Chapter 89 - Births

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A/N - This is a time skip of 6months. :)

Chloe and Charlotte were enjoying being pregnant at the same time and they had found out they were both having girls, Chloe and Max were naming their daughter Isla Grace and Charlotte and Tom were naming their daughter Lillie-Mae Layla.

That morning Chloe woke and she was feeling incredibly stressed but she knew it wasn't good for the baby. Heading downstairs Chloe saw Max with Aubree "mama me no go" Chloe grinned "in a minute".

Arriving at school Chloe couldn't get Aubree from the car due to the baby bump so Max got her and after kissing Chloe he took her to the creché. Chloe met with Charlotte and noticed she looked pale "are you okay?" Charlotte nodded "yeah, morning sickness" Chloe grinned "aww, I'm sure you'll be fine".

Rachel wasn't happy that Chloe was pregnant again, she was still convinced that Max was using her and when he got what he wanted he would leave Chloe and his children. She saw Chloe walking through the school so she walked over to her "Chloe, can we talk?" Chloe sighed "you've made your opinions clear so just save it" Rachel frowned "Chloe, you're eighteen with a two and a half year old and a baby on the way" Chloe rolled her eyes "Mum, I don't care, Aubree is loved and Isla will be loved so save it" Chloe walked off although Rachel wasn't happy.

Charlotte met with Chloe outside English and Barry came over "who got knocked up first? Cos then once you've popped I can take you out" Chloe rolled her eyes "Barry, do one because I'm hormonal and liable to punch you" Barry laughed "good one" Chloe grinned and Charlotte was laughing, the girls had become good friends with Barry and his sister Dynasty.

It was lunchtime so Chloe and Charlotte were sitting outside and Rachel came over "Chloe, I want you and Aubree to come back" Chloe frowned "no, we have our home with Max" Rachel rolled her eyes "Chloe, he doesn't love you, we've been over this" Chloe stood and went to walk off when Rachel took hold of her hand and turned her to face her "mum get off!" Rachel sighed "Max is using you for sex Chloe, he doesn't care who he hurts" Chloe scoffed "yeah right, you're jealous, I have Aubree, Max and a future, you were a headMistress and now you're a Maths teacher" Rachel felt her anger rise and she slapped Chloe "Rach! What the hell you playing at?" Rachel was shocked so she didn't register what happened next "Chloe?" "I'm in labour".

Chloe had been taken to the hospital but Max had been called to a meeting so he had no idea his daughter was being born, Charlotte had gone with Chloe to the hospital as Chloe didn't want her mum with her.

"Chloe, you need to push" Chloe groaned "if Max ever does this to me again I'll kill him" Charlotte was trying not to laugh but Chloe was hilarious.

5 Hours Later

Chloe had given birth to baby Isla and she was the spitting image of Aubree but with black hair "Chloe, she's beautiful" Chloe smiled just as Max came in "the meeting ran over" Chloe nodded "okay" Max kissed Chloe and took Isla from her.

2 Weeks Later

Chloe was going back to school as Isla was two weeks old. Heading downstairs Chloe saw Aubree sitting on the sofa while Max fed Isla.

Arriving at school Chloe got Aubree from the car and then got Isla's carseat "Chloe you shouldn't be heavy lifting" Chloe rolled her eyes "I can manage so don't fuss" Max smirked and took the carseat from her.

Once Aubree and Isla were settled Chloe left the creché where she saw Charlotte and Dynasty waiting "so glad you're back" Chloe grinned "thanks, Aubree won't leave Isla alone" Charlotte smiled "have you spoken to your Mum?" Chloe sighed "no, I've not" Charlotte nodded.

Max had been asked by Tom to cover his class while he inspected Grantly. When everyone came in Chloe went to sit at the back with Charlotte "answer the questions on your sheets in silence.

Halfway through the lesson Charlotte felt a wave of pain hit her stomach "ow" Chloe frowned "are you alright?" Charlotte shook her head "I think I'm in labour" Chloe paled "you're not kidding?" Charlotte rolled her eyes "no, I'm not kidding!".

Max had told everyone to get out of the classroom and he had sent Chloe to find Tom "I think I need to push" Max paled "are you joking?" Charlotte glared "no I'm not!" Max sighed "this will be just great!" Charlotte scoffed "I don't want you looking down there" Max smirked "Tom's eyes only?" Charlotte nodded "yeah, so don't" Max again smirked "you need to let me get this baby out" Charlotte glared "no!".

Chloe and Tom quickly got back to the classroom and heard arguing so they walked in to see Max and Charlotte arguing "OI, quit the arguing and get the kid out" Max stood and walked over to Chloe while Tom went over to Charlotte "the baby's head is out so push" Charlotte pushed and soon the baby came out just as the paramedics came in "Charlotte, we need to take you and baby to get checked out" Charlotte nodded and Chloe hugged Charlotte before she left.

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