your name?

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I woke up in the corner of the street, half- naked only with a sports bra and my underwear.

It was pretty cold and my hands were tied, legs were tied, everything seemed hopeless.

As I saw a man run up to me I realized he was the same masked man.

Did he wait for me to gain my consciousness back?
But - he's still one of them a MURDERER.

I used to learn some self defense moves back when i was at college so they told me how to escape something that is holding your hand together behind you.

It was the same situation where they had tied my hand back.

And I didn't want the man to open it cause I thought he had wrong intentions.

I broke free through that thing that kept my hand from breaking free, only to get a bruise the second later , it hurted a lot .

When he came to me i stood up and started running but before I could stand he pulled my wrist towards him and said

       "Where are you going? Don't you need your clothes?" He sounded concerning .

      "No I don't need it, my house is nearby I'll go and where it inside my house."I didn't think about anything else I just wanted to escape from him because even though he sounded concerned I felt unsafe and scared, it just wasn't a pleasant feeling which i would want to feel from someone I want to talk to.

Suddenly a small thud hit my back, as I was half turned , I was going to turn around but I already realized that the masked man shoved his head in the crook of my neck, he seemed tired, exhausted and all the words we'd use to express 'a person who is done with everything, even himself.'

He took out a sweatshirt and made me wear it.
I started feeling a bit comfortable but not completely.

I was going back home when I realized a voice came from back

      "Miss l/n, I don't know anything about you but can't you feel the attraction I have for you just by my action towards you?"

It felt as if the time stopped the moment was pretty intense not In a sexual way, but i could feel my heart and brain giving mixed signals. I was so done with him, he made me feel special just for one day and now here I obsessing over him like a stupid dumb ass.

      "What? ATLEAST YOU KNOW MY NAME, I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOUR NAME?, How do you expect me to fall for you when you don't even make me feel as if i could trust you? . You've never even opened about yourself so, tell me how'd I know how you're feeling? Everytime you come towards me something in the way stops me, my instincts tell me to run away from you, because I don't know you, not that I don't want to know you. I do want to know you, But not like this.  We're two fucked up pieces searching for a piece of another broken part to fix our own selves."

       "But , somehow the strings in my body keeps on attracting me towards you. Be honest with me, Do you like my body or me ? Why are you even chasing me like this by giving me mixed signals, I'm already fucked up. So, please don't use me as one of your filthy toys and never ever even dare to meet me again" I said a lot and I knew, but I just couldn't hold it back so I said it.

I felt my blood raging as I said those words but some part of me felt a bit light after saying those words, it felt as if I was  releasing something- something like a lot of anger, with mixed up emotions.

After lecturing him, finally I could go home. Because now he'd not stop me again, especially after whatever I said.

When I was going to knock on the door of my apartment, the man with the square mask again popped up behind me.

he followed me? Even after what i said? Is he crazy?

      "y/n wait" he called me by my first name which was kinda HOT.

      "Now what? " I asked in a unpolite way.

He removes his masks and throws it on the ground and then he removes his black mask too , he removes it along with the dress he was wearing from his head to his waist line.

I could see his face, it felt as if I've met someone who'd keep me happy forever, but I can't just judge someone just from their face, but damn his vascular arms which were medium sized , his green veiny arms, his clear skin which were now red because he was heating up (probably because I was too rude?) , his greyish eyes which have turned a bit red by now because he had cried, his plumply lips , his sharp pointed nose, his cute puppy eyes,his long legs also the fact that he looked 6'1 but was 6'2...

      "y/n I don't like you because of your body.. nor your face or anything, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seem but I swear I'm not attracted to you because of your body ,I just enjoy your vibe ."

      "From day one I've been watching you, I love the way you talk to me, the way you kissed me that day passionately, the way you felt every inch of me, it was my first kiss and yet it was so intense and filled with mixed feelings. What I'm saying is like - do you even understand? My eyes are always on you, I know you don't understand me but I love the way you are, not only I want to feel you but i also want to know you, every inch of you every part of you , every story about you i want to know it every single thing. I've never felt like this for anyone please understand, I didn't even know your name at first but I still loved the way you talked to me, can you feel me too do you know what I feel right now?" He starts tearing up.

I was shocked to see someone say such things to me, I've heard many men propose me but they never made me feel this special, they used to tell me much more bigger things for hours and hours ..but why didn't that make me feel special but this one did why??

How's the chapter guys?
Meet ya'll at the end of next chapter.

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