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The wheels of the jet came in contact with the asphalt and concrete surface of the runway creating a loud screech sound. As the aircraft came to halt, its huge-heavy door was opened by a beautiful and confident airhostess. The guards took their position near the steps as Kaira and Devansh, duo descended down along with Sitara sleeping peacefully in his daddy's arms. No doubt that little life was completely carefree about her surroundings.

The guards didn't dare to look at the sunglasses hanging on the most dangerous person's face. Now that the devil was back to his place, they can not have the time they used to have in his absence. And that fact was annoying though.

"Bring the luggages carefully." Devansh's harsh voice made them shiver. "Yes, boss!", They spoke in unison even though only one or two men were to carry the luggages.

John came with a huge grin,"Boss, you are finally back." Kaira smiled at him while waving. "Oh, Kaira. That belly has gotten bigger." He cooed at her baby bump. She chuckled, caressing her belly. "Now, we will have to buy you more clothes because definitely those old shits are not gonna work for you." Kaira's eyes widened at his tone. He was speaking like he is the aunt of her baby.

She shook her head,'stupid, Kaira! What are you even thinking, idiot?'

"John, for fuck sake, behave!" Devansh groaned with annoyance while removing his sunglasses.

"Hey, boss. You can not curse in front of my tiny ladies, ok." John placed his hands on his hip and spoke with authority. Kaira smacked his arm,"Oyi..whom are you calling tiny?"
"Oh, it was for Tara baby, ya know." John rolled his eyes. "Then why ladies?" She queried. "Oh well, actually I am not sure about ladies because one 'lady' was referred to Tara and another 'lady', um..you know that baby in you might be a girl, by any chance." He just shrugged confused about what he just explained, and if he explained correctly, what he wanted to explain.
Ugh.. it's confusing. Anyways.

Kaira cheeks burnt up by these babies and ladies talks.

"We should leave now. I am already tired." She blurted, marching towards the car waiting for them. She could hear chuckles and chortles from behind her.

The drive was almost silent. None of them spoke, it was only Kaira who kept blabbering about almost everything that happened back in Switzerland. John was surprised to see her changed self. Hormones, man, Hormones! What to do?

"Wow..my sweet place." Kaira hopped out of the car with pout, 'she missed this place a lot'.
She wanted to run inside but she knew she had to be careful. With careful yet fast steps she jogged inside, over-excited.

She smiled widely at Aarna maa, who was eagerly waiting for them to arrive, at the doorstep. Aarna gasped at her maternal figure , a certain feeling took place in her heart. No doubt, she had started seeing Kaira as more than just a person in the house. She has always been worried about her just like a mother.

Kaira abruptly wrapped her arms around Aarna maa,"Aarna maa..I missed you so much..!" Aarna maa chuckled and patted her arm,"Me too, my child. Welcome back. Come inside, you must be tired by the journey." She welcomed Devansh, Kaira and Sitara.

Later during lunch,
For some reason, Sakshi was creating faces at Devansh. And it did not go unnoticed by him. He was clenching his jaw for that kind of attitude, it was unbearable for him.

Kaira was done with her food so she excused herself and stood up.

She cleaned her hand and mouth then made her way to the backyard to have some alone time. She loved doing it. Looking at the moon and having a tiny chit chat with her tiny one.

Tightening the shawl around herself she sat in the chair. Her hand roamed across her belly receiving a dainty movement which brought a keen smile on her face.
"So it means my baby is doing fine, isn't it?"
She heard a hushed chuckle behind her. She turned with a frown to find Sitara holding pup in her arms and showing off her teeth.

After getting caught, Sitara walked up to her. Pup hopped to the grass and started playing with himself. "Kaiwa, yuv tawking wif baby?" Sitara asked. Kaira nodded her head with a small smile.

"C-Can I tawk ?"
"Not now, when the baby will grow up you can. You will have to wait till then." Kaira pouted at her. Sitara pressed her lips together in a sad manner.
But all of a sudden her face lit up with excitement. "Kaiwa, did you giwe gifvts (*gifts) to awl(*all)?"

Kaira slapped her forehead at her useless brain. "Oops..I forgot. Let's go!" She went inside with pup and Sitara.

Sitara resembled everyone in the living room while Kaira went to bring her bag.
"Tara baby, what is it ? Why did you gather us here?" John aroused a question for Sitara.

"I will answer it." Kaira spoke while dragging her trolley. She then lifted it and kept on the centre table and smacked it. "We have brought gifts for everyone." She grinned.

"Oh..but you know, it was not necessary. But now that you have brought it, we are bound to take it." John spoke playfully receiving a smack on his arm now from Sakshi. "Oh god. You ladies will fracture my hand by hitting it." He cringed. "Why do you do something that could get you slaps?" Aarna maa joked. John whined.

"Ok. Here Aarna maa for you." She handed a gift to her and then one by one everybody received their gifts.

"Sakshi, come to my study after you are done with your work." Devansh sternly ordered Sakshi. "Hmm..!" She tiredly hummed. "Miss Sakshi, I didn't hear you." His pitch was higher this time. Sakshi rolled his eyes secretly then said,"Yes,boss."

Devansh marched to his study in fury.

~to be continued~


Words : 1019
Published : 18 Dec, 2022

New update, cause my tests got over.

A special day is coming soon, btw...guess what's it?






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