Chapter 31- The Spring Party

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Professor Kukui POV

Well. I know I haven't been extra involved with the team recently, but that's because I have a large belief in the philosophy, "Bad teams have no leaders, Good teams are led by a coach, and Great teams are led by the Players." So I try to just watch over while the players learn and grow from each other's strengths and weaknesses. Plus, all the finals results are coming through to me, and all of them passed! Not a single one on academic probation. So nice. A couple close ones though. Anyway. I have to work on planning the spring party, it's Burnets favorite so she's always on the planning committee. So far the theme is like, flowers and stuff like it usually is. Then the boys just wear suits or whatever, unless they want to wear flowers I don't know no one's gonna stop them. Anyway, it's a lot of prep work, so I had a couple team members come down and decorate. All the finals are done so the only people on campus are the ones staying for the party. I enlisted the help of Ethan, Selene, Serena, and Hilbert to help decorate and set up tables and what not. Serena has a good eye for design. So I'm mostly following her lead as well as Burnets. It should be a fun time for everyone. Mostly for the couples. I hung up a banner with Ethan's help then looked at him, "How's Typhlosion feeling in practice? all ready to go for next week?" Ethan nodded, "Yeah. He's just like me, he loves being involved in battles all the time, never gets tired of it." I smiled, "Good to hear, I think every member of our team is gonna have their work cut our for them, I think fatigue is gonna play a big part." Ethan shook his head, "Not with me and Typhlosion at least." We chuckled.

After a few hours, all the preparations were complete for tomorrow's Spring Party. I'm gonna be excited to spend some relaxing time with the team, and some of my students as well.

The Next Day

Serena POV

I woke up and stretched my arms out. Today's the spring party! Can't wait! I realize that in all my excitement I actually never picked out anything to wear. I sifted through my dresser looking for something... I have a few dresses. Hopefully one of them does the trick for the theme... I heard rustling in the bed across the room, Gloria then sat up quickly, then looked at me, "What're you doing?" I continued to look through the dresser before remembering I kept all my dresses in the closet, "Well I was looking for a dress, in the wrong spot, but I think I've got it now." Gloria gave a thumbs up and then fell back to sleep. She didn't want to go. She seems to go through this cycle, she's an uncontrollable ball of energy for about a month, but then one day she just completely shuts down. Just happened to be today, I've tried to convince her to come, but I don't think I have to explain the difficulty of trying to convince Gloria to do something. I found the floral dress I was looking for and slipped it on. I checked myself over one last time before heading out. I was walking on the way there, when I saw Calem dressed in a blue suit, wow... I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder, he turned back and smiled widely, "Serena! Wow... You look beautiful..." I blushed a little and smiled, "Thanks Calem! You look good yourself." He shrugged, "I still don't get what your obsession with making me wear suits is, but if it makes you happy I'll do it." I laughed, "It does. So thank you." We walked together for a bit before I saw three others walking near us, one in a black suit, one in a purple dress, and the other in a black dress with a moon sort of decoration on her hair. I looked at Calem, "Huh, they look nice." He had been staring off into the distance until I snapped him out of it, "Oh. I 'spose they... Hey that's Selene and Elio... And I'd wager to guess Lillie." I looked at him, "How do you know?" He shrugged, "I get used to the back of my teammates heads. Since some practices I pace around and watch them battle, I end up just walking around behind them." I put my hand under my chin, "That makes sense." He walked up to them, "Hey guys." Selene turned around, "Oh. Hey Calem." I saw Elio and Lillie turn around as well, Elio smiled, "Oh hey. Nice meeting you two here." Calem nodded, "Yeah. I'm guessing we're all headed to the same place?" They nodded, "Yeah." Calem shrugged, "Mind if Serena and I tag along with you guys." Selene shrugged, "Sure, just another couple for me to third wheel for." Elio groaned, "Selene. If you weren't third wheeling it'd be a lot weirder since you're my sister." Selene shrugged, "Fair enough." Elio then continued, "Plus don't you already have a-" "Alright Elio shut up." Serena, Lillie, and I laughed, Selene and Elio joined in a bit later but I get the feeling that Selene actually wanted him to shut up about something.

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