Chapter 9 - The Return Of An Old Face.

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A/N - Right. I Need Ideas For A Chloe/Max Row. I Wanna Bring Out Some Tension Between Them So If You Have Anything Then PM Me.

This Won't Be A Long Update.

Hope You Like. Xoxo


Chloe hadn't heard back from Chris Mead since she told him Charlotte was pregnant and there was a chance that he was the father and she was beginning to think that he didn't care. That morning when Chloe woke she heard Aubree screaming which made her frown so she got out of bed and ran into Aubree's room "Bree?" Aubree looked up the tears were rolling down her face "mama" Chloe puck her daughter up "what's the matter?" Aubree pointed to the spider "its okay, he won't hurt you" Aubree hid her head in Chloe's neck just as Eddie came in with Rachel "what's happened?" Chloe smiled "spider" Eddie smirked and got rid of the spider "ta".

When they got to school Chloe placed Aubree down but she became clingy "mama" Chloe got her bag and puck Aubree up again "what's the matter with you?" Aubree wrapped her small arms around Chloe's neck and hid her head "mama no" Chloe sighed "you're gonna be a cling on today aren't you?" Aubree nodded so Chloe took her into the creche and stayed until she settled "bye baba" Aubree pouted "no" Chloe grinned and walked off just as Max came down the corridor "how do you know I'm here?" Max smirked "I have my ways" Chloe rolled her eyes "whatevs" Chloe went to walk off when Max took hold of her waist and pulled her towards him "I've missed you" Chloe rolled her eyes again "who said I missed you?" Max smirked as he went to kiss her but before he could Rachel came down the corridor "what's going on?" Chloe sighed "nothing" Chloe looked at Max and walked off.

Charlotte and Chloe sat in Maths with Eddie although Chloe wasn't paying much attention "is there a problem Chloe?" Chloe looked up "no, why?" Eddie smiled "you're not paying attention" Chloe shrugged "because I know all this" Eddie sighed and continued with the lesson. Charlotte looked at Chloe "are you alright?" Chloe nodded "yeah, just thinking" Charlotte smiled "how's things with Max?" Chloe shrugged "he tried kissing me earlier" Charlotte frowned "isn't that a good thing?" Chloe again shrugged "I don't know" Charlotte smiled "Tom still isn't aware about me being pregnant" Chloe nodded "it'll be obvious soon though" "I know, I'll tell him soon" Chloe smiled "okay".

Once maths was over Chloe was the first out the class but Eddie called Charlotte to stay behind "is Chloe okay?" Charlotte nodded "yeah, she's fine" Eddie smiled "keep an eye on her? She's doing well with not drinking and we don't wanna her taking a bad turn" Charlotte grinned "I'll stick to her like glue" Eddie laughed "good girl" Charlotte hugged Eddie and left to catch up with Chloe, she found her standing by the lockers with Scout,Rihannon and Imogen "Chloe are you alright?" Chloe nodded "yeah I'm great" Charlotte smiled "can I talk too you?" Chloe followed Charlotte outside "Eddie asked me too keep an eye on you" Chloe sighed "Charlotte, I'm fine" Charlotte nodded just as a silver car pulled up on the school grounds.

Chris Mead and Kim Campbell were back at Waterloo Road. It had been 4 months since Kim and Chris last saw anyone from Waterloo Road "feels weird being back" Kim smiled and looked at Dex who was asleep "yeah, wonder how Max is gonna react to this" Chris laughed "I don't imagine he'll be too happy to see us" Kim sighed as she got out the car "Miss.Campbell" Kim turned to see Chloe and Charlotte "hiya girls" Chloe gave a small smile while Charlotte frowned "what are you doing here?" Kim smirked "nice to see you aswell, me and Mr.Mead have been head hunted by Michael Byrne to come and teach here" Charlotte paled when she heard Chris' name "Mr.Mead's here?" Kim nodded "yeah, he's here" Charlotte noticed Chris get out the car and Chloe saw she was shaking "calm down" Charlotte walked off inside "is she alright?" Chloe nodded "yeah, she's having a bad time of the month" Kim nodded as Chloe walked off after Charlotte.

Charlotte was in the bathroom pacing when Chloe came in "what was all that back there?" Charlotte sighed "I wasn't expecting him too turn up, I thought he would be happy with pictures of the baby every month" Chloe smiled as Charlotte continued pacing "quit pacing, you're making me dizzy" Charlotte groaned "I can't handle this, I'm not mature enough" Chloe sighed "chill out! Its only Mr.Mead, what's the worst that can happen?" Charlotte glared "Chloe, I'm pregnant and I don't even know who the father of my baby is" Chloe nodded "right, well the father is the one you slept with first. Who was that?" "Mr.Mead" Chloe grinned "he's the daddy then. I suggest when you have calmed down so not today that you and him have a reasonable discussion about baby" Charlotte nodded "you're right" Chloe grinned "let's get Aubree and go home" Charlotte smiled.

When Chloe got Aubree from the creche she made her way to where Charlotte was "Aubree" Aubree giggled at Charlotte "ook" Chloe looked to where Aubree was pointing and saw Max standing with Kim "what's that about?" Chloe shrugged so she walked with Charlotte to where Max and Kim were "Max you can roll your eyes at me as much as you want but you don't love Chloe and you never have, she's just the mother of your daughter" Kim didn't realise that Chloe and Charlotte were standing there "wow" Max turned to look at her "Chloe don't listen to her" Chloe rolled her eyes "yeah because you always prove the people who say that wrong don't you" Max was about to speak when Chloe walked off with Charlotte behind her "see what you've done" Kim scoffed "you've done that, all by yourself" Max walked away knowing Kim was jealous that he didn't love her like he loved Chloe.

Arriving home Chloe got Aubree changed and went to sit outside with her and Charlotte "I'm gonna talk with Mr.Mead tomorrow" Chloe smiled "that's good" Charlotte nodded "yeah, suppose so. I'm just dreading what he says" Chloe sighed "don't, he won't do much apart from pace" Charlotte grinned "like me" Chloe nodded "yeah like you" Charlotte rubbed her stomach "I can't wait too meet my baby" Chloe grinned "your baby is gonna be so cute" Charlotte sighed "when are Eddie and Rachel coming back?" Chloe shrugged "should be about 7" Charlotte nodded.

When Eddie and Rachel came back Chloe had just settled Aubree and ordered pizza with Charlotte "nice evening girls?" Chloe smiled "yeah thanks, you?" Eddie nodded "was great, Kim's lad is nearly the same as Aubree" Chloe nodded "I know, Aubree is 3months older" Eddie smiled "is she asleep?" Chloe again nodded "yeah'. When Chloe went to bed that night she saw a few texts from Max but she didn't reply. Charlotte came in around half 10 "Chloe, fancy a sleepover?" Chloe grinned "yeah" Charlotte came and climbed into Chloe's bed "have you spoken to Max?" Chloe shook her head "nope, I don't wanna think about him tonight" Charlotte nodded. Chloe and Charlotte watched bridesmaids and then fell asleep as soon as the movie had finished.


A/N - The Drama Begins Next Chapter!

Next Chapter - I'm Starting It Tonight But It'll Be Posted Tomorrow.

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Bye For Now xoxo

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