Chapter 8 - The Phonecall

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A/N - Writing Fanfic Is So Hard Sometimes. Damn. I'd Never EVER Give Up Though. I Loves My Stories.

This Won't Be A Long Update.

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Chloe had been debating on weather to get in touch with Chris Mead and tell him Charlotte could be expecting his baby but she didn't know weather Charlotte would be mad, Tom still wasn't aware of the pregnancy but he did find it odd that Charlotte never attended P.E lessons. When Chloe woke that morning she felt like she needed a drink but she was determined not to have anything.

When they arrived at school Chloe walked off from everyone "is she alright?" Charlottte shrugged "I don't know, she's not said anything about being upset" Rachel frowned "she's not drinking again is she?" Charlotte shook her head "no, I think we would have noticed, I can talk too her though" Rachel smiled "thanks" Charlotte walked off after Chloe.

Chloe dropped Aubree off in the creche and made her way to registration "you're in here early Chloe" Chloe smiled "yeah I know" Sian smiled and walked out the classroom so Chloe got her phone out and dialled the number she got from Max for Chris -


Chris - hello? Chris Mead speaking?

Chloe - Sir, its Chloe Mason I need to talk too you

Chris - Chloe, how did you get this number?

Chloe - er Max gave it me

Chris - right, what did you wanna tell me?

Chloe - Charlotte told me about when you slept together. She's pregnant

Chris - my baby?

Chloe - yeah

Chris - I don't know what I'm supposed to say

Chloe - well its obvious, be there for your baby

Chris - Chloe, you and her are in another country

Chloe - wow, so you're not gonna be there?

Chris - I'll figure it out and get back in touch with you

Chloe - whatevs


Chloe hung up just as Charlotte walked in "are you okay?" Chloe smiled "yeah, why?" Charlotte sat with her "you walked off earlier" Chloe grinned "I had a phonecall to make" Charlotte nodded "okay, you sure you're okay?" Chloe nodded "yeah I great" Charlotte smiled "okie dokie".

Chloe knew she had to tell Charlotte that she had contacted Chris to tell him about the baby. While walking through the corridor she didn't notice Max walking behind her "a word" Chloe jumped a mile "where did you come from?" Max smirked and walked off so Chloe followed him to his office "what's this about?" Max looked at her "did you contact Chris?" Chloe nodded "yeah, wasn't much good" Max smirked "telling him he has a child on the way over the phone can't have been much good" Chloe rolled her eyes "well I'm sure he'll figure it out, anyways, was that all you wanted? Ask me about him?" Max again smirked which made Chloe groan "seriously, what did you want?" "I'll have Aubree tonight" Chloe nodded "okay".

Charlotte was sitting in the library when Chloe came in "I need too tell you something" Charlotte looked up "what?" Chloe sat opposite her "okay, I'm sorry but you can't get mad" Charlotte frowned "Chloe, what have you done?" Chloe took a deep breath "I kind of got Chris Mead's number from Max and told him you were pregnant" Charlotte was shocked "Chloe! Why?" Chloe sighed "because he needed to know and I know it was you who got Max up here so in a way we're even" Charlotte groaned "Chloe, Tom doesn't even know" Chloee sighed again "he had a right to know Charlotte, it could be his baby" Charlotte sighed and Chloe spoke again "I wasn't going to tell anyone I was pregnant but then I realised that he had a right too know" Charlotte looked up "yeah?" Chloe nodded "it won't be that bad, trust me" Charlotte smiled "you're right, we're even" Chloe hugged her "Chris is probably pacing the floor this minute" Charlotte laughed.

Chloe and Charlotte made their way to English with Tom "he doesn't know does he?" Chloe shook her head "no, why?" Charlotte smiled "I'm not ready for him to know" Chloe nodded "I won't say anything too him" Charlotte sighed "well today has gone fast" Chloe nodded "yeah, I'm finding myself wanting to see Max, that's weird for me" Charlotte grinned "true love" Chloe scoffed "yeah right" Charlotte smiled and they started the work that Tom had set.

When school had ended Chloe went to the creche, she got there and saw Max leaving with Aubree "oh I forgot you were having her" Max smirked as Chloe took Aubree from him "Bree be a good girl" Aubree giggled and Chloe handed her back to Max "bye".

Arriving home Charlotte knew Tom would find out about her pregnancy soon and she also knew that he wouldn't be happy that she hadn't told him. Chloe sat in her room doing homework when Charlotte came in "Tom's gonna hate me" Chloe looked up "why?" Charlotte sighed "because I've not told him I'm pregnant" "ah" Charlotte nodded "yeah, he's gonna hate me, and he deffinatley will when I tell him he might not be the father" Chloe sighed "don't tell him that then, just see how he reacts when you tell him" Charlotte nodded "how did Max react when you told him?" Chloe grinned "asked me if it was his baby, obviously she was" Charlotte smiled "I should start my homework too" Chloe smiled "come on, join me, we'll start our own homework club".

Once the homework was done Chloe and Charlotte went downstairs for dinner "how was school girls?" Chloe rolled her eyes "no drama if that's what you mean" Rachel laughed "was Aubree okay?" Chloe nodded "yeah". After dinner Chloe didn't want to stay and watch the TV with her mum and Eddie so she walked up to her room and climbed into bed "Chloe?" Chloe smiled at Charlotte "come in" Charlotte walked in and sat on Chloe's bed "fancy a sleepover?" Chloe grinned "yeah" Charlotte smiled so Chloe shuffled over and Charlotte climbed into her bed and they fell asleep both not aware of the drama that was about to unfold at school and in their personal lives.


A/N - Next Chapter I'm Hoping For Some Drama. Anyone Has Idea's Then PM Me.

Next Update - Tonight/Tomorrow.

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Bye For Now xoxo

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