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"Uhm, hey? I was told to call this number back when I got a chance?" Came the nervous voice from Nezu's phone.

Nezu was pleasantly surprised by getting the call mere hours after his first attempts. However now was not the best time to have a call. Nezu was getting the rundown from Aizawa. But eh, now would have to work.

"Ah, yes. This is Shinso Hitoshi's father?" He said in his professional voice.

A shuffling was heard on the other side of the line before a timid "yes" was mumbled.

"Okay, good. This is Nezu, Principle of UA. Are you sitting down?" He asked, realizing that the news might be...overwhelming.

"Uhm," more shuffling was on the line before the sound of a bag being thrown was heard. "I uh, I just got home from work, so...yeah I sat down just now--is every--is everything okay?"

Nezu could tell Shinso's father was nervous--borderline scared, really. He could practically sense the adult's leg bouncing through the call.

"You were aware of your son taking part in a hero raid? You sighed the permission form, yes?" Nezu asked. He hated this part of his job. Previously, only one other occurrence like this had happened over the course of UA's opening.

And that was hard as it was, Oboro was a great student and would have made a wonderful hero.

"...yes. Is everything okay? Please tell me Hitoshi isn't hurt--I don't--he can't--please." His voice cracked, straining as he jumbled his words.

Nezu sighed, explaining the situation and how the protocol had not been strictly followed by the students.

The raid had been burned in their brain as risky and that if any sign of extreme danger or violence--such as All for One entering--then the students must leave ASAP.

The fact that neither Shinso nor Midoriya had stayed with their designated hero in their designated area proved that they had wondered off to some extent. After that small mistake, anything could have happened.

It was hard for Nezu to relay to the now completely distressed father. Aizawa, who stayed rooted to his seat in the room, looked down at his lap as Nezu droned on. The raven haired adult was tired but he was unwilling to rest. Too many things happened at once. There were too many events to process fully.

What the heck happened with Kurogiri--he sounded like Oboro. But the logistics of that is skewed. Aizawa knew jumping to conclusions was illogical, but hope flaired in his chest.

It was quickly squashed by the reminder that two of his students were missing.

He swears to himself, to all his students, and to both families, that Hitoshi Shinso and Izuku Midoriya will be found. He will find their sons. He will find their friends.

Soon, Nezu finished the call and both parties hung up. He set his phone on his desk and lowered his head to his paws. Sighing, he rubbed his temples. "I hate having to make those calls." Nezu couldn't completely comprehend human emotions, but he knew anguish and fear even as an animal. It was a horrible feeling.

"Have you checked Midoriya's suit's camera?" Aizawa said, widening his eyes as he remembered the newly installed cameras.

In the beginning of the year, he had thought the upcoming classes would be especially hard-core. And he had just remembered having the cameras installed in the costumes.

Nezu looked at the slightly more hopeful and attentive Aizawa through his paws. "I've tried. Something is refraining anyone or anything--including my computer and Tsukauchi's--from connecting." It was horrid news, but it was the truth. They had tried all they could from Nezu's office. It was time to plan.

Aizawa slumped in his chair, rubbing his eyes with his left hand.

"I plan to keep trying though." Was the last somber remark of the chimera.

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