Chapter 21 - Charlotte's Back At School.

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A/N - Should I Include The School Trip Too Paris Or Do A New School Trip?

Next Chapter - Hopefully Tonight.

Hope You Like. Xoxo


Charlotte had been out of hospital for a few days and she was finally going back to school but she wasn't allowed to do P.E until she was ready. That morning the house was in chaos as Eddie was having trouble finding his laptop bag and Rachel couldn't find her earrings, Rachel still hadn't noticed Chloe's ring which was good as Chloe wasn't in the mood for an headache. When everyone was ready the eventually set off for school. Arriving Chloe noticed Charlotte shaking "its gonna be fine, I promise" Charlotte smiled and got out of the car just as Tom pulled up "er mum, can you take Aubree?" Rachel smiled and nodded so Chloe took Aubree from the car and handed her over to her mum who walked off with her "look at me, Tom won't say anything, I'll make sure of it" Charlotte was about to speak when Imogen came over "its so good too see you" Charlotte smiled "thanks, its weird to be back" Imogen smiled "school has been weird without you" Charlotte again smiled and she walked off with Chloe.

Tom saw Charlotte back in school and sighed, he was going to talk to her today. When he got into the staffroom he saw Max so decided to ask for his help "Max, I need your help" Max looked at Tom "with what?" Tom sighed "I wanna talk to Charlotte but she'll want Chloe with her so can you get them out the lesson and keep Chloe calm?" Max smirked "I'll see what I can do" Tom nodded "thanks".

Chloe and Charlotte sat in registration talking "when do you reckon this court order will get dropped?" Chloe looked at Rihannon "who told you?" Rihannon shrugged "heard it from someone" Chloe rolled her eyes "stay out of stuff that doesn't concern you" Rihannon grinned "its true? Clarkson took her kid away?" Chloe glared "do one or else I'll make you" Rihannon was about to speak when Mrs.Diamond came over "problem girls?" Chloe shrugged "unless you count Rihannon as a problem then yeah, if not, nope" Rihannon glared "no wonder you both got knocked up by teachers, no-one else would ever look at you" Chloe rolled her eyes "yeah, says you, the girl who no man would ever look at" Rihannon frowned "whatever" Chloe smirked triumphantly "point proven" Charlotte smiled.

While the girls were in Science Tom made his way to Max's office "Tom, I'm assuming you want that chat with Charlotte?" Tom nodded so Max stood "I'll go get them".

Chloe was drowning Mrs.Diamond out "Chloe,Charlotte, Mr.Tyler would like a word with you both" Chloe looked up and saw Max so she and Charlotte grabbed their bags and left the classroom "what's this about?" Chloe shrugged "no idea". When they got to the office Charlotte paled when she saw Tom standing there "what's going on?" Max looked at Tom "I wanted to speak with you but I also knew you'd want Chloe with you so that's why Max got Chloe aswell and he could calm her down" Chloe frowned and sat on the desk as Tom looked at Charlotte "I'm sorry for what I did, I did it for Taitlyn. I didn't want her in any danger" Charlotte frowned "I would never hurt her, she means everything to me" Tom sighed "I realise that, part of me did it because I knew Eddie hated the fact I'm her father and I wanted to show what being a father meant I could do" Chloe frowned but she didn't say anything "hold on, you took Taitlyn from me because you wanted to show Eddie what you could do because you're her father?" "Partly" Charlotte rolled her eyes "that's stupid" Tom sighed "I'm sorry" Charlotte rolled her eyes "save it Tom, I don't care" Charlotte stood and walked out the office "Charlotte wait!" Chloe grabbed her bag and went after Charlotte.

Charlotte couldn't believe what Tom had said "wait up" Charlotte turned to Chloe "Tom took her too prove a point to Eddie" Chloe sighed "he's just immature" Charlotte nodded "yeah well, I'm never gonna forgive him, ever" Chloe nodded "I wouldn't blame you" Charlotte felt tears in her eyes "why be so petty as too take my baby?" Chloe shrugged "I don't know" Charlotte sighed "did Max ever do anything like this?" Chloe shook her head "no, which shocked me" Charlotte wiped her eyes "my daughter is growing up without me, that shouldn't be happening" Chloe hugged her "you're gonna get her back, I promise" Charlotte nodded "I hope so, its killing me" Chloe sighed "don't let him get you this way" Charlotte was about to speak when Tom came over "listen I never meant any of what I did" Chloe looked at Charlotte "are you gonna be okay?" Charlotte nodded "yeah, I'll be fine" Chloe smiled and walked off.

Chloe was walking through the school when her phone vibrated, looking she saw a text from Max -

*Max - come to the office.

Chloe sighed and made her way to the office. When she got there she saw Max sitting at his desk so she walked in "what?" Max looked up "I wanted to see how you were after this morning" Chloe nodded "ah, after the ambush you enforced on Charlotte?" Max sighed "Chloe, Tom asked for my help" Chloe rolled her eyes "could have said no" "I could have done that" Chloe sighed "well, whatever it was cruel, she was feeling like crap when she left" "is she alright?" Chloe shrugged "she will be, if Tom Clarkson leaves her alone" Max was about to speak when Michael came in "problem Chloe?" Chloe shook her head "nothing I can't handle" Michael nodded and Chloe walked out the office.

Charlotte couldn't believe the nerve of Tom, saying they should make a go of things for Taitlyn as she would need both her parents, she told him no chance, he hurt her for the last time. She went looking for Chloe and saw her coming out of Max's office "are you alright?" Charlotte nodded "yeah I'm fine" Chloe smiled "I can't wait until today is over. All I wanna do is go home and chill" Charlotte smiled "same".

When school had ended Chloe and Charlotte went to the creche and got Aubree. Arriving home Chloe got changed into a red summer dress and she put her hair into a high ponytail "so how about we do sweet nothing all day" Charlotte smiled "sounds like a plan" Chloe grinned and she put cbeebies on for Aubree. Eddie had been sitting in the garden when Rachel came out "have you noticed anything odd about Chloe lately?" Eddie frowned "no, why?" Rachel sighed "she's been distant from everyone and especially me" Eddie again frowned "you think she's back on the booze?" Rachel nodded "yeah, I do" Eddie sighed "she's been doing so well though" Rachel sadly smiled "I know and I don't want her to be like that again, her daughter is two in a couple of weeks and I don't want her too miss that because she's drunk" Eddie smiled "we'll talk too her".

After dinner and Chloe had put Aubree to sleep Eddie looked at Rachel who nodded "Chloe, we've noticed that you're being distant from everyone lately" Chloe frowned "how do you mean?" Rachel sighed "Chloe, are you drinking again?" Chloe got angry "no I'm not!, how could you even think that?" Rachel knew Chloe was hurt by what she asked but she needed to know "I'm sorry, I needed to know" Chloe rolled her eyes "whatever" standing up from the sofa she looked at her mum "I wouldn't start drinking again, but for you too think that I would goes to show what trust you have in me" Chloe walked upstairs and Rachel felt upset at the fact Chloe felt like she didn't have trust in her.

Chloe went to bed that night and ignored her mum, she wouldn't start drinking again, she was determined not too, she just didn't know if she could do it.


A/N - Should I Include Chloe's Drinking Problem Again? Or Another School Trip?

Next Chapter Tonight (However I'll Need Some Idea's For A Rachel&Chloe Row) If You Have Anything Then PM Me.

Hope You Liked.

Bye For Now Xoxo

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