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"ENOUGH!" She pushed me away.

I was startled by her sudden behaviour.

"I do not need those bloody excuses of yours! I already have plenty of things on my plate. Therefore, it will be a great help to me if you leave me alone." Her eyes never diverted from mine as she spoke those cruel words.

Those words were somehow like a slap on my face.

I closed my eyes and found the correct option to leave the place. My next destination was my peace. My Tara.

I quickly went to my room and put on a decent T-shirt and trousers.

I reached her room. Twisting the knob of the door, I went inside. She was sitting on the carpet, playing with her doll house. "Tara," I called her. I was welcomed by her cheeky smile. It was like a gust of wind in my heart.

I went near her and sat with her on the carpet. My hands went straight to her head, and my fingertips went on caressing her scalp. Her shoulders relaxed, and she climbed over my lap and laid against my broad chest.

"Dadda?" Her soft voice came.
"Hmm..!" I hummed.
"Is Kaiwa angwy wif you?" She questioned. "Yes,baby!"
I glanced towards her to find her in deep thoughts.
"Dada..when I get angwy..you buy me chocowates and ice-cweam!" She spoke out her thoughts, innocently.

I wish it was that easy to convince her. Wait a second!
"Tara, do you wanna go with me to the ice-cream parlour? Then we can have ice cream?" I asked her. She grinned and bobbed her head positively. "And let's take Kaiwa wif us." She suggested. I pinched her cheeks,"Wow. My daughter is so smart!"

We both went downstairs. Kaira was sitting on the dining table with a cup of tea. She smiled at Tara and completely ignored me. "Kaiwa, let's go for ice-cweam!" She chirped.

Kaira shook her head ,"No baby. Sorry, not today! I am quite tired!" I heard Tara sniffling,"Pwease."

Kaira's expression promptly changed. She quickly got up from her place,"Oh. Please don't cry! I will come with you, okay! Let me change." I secretly smirked at my daughter's drama.
Thank you so much, Tara!
"No need. You are looking fine!" I smiled only to get a glare in return.

She came towards us and held Tara's hand, walking out of the house. I just rubbed my neck and followed them.

We were in the ice cream parlour in a mall near our house when Tara demanded that she wants to go to the kids' area. I let her go with the bodyguard while keeping an eye on her.

All this time, Kaira was just silently eating her ice cream. "Look Kaira, please don't give such silent treatment to me!" I tried to start a conversation. The guilt was eating me and her silence was killing me. I have never felt so desperate to talk with someone. The silence for the first time felt so uneasy and suffocating.

"I promise I will give the best life to your baby. Our baby will have the best father, I promise! Please forgive me. I cannot bear your silence. I will die Kaira. I don't know where all these feelings are coming from. I won't be able to live without you!" I spoke in one breath. My heart was racing.  I gulped down my saliva.

I found Kaira in a shocked state. She opened her mouth but words did not leave it. She just kept staring at Tara while drowning herself deep in her thoughts.

Great, Devansh! Well done. Get ready to lose her! In your fate, love is nowhere present, why do you even expect her to understand your stupid feelings?
My subconscious mind taunted me.

It's difficult for me to even understand why I was dead serious about her and the baby growing  in her!

Both of us did not share a single word until we reached home. I could not hold myself anymore. I followed her to her room. She kept ignoring me and was about to close the door when I kept my hand on it.

"Devansh, leave! I don't want to talk to you!" She gritted. I looked into her eyes and said,"But I want to talk to you!" She was forcefully closing the door, when I blocked it and pushed it with all my force.

She was about to fall down, when I got closer and pulled her to me. She gasped, holding upon me tightly. Her breathing was uneven. I leaned closer to her, stopping her breath completely. I looked at her closed eyes and whispered near her ears,"Trust me, I won't ever let you fall! You will only get a scratch upon you after I die."

She opened her eyes in a jerk and gasped. I made her stand properly and started,"Look, I will just talk about some things and then I'll leave. Okay? Let's just have a talk." She did not say anything and sat on her bed.

I sighed. Again the silence.

I went close to her and kneeled in front of her. I held her hands,"Kaira. I know all these things must be messing up with your mind. The same happened to me when I found out about it."

"It might have been easier if I was informed about it earlier." She raised her voice. "I-I was shocked. I was going to tell you about it." I tried to explain to her.

"When, Devansh? When were you going to tell me? After the child was out on this earth? After I died with the guilt of carrying a fatherless child? How was I supposed to tell him/her that your mother is completely unknown to your father? It was my matter, Devansh. You should have told me as soon as you got to know about it." She cried. "I wanted to. But I was not ready. I was in shock. You only think. Just for once keep yourself in my place. How would you react when you find out that a woman is carrying your baby and you are completely unaware about it? I was in guilt and disappointed. I could not forgive myself. I can never forgive myself until you do it! Please understand me, I would give all love to our baby. I will do everything it takes me to get your forgiveness. I won't be able to live without you and the child. Please, please never leave me. I don't want to miss the opportunity of holding my precious gift in my arms. I hope you are not cruel enough to keep a father away from his child, now that you know about everything. I will shower it with the same love I give to Tara.”  I did not realise and a tear slid down my cheek.

Her gazes were stuck on the wall in front of her. She sobbed,”I d-don't understand what's wrong with me!” My heart shattered by her continuous sobs. I got up and held her head close to my chest. I kissed her forehead and stated,“It's not you, it's the time that is messing up with us. I know how difficult it must be.”
I cupped her cheek, “Look Kaira, your baby needs a father, my baby needs a mother. Just think about it once. Tara loves you the most. She never showed a stranger that much affection that she shows to you. It's like her world revolves around you. If you ever think about leaving us. Just for once, imagine the life of that kid without you near her.”

For the final time, I glanced at her before leaving the room.

~to be continued~


Words : 1304
Published : 20 Mar,2024

Uff..updating after almost a year. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter cuz I know my writing skills must have lost somewhere by now.
Anyways, a great thanks to all my reader for being so patient and understanding.  And also a big thanks to those who wished me good luck for my boards.

I love you all!!🥰




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