2nd game

431 12 1

Y/n pov

It was the next day and I barely felt alive because of all the shit that happened yesterday, as I opened my eyes I saw a guy in square mask, only to turn out that he was being told to monitor me.

It was yet another shock right over my face,I turned around and saw everybody looking at me . Some were looking at me as if they'll kill me, it's only fair because of the way how they are treating me specially and not the others. It's unfair for them.

"Hi Mister mask man , would you please mind fuckin off ?" I said cause I wanted everything to go back to normal like they were , I don't want to make any enemies, especially over here.

"Good morning babe" the man in the mask said while whispering.

I whispered back at him and said

"Wtf bruh why would you call me babe I don't even know you ,are you some crazy piece of shit?"

"Y/n it's me Jace" he said in a comforting tone.


I was glad it was him but at the same time I was reminded of the things that he had to go through , which he shouldn't have witnessed, I hope he would've had forgotten it or not?

My attention was then grabbed by another voice which came over from the speaker.

"All the participants get ready for the next game" , "For the next game you can make a group of your own"

I thought nobody would ask me to join there team cause of the special treatment the black mask man had been given me lately.

But I was shocked to hear that everybody wanted to bring me to there team cause they thought having me on there side would be a great advantage but i didn't want to end choosing the wrong team I didn't want to be greedy.

So i just chose the group of people who I already knew. It was number 456,001,199,218, 067 and some more members.

A voice came over the speaker again

"Okay now ya'll can go the game room for the next game"

The next game was in a different place, It was a type of bridge with a lot of gap .

"Okay so the rules of this game are, I'll call out two team names and which ever team comes up has to compete with eachother " , "The game is tug of war in which, the team who can pull the other team first will win and the team that loses will eventually fall down from the bridge" he said

This was a fuckin live or die situation, and our team was the weakest one, I didn't think it was weak but others did think, cause we had the most girls, I was pretty confident but still deep down a part of me said even if you die,you'll die in peace.

"Team 1 and team 7"

They went first.. team 1 managed to pull team 7 from the other side as they had a advantage cause team 1 had strong men , team 7 were at the edge of falling from the ground they were hanging from the rope in hope that they could climb back up,

but a big blade chopped the rope of which made them fall from a very tall height , there head was splashed onto the ground as they all died.

I could never forget how dangerous death could be, Finally our turn came. It was us with Team 5

The team on the other hand was quite strong they had vascular men on there side but i was confident that if I could survive the first round then I surely could survive the second one too.

We all gripped onto the rope, before going up in a elevator the old man motivated us and told us how we can win even if we aren't strong ,He said .

"First of all we need a leader who could lead us and the one who'll be standing at the front so that seeing him motivated will make us gather the strength too. Secondly the most strongest will stay at the back. Third grip the rope under your armpit. Fourth stand alternate to each other like one could stand on right and other one could on the left." He was so cool , seeing him so confident gave the rest of the members the strength to do anything to survive.

The red flag was drawn in between us and we all started pulling

"Ya'll loosen your grip" the old man said

We were literally going to fall and what is he trying to do?

"When i count to 3 pull with all your strength"

"3-2-1 PULL"

We all pulled it and the advantage was on our side but slightly the girl at the back was going to fall which could put everybody's life in danger ,that's when I realized I was gonna die.

But then I saw a frontman underneath the bridge hanging like spider man secretly.

He was burning the rope from the between hopefully nobody saw him doing that.. but wait he was burning the rope from there side to weaken it so that we can win, the rope from the other side broke off and they'all fell down.

I was glad that we won but at the same time I felt as If i was dead too, i wondered who could do this and why would somebody do such a shit thing by burning the rope . On the other hand and I knew for sure it wasn't Jace cause it was someone with a circle mask.

I was going to the washroom after the game when our turn ended, as I saw a circle masked man pull me into his grip tightly inside the ladies washroom, he removed his mask and I was shocked to see who is he was..

It was my step brother he was my mom and uncle kim's son, I hugged him as if I'd met my missing other half.

"So you saved me ?" I said as tears fell down from my eyes.

"I came here in the first place was to find you y/n" he said worrying.

"You came to find me? Why , what happened is everything fine out there? Dad and all?" I asked curiously.

"Yes he is fine, and everybody else is fine too, I came here as I followed you that night on the street. I followed with my car and drove, I found they were supplying you to a different island but then I came in here like an intruder and realized this is a killing game, y/n you have to come with me , we have to leave rn I can't leave you here to die, your my only family left" he said sounding concerned

"Luca hear me up " , "I-i can't leave and that too not now when I'm already at the end of finishing the game and winning billions of won" I said greed filled in my eyes for money.

"Pls y/n we have to go you'll die here or else I will" he said him dying could be possible which made my attention go over him

"Luca I'll make sure you'll leave this hell hole just don't get caught Okay?" He nodded his head as he agreed to me.

We were going back as we parted our ways, The voice over the speaker spoke

"57 players have been Eliminated "

Now only 90 players were left

It was time for our next meal, I got a piece of bread and something to drink. At last there were 7 people left whom didn't get the food.

It was because the number 101 and his gang got in line and took there meal even after they got there meal already. The man started fighting with 101 for eating there meal up and the things got too much heated that 101 had a piece or glass he shoved it inside the man's neck as he slited his throat.

I was so traumatized that I decided to go to sleep even though I knew today maybe I'll die because today's night would be pretty intense , and then I saw a square masked man staring towards me .

I was going to climb on my bed but before I could , he pulled my leg and said

"Master has told me to keep you in another room you can't sleep here come with me" I felt a bit relieved to know that I won't be the one dieing here tonight!

but at the same time I was scared for my friends what will happen to them?

Thanks for reading and making it this far besties:)

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