how to get men but how to grow a piece of brain. Because from your words I am so damn sure that you don't understand our normal human language. You need serious special classes." Kaira gave her a sympathetic look along with a smirk.

Her words were pleasing me, every second. She was such a fighter. I knew what would be the mixed up feeling in her, still she is arguing instead of breaking down.

“Well, thank you, but I don't like staying around whores."

Kaira took a sharp breath, closing her eyes tightly.
“Look, you leech. I had enough of all this nuisance. I am fucking telling you I am NOT A WHORE but you seem to be tough enough to not take in my words. Now I don't want to talk to you, nor I want to see your face. Get lost in front of my eyes before I create a scene here." Kaira spoke.

The whispers of people around us were stopping me from taking any wrong action but this bitch proved to be pinching my nerves. I was in no mood to create any such scene which can harm my reputation.

I saw an expression on Mona's face. She was neither sad nor angry, she was in a different mood. I knew what was going to happen next.

“Oh, if you are not a whore, your husband or boyfriend must be waiting for you but look at you, you don't even care about them or their feelings. Instead, you are enjoying a free party with another man. How could a woman be that shameless? God..!" She exclaimed while looking up as if praying to God in place of Kaira.

Kaira scoffed and looked at my direction with fire in her gaze. I actually saw fire in her gaze. I knew tonight she was going to burn everything and everyone coming in front of her.

She snatched the snack tray from a waiter near her and jerked it all over Mona.
“Why can't you understand I have no partner! I am an only parent of my unborn child. And I request you to kindly get that into that shitty brain of yours, please..!" She screamed with agony dripping in her voice. She then smashed the empty tray over Mona.

Gasps filled the room. The murmurs of people came violently to my ear. They were surely enjoying the drama. But for us, there was nothing to enjoy, rather we were all tense.

“Excuse me. I request you to not create any trouble in here. I am an honour in front of people, and your drama will make me lose my respect. I want you to stop this please." The host of the party announced to us.
“You wait, mister." Kaira spoke strictly. The host was about to protest when Mona threw him a glare.

“I assure you,sir. Things won't go too far." John talked to host.

“You do not have to teach me about the truth. I know which type of woman you are. Your personality is visible in your action. YOU ARE A WHORE AND THIS CHILD OF YOUR IS A BASTARD."

“MONA." Kaira slapped her across her face. Tears flowed down her eyes. She looked so exhausted and furious. Her broken heart was imprinted in her eyes.

I felt an ache in my chest. The guilt ate me up. It was enough. I had enough. I can not hide the truth anymore. If my lies and hidden truth is making her life unbearable, I don't deserve to be forgiven. I was feeling like a sinner. I knew doing sins were my things but this sin was uncomfortable for me. I was getting emotional mess.

“How dare you speak those words for my child? Don't you feel ashamed for verbally abusing an unborn kid ? A kid who has not even seen his own mother. A kid who has not even glanced once at this world. A kid who might never get a father's shadow upon it. A kid who would be so unknown to you. How can you say that? Once you were also a mother. Tch. Whom I am even calling a mother ! You know Mona, you don't even deserved to be a mother. God knows, why he gave a kind-hearted, lovely and special child to a mother and witch like you?! You don't even feel shame for what all you did to your child?" She looked more than fragile. She could lose her concious any time.

“How dare you speak those things to me, huh? You don't know the truth. Hence, don't say it."
She kept talking,“And about your child..well No, I do not feel ashamed. And why should I ? Am I not telling the truth? Isn't this child fatherless ?"

A sob left from Kaira,”No. No. No..it's not true. My child has a father." She screamed while crying.

I gulped. It's time to reveal the truth. A truth which could turn everything upside down. A truth that could destroy everything. A truth which will probably apart Kaira and I, forever. A truth that will pull my Tara away from Kaira and her love. A truth of destruction.

“Yes, the child has a father." I finally said it.

~to be continued~


Words : 1044
Published : 22 Apr,2023


(Let me know if you guys are excited for the truth!)

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