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After lunch, it took nearly 5-6 hours to reach Switzerland. After the announcement, we finally landed on the runway.

"Ready to see Switzerland ?" Devansh asked, checking his watch. "YESH..!" Sitara squealed. I felt a kick from my moon. "Seems like our little human here is also excited." I chuckled. Devansh smiled, picking Sitara in his arms. He came to me,"Let's go." I looked down and nodded. He gave me his hand to hold. I gripped his arm tightly while exiting down from the jet.

"Welcome to Zermatt, Switzerland." A man approached us and bowed. He had white hair, white moustache covering his upper lip. Wrinkles were all over his face.

"I hope the journey was comfortable and you didn't face any problem. Your vehicle is ready. It will take you to your destination. I hope you have a great time in Zermatt." He wished with a gentle smile before guiding us to the SUV.

As always, Devansh helped me to get into it. When I settled down, he placed Sitara beside me. He went to sit at the front , beside the driver. I admired the area from the window. It was looking pretty with lights. Few café's were decorated with fairy lights and plants. All things here were different from India.

'Of course it would be, stupid.' I scolded myself.

We drove for 5-10 minutes until we pulled in through a huge metal gate. I stepped out when the SUV halted. I gasped,"Wow..!"
I was sure it could not be any hotel or resort. It was like a house.


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"Come." Devansh's voice came. I followed him into the house. "Don't tell me this is your mansion." I observed his face. He smirked,"What if I say it's mine ?" He unlocked the door and opened it widely. The interior was incredible. The house was so perfect. It was so modern. Amazing.

"I bought it in a hurry

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"I bought it in a hurry. So it's not that big. We will have to adjust." He spoke walking further inside. I gave him a 'bro, are you serious ?' look. How could he say that ? People like me dream of this kind of house and guys like him when they get it, they be like,'oh it's not my type'. Idiot.

"Then why didn't you buy a 5 star hotel for your one or two week vacation." I said sarcastically. He scoffed,"You again started ? And for your kind information I can buy a hotel but there is a reason why I didn't." "oh really ? Mind to explain it ?" I narrowed my eyes. "Because then people like you would not have a place to stay. Now, everyone is not like me, right ?" He winked with a smirk. My jaw dropped at his word,"You." I started stomping towards him. He rushed away,"if you can catch me. Catch." Sitara was jumping on the couch, clapping her hands while watching her daddy and I fighting.

When I felt I was getting tired. I hit my knees on his back, making him stumble on the couch. I took control over him while getting on top of him. I layed on his back, and used my hand to press his face into the couch. He was shouting and laughing. "Say sorry."

"No, I won't."
"Then forget that I will ever let you breathe again." He chortled at my comment.
He wiggled his back,"Kaira, leave. You're heavy." I moved my butt and sat with more comfort,"Then you will have to bear my weight more." I crossed my arms.

"What do you want ?" He questioned. "Say sorry and also say I am great."

"Nah..! I won't say sorry and ya, I am great." He suddenly got up. I slumped on the couch, I thought I would fall down but thank god, I didn't. I gave him a glare. What if because of him I would have fallen?

He sighed,"Sorry. You are really great. Happy ?" I giggled behind my palm. I slapped his hand when they were pulling my cheek. I got on my feet to leave when I felt immense pain. I dropped myself back down.

"We came for vacation but how shall we enjoy it with my poor feet ? I mean after walking for half an hour only they get swollen. I don't think we will be able to enjoy it. All because of me." I frowned. Maybe I shouldn't have been here. Why do my feet hurt that much ? I don't think it hurts others the same then why me ? Was I that weak ?

I felt overwhelmed. "Hey. Hey." Devansh brought me closer. He cupped my face,"Don't say that. It's ok. Don't forget you're pregnant and I am there with you, don't worry." He was bringing his face closer but then stopped in midway.

He cleared his throat,"You must be tired. Let's show you your room then we can have dinner." I bobbed my head. Sitara hopped off the couch. I was walking with my sour feet when I felt I was lifted in the air. I yelped in Devansh's arms. I blushed furiously at his intimidating gaze. "Why is it strenuous for you to ask for help ? Am I your enemy or something?"

I ignored his gaze. I drew my finger on his shirt fabric with my lower lip slightly out, trying to avoid the question. He sighed then proceeded upstairs. We then went into a room. I glanced around with surprise. "It's beautiful. Is it really mine ?" I didn't know why I was acting like a child. Heat crept my neck with embarrassment. I bit my tongue,"Sorry."

He shushed,"Shh

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He shushed,"Shh..don't. That was adorable." I gulped. He put me on the bed. "Dada. I stay wif Kaiwa. Okie ?" Sitara dashed into the room. She said and jumped on my lap. I caressed her hair.

"Wow..what about daddy ? What is he gonna do alone ?" Devansh asked, crossing his arms. She shrugged, turning to the other side. "Of course, why would you think about daddy when you got your bestie ? Who is daddy ? Do you even have a daddy ? Is daddy even visible ? It's ok. I will manage." He spoke with fake sadness. Sitara burst into giggles.

"Laughing, huh ? Laughing? Let's make you laugh more." He sprinted towards the bed and started ticking her. I moved away so that she would not get any hit on my stomach. I smiled at them.

The relationship between this father and daughter was beautiful.

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