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Detective Tsukauchi looked at the teen located on the other side of the table. He felt bad that she hadn't been able to sleep in a bed yet. The station didn't have rooms for suspects, villains, or visitors to sleep. But he had gotten Midnight to grab Toga a pillow and a couple blankets at least.

So far, they hadn't gotten the shipment of blood in for Blood-related quirks yet. That meant that slowly, Toga would be going back into her bloodlust-driven state.

Tsukauchi had to ask her something before then.

He quietly tapped his pen on the metal table twice and cleared his throat. "I have a quick set of questions for you." He began.

Toga looked up from her lap, gazing at her adversary with half lidded eyes and a partially open mouth. Her skin was shiny from a small sweat too.

She blinked slowly. "First, would you be okay with us administering quirk suppression medication to you via shots? We know your quirk drawbacks will be kicking in soon, and how much they hurt you. Would you feel comfortable with that? If not we can wait until the next shipment of blood packets but that won't be for at least four to five more days." Tsukauchi was talking slowly, so Toga could think about all the options.

He wasn't going to force her to get the quirk suppression medicines if she didn't want to. And the only reason he didn't have the suppression cuffs, was because he didn't want her to feel physically trapped or get hurt. Power Loader was working on a bracelet that suppresses quirks at the moment too, but among all the other inventions he is working on, it might take a little bit.

Toga slowly nodded her head, "I'm fine with the," she took a deep breath and rubbed her eyes, "medicine."

Tsukauchi nodded and made a quick hand signal to the mirror in the room. On the other side, a officer would see through the mirror/window and grab the medicine.

"Okay, next question. How would you feel living with Vlad King and his wife for a bit?"

Toga flinched slightly at the unfamiliar names.

"Hey, it's okay. Vlad is a Pro-Hero and he also has a blood-based quirk so he can help you with yours if you need it. He can help you train your quirk so it doesn't inhibit everyday life. Okay?" He pressed his lips together, watching the teen bob her head up and down sadly.

He put his pen down and folded his hands, leaning back in his chair to seem more at ease.

"Midnight said she would also stay overnight to keep you company. She said she wanted to bond with you as much as possible since you seemed like--in her own words--'such a sweet cutie.'"

That made Toga smile softly. She liked Midnight. She felt safe around the purple haired hero.

Tsukauchi watched her golden eyes glaze over a little more. "Vlad will pick you up around six, when hero work officially ends. Midnight and Vlad will take you to his house to meet everyone and then I think Midnight said something about going shopping soon? You'll have to ask her for details, kiddo."

Toga's genuine smile got a little deeper.

Shopping sounds fun.

Tsukauchi smiled as well, seeing Toga hesitantly relax more. But it didn't last for long.

Soon her genuine smile hardened and morphed into a sneer, her sharp canines showing. Tsukauchi noticed the change and sighed, sliding his chair back and standing up. Toga jolted forward, trying to grab onto the detective. She could smell it.

She could smell it.

His blood.

It was running through her mind like a rant.

His blood. I smell his blood. The pretty pretty red. I want to taste. I want to see him bleed.

She gave a small giggle before mumbling in the direction of Tsukauchi, who was leaning out of reach to grab the pillow and blanket she had accidentally thrown too far when she woke up from a nightmare.

She imagined stabbing him and ripping the man to shreds.

She just needed his blood.

Then another couple of people walked in. Another officer, and then Midnight.

"Hey kiddo. I know you probably won't remember this but we are going to help you, okay? Your quirk is causing you to feel violent, and before it took over, you said we could give you quirk suppressants, remember? I'm going to use my quirk to help you feel fatigued and maybe sleepy, so don't be scared okay? I'll make sure you're safe and stay with you the whole time. Promise." Midnight knew the teen was too far into her quirk to fully understand, but the hero felt better at least trying to soothe the teen beforehand. 

Slowly, Midnight began releasing her quirk. The officer had handed Tsukauchi  a gas mask, so currently both were safe from the fumes.

They just needed to administer the medicine, then at six Midnight and Vlad will take Toga to her new residence.

To her new home.

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