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It was 03:45 in the morning as I suddenly woke up because of the irritating noises that were coming from my apartment , later on I realized it wasn't noises instead it was someone knocking on my window, this late in the night and that too aggressively.

I went over to my closet only to find a bat behind it, that I kept to bash someone's head when I was small.

I made my mind up that if I'll open the window, then I'll take the bat with me too, can't take any risk you know? I knew if the person becomes too violent them I'd take the bat and bash his head if needed.

but suddenly the sound of those scary, aggressive and irritating sound of knocks stopped. It felt as if the person wasn't there anymore.

So, I slowly went over towards my bed as I opened the window only to see a card lying out there, it was the same card that was given to me by the Mister who played the game ddakji.

The same old card, who fucked my life even more.

It seemed like it was a new invitation card to join the game back again.

I really don't know what happened at that time, but for sure I loosed, y stupid brains screw or something that I knew what to do this time.


This time I new what I had to do and the thing that I knew was to go back to that game, I know it could be the end of me.

I grabbed my hoodie and a pair of thick cargo pants cause they were comfortable enough for me to wear, I stuffed some Chilli pepper spray spray a mini one and a small knife and stuffed it inside my socks.

So that nobody could see it and then I locked my apartment door to leave and go back to the same street from where all of this even started at the first place.

Small chapter? I know.

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