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"So, uh...how are you feeling?" Midoriya hesitantly asked Mirio.

The two were cleaning up the area and Shinso, Sato, and Eri sat in the common room watching her favorite cartoon. Eri sat on the floor in front of Sato as he braided her hair. Shinso was holding the tutorial video on his phone and pointing out what to do next for Sato.

They were getting along excellently.

"I'm good. It--it feels weird to not feel Permeation though...It feels lonely in a way." Mirio says, looking down as he wipes the table.

"Yeah, I get that." Midoriya replies. But in reality he doesn't. He doesn't understand at all. He was never born with a quirk, so his body would never feel lonely in the concept of Mirio losing his quirk. Mirio lost a part of himself, Midoriya was never born with said part.

You can't lose something you never had.

And Midoriya felt the total opposite, with All Might's quirk running through his veins, he felt crowded.

If he somehow lost OFA then he would still remain Midoriya. His attachment to OFA wasn't biological, it was passed down physically.

So no, Midoriya didn't understand completely. But he still tried to.

Mirio paused from scrubbing the table and looked up, smiling. "I still have hope that I can get Permeation back though."

Midoriya, gave a watery smile back. "I have no doubt you will, Mirio." Slowly the two returned to their cleaning duties.

Mirio cleaned the table and counter as Midoriya swept the floor. They were done in less than ten minutes, where the rejoined the insomniac, baker, and newly-braided child.

They sat in silence watching different shows, sometimes reaching over to grab a cookie from the coffee table and eating it.

"Are you sure you want to give one to Mr. Aizawa?" Asked Sato. He was guiding Eri to said teacher's dorm room while she concentrated extremely hard on not dropping the platter of chocolate chip cookies.

"Mhm!" She hummed, eyes wide open as she practically glared down the cookies, daring them to jump off the platter.

Sato inwardly sighed before almost peeing himself.

Standing right in front of him was now a sparkly blonde teenager with a black face mask on. In the dim lighting, the face mask blended into the darkness and only the sparkly clothes, hair, and eyes were seen clearly. Sato was not expecting said person to appear from nowhere and hover next to them while on their small quest.

"Is everything okay, mon ami?" Asked Aoyama, his head tilted to the side slightly.

Sato breathed out a sigh of relief. Looking into the darkness, he could finally make out the definite shapes of his french classmate.

"Yes, thank you. We were just going to see Aizawa. Eri wanted to take him some cookies." Sato replied, turning slightly towards Eri, who had ended up slightly behind Sato in slight fear. But upon the friendly exchange she moved out from behind the taller's legs.

"W-would you like--would you like a cookie, sir?" She wobbly held up the platter of sweets towards the strange boy.

"Why thank you, petite fille." Aoyama smiled, his face mask slightly folding.

He slowly leant down and plucked off a small cookie from the top. "I will treasure it dearly." He whispered before winking. Eri felt eased at the sincerity of the sparkly boy. She beamed back up at him. "I bid you good luck on the deliverance of your cookies, mes amies."

And with that goodbye, the sparkly purple and white striped, pajama clad boy  spun on his heel and sauntered to his room. Glitter seemingly fell from his pockets and left a trail.

Sato sighed from the exchange, glad he didn't yelp and wake up a seperate screaming blonde.

He put his hand behind Eri, not quite touching her as he led her to Aizawa's chamber.

She bounced to the door and looked at Sato with wide eyes.

Knock on it for me, her eyes practically screamed.

Sato followed the silent orders, slightly scared.

They waited a moment, then another.

And another.

And another.

Until a grumbling was heard and the door slammed upon. An exhausted looking Aizawa rubbed his  right eye and leaned on the doorway to keep balance. He was a deep sleeper, yet annoyed by any disturbance that was able to wake him.

And rightfully so.

He turned his head, scanning the are before landing on Sato.

"What the hell are you doing up at half past twelve and knocking on my door." Aizawa glares, clenching his teeth.

Sato sweat drops before stuttering out nonsense. Under the strict gaze of his teacher, he wilts and forgets why he was even there in the first place.

"Mr. Aizawa! I made cookies for you!" Eri shrieks, bouncing up and down with the platter slightly, still extremely careful not to spill anything.

Aizawa's eyes widened as he began to look down at the small child. He gives her a small smile, and takes the tray from her.  "Thank you, Eri." He says softly.

Eri proudly puffs out her chest. "You're welcome!"

Aizawa looked back at Sato, eyes sharp as ever. "It's passed everyone's curfew. Bed time for you and whoever else came up with the idea."  And was stupid enough to follow through with it.

Aizawa knew Sato was a good, gentle kid. So he assumed Midoriya and Mirio were planning activities for Eri again. It wasn't the first time they've done something for the sole purpose of showing Eri how it's okay to be a kid. A week ago, they took her to a roller skating rink and taught her some tips. Midnight was the chaperone. And that was the last time Midnight was allowed off campus with Eri without another adult's supervision.

No one got hurt though, thank goodness.

"Come on, Eri. Time for you to go to sleep. Crawl on my bed and I'll  tuck you in tonight." Aizawa led her into his room but not before sending a final glare to Sato.

Sato shivered and turned to leave.

Aizawa was one of the primary caretakers of Eri anyways.

"But where will you sleep, Mr. Aizawa?" Asked Eri from behind the door.

"I have my sleeping bag. Beds are for princesses."

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