32 - the actual reason

71 5 3

Hailey Robinson

What do you expect after a hangover? Yeah, a massive pounding headache, and that's happening to me as soon as I woke up which was barely 10 minutes ago.

I was constantly trying to give myself a recap to what happened previous night and why the hell I had a hangover.

If I am correct the events in chronological orders were me showing up home all by myself as Chris had been stuck with some urgent important issue.

Nick shows up to the door saying he came to pick me up. He also had Jenny along with him. I wasn't ready so I ask Jenny if she can suggest me something.

And like a newly formed best-friend she dashes in my wardrobe and selects the dress for me, which I was giving second thoughts on wearing but then Jenny said and I quote 'wear that and watch Chris have a stroke,'

Seriously, what is wrong with people, always trying to put medical trouble on my boyfriend! First Lina and now Jenny, don't know who is next.

I get dressed and we make our way to club with Jenny wanting to listen to Cardi B on a full blast. At the entrance of the club, I was near to getting paralyzed as a sick feeling makes my stomach drops, then I feel Nick tap me on shoulder and say, 'relax, we are here.'

Sure they were, but my mind was refusing to move my legs saying- you are making a mistake, don't you remember what happened last time we were here?

The problem is- I don't fucking remember. I have no clue, no fucking clue, not even a single of it, of what happened, what happened to me?

Jenny ushered me in saying she was going to be sober as she had plans for tomorrow. I'd nod and made my way in with them. We sat back in a booth and started with our drinks, which I made sure were made under my strict observation. We talk here and there for a while about each other.

Apparently, Jenny and Nick work at same place and were fake dating so that they can make each other's exes back off. I am not sure about Jenny but I'd see how Nick particularly behaved around her. He was stealing glances around while she had no idea, speaking softly to her and I'd swear I saw a glint of cuteness cross his eyes a few times.

Two drinks in and a lady appears to us and I turn to see Nick frown in literal disgust. She gets beside Nick and tells him to introduce her and he tells us her name was Jessica and much to my disappointment she adds Chris' high school love after her name. She'd look over me and had a stupid smirk on her face and I'd perfectly remember the words we'd exchange.

She'd tell me how handsome and kind of a greek god Chris was back in his high school and dating him made her the greek goddess. Irony is Chris was indeed built like the greek god she'd mention but her ? Nahh, I disapprove that in the name of my Percy Jackson.

Also she tells me how Chris was multitalented and what he used to do for her, but she gets cut off by Nick saying 'yet you cheated.' Oh boy, I felt a mixture of jolly happiness and a sprinkle of sadness rush through me. She turned to me and let out a snort in disgust and said, "We go on a little break and he goes to some ugly bitches, such a shame."

I got up from my seat, curl my fingers into a fist and spat, "Maybe those bitches don't cheat the way you did." She looks straight in my eye and speaks, "You think you are a match to me? huh!" My patience was borderline thin but to avoid the chaos in a middle of a bar I said, "Who said anything about match, I am already above you as I am engaged to the greek god you cheated on, what a pity, don't you think?"

Lifting my hand that had the ring, I nearly shove that hand into her face. I hear nick trying to stifle a laugh but fail miserably at it and jenny was already half way through it.

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