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Kurogiri hadn't heard much from All for One recently. The disgusting, old man had been prioritizing his health as of late.

"Something big will happen soon. I feel I must be ready." He claimed last time he forced Kurogiri to see him.

Oboro wanted to cheer, the monster of a man was actually dying.

Maybe if All for One dies, the nomu shell I'm in will lose it's grip.

Kurogiri had been called in by Tomura early this morning for a quirk conversation.

"Check on the Nomu Factory later." It was one sentence. One command. But Kurogiri nodded anyways and rearranged his plans to fit the new errand.

First he had to go to a store and stock up on some foods, then he would check in on the factory, and finally come back to the base and fill in Shigaraki.

He would also visit in Master if the elder was feeling decent enough for a chat.

Oboro hoped he died while Kurogiri was shopping.

Kurogiri moved downstairs to his bar area. He quickly scrubbed some of the dishes and polished the glasses, making sure everything was in its best form. Grabbing a piece of paper and a pen, he made his way back towards the kitchen.

The nomu began rummaging around, throwing away expired items and writing every needed food on the list. As well as spoons. For some reason, one of the villains kept stealing metal spoons.

They had three left.

You'd think they would want to steal the knives instead.

His mind went to Toga at the though of knives. They had been looking into her disappearance yet to no avail.

Kurogiri shook his head before heading out to the store, list in hand.

He hadn't needed to buy much, but he did grab a few bags worth of food. Mostly non-perishables. And Ramen.

As well as some vegetables and fruits.

The League had to be healthy--Master had insisted.

Waking out of the store, he turned left and began his trek to the nomu factory--which was surprisingly close to said store. Looking around, Kurogiri enjoyed the scenery and silence of the life around him.

It is so different compared to the League's base.

He felt this difference was good.

Eventually, after a thirty-four minute walk, he arrived at the factory without a pair of eyes following him.

Let me out, Oboro whispered to Kurogiri internally. You haven't let me out in forever and I'm dying to touch the grass.

Oboro was a fanatic for nature--he loved trees and bugs and grass and flowers and leaves.

He loved all aspects of nature.

"I'll let you out after I've checked this. You can wonder in the field before we go back." Kurogiri replied solemnly.

Since Oboro still had a conscious and soul, he was able to front occasionally, when his first-in-command allowed. After first enduring the process of a new quirk cramming itself into Oboro's DNA when he first got kidnapped, he had felt the most horrific pain imaginable.

All For One's quirk allowed for quirks to be distributed into a single nucleus, and speeds up the process of slowly adding said quirk to a multitude of more cells.

It took Oboro's body days to fully integrate the warping quirk quite a few years back. But in thr midst of that pain, his conscious fragmented slightly, creating Kurogiri who kept the full quirk.

The quirk had finished intugrating into Kurogiri. Not Oboro. But Oboro did read a book about traumatic quirk experiences and their effects on mental states of kids when he was still enrolled in UA.

Kurogiri was a coping mechanism and since Oboro never fully recovered, he could only front and take over the host body once in a blue moon when he had the strength.

And when no other Villains were around.

If All For One found out that his human-nomu was a split-soul nomu, then he would execute Kurogiri and Oboro's body on the spot.

Neither wanted to die.

But Oboro just wanted a hug. It had been so long since he had hugged his friends. Or anyone for that matter.

Kurogiri warped inside the walls of the factory, a chill crawling up his spine. He was held captive here years ago, and he loathed every second of it.

He saw the green glow down the corridor. There were also excess footprints leading down the hall. He could see their soles through the dust.

People were here.

He cautiously crept forward, keeping off his heels as to maintain a secretive and silent composure. His shoes couldn't be heard even as he walked, thus no other sound was heard in the warehouse, yet all his senses were on high alert.

Slowly he turned the corner into the main nomu lab.

The glass capsules were broken in, the shattered glass covering the floor along with the green liquid that gave the nomus nutrients when they transformed.

All the nomus had withered down into shriveled prune-like creatures. During mid-transformation, they were half human and half developed into nomus of various stages. Some of the older and stronger ones had lacerations on their skin and were practically blown to bits. Chunks of blood, organs, bones and other ominous body parts were strewn about.

The nomu's are annihilated.

Kurogiri scanned the perimeter, no heros or threats. He gasped, speed walking to check on the other labs.

The same view was in each room.

Deciding to report back to Master immediately, he teleported into the League's base.

Sorry Oboro, I'll let you out in a bit. Kurogiri stepped into his own portal.

But right when he stepped out, he ended up dropping his grocery bags.

In front of him were various heros who were fighting the League currently. We've been attacked in such a short period of time? Kurogiri was nervous.

Twice was being cornered by Ectoplasm near the bar. But some of Ectoplasm's clones were fighting each other. It was odd but Twice was still scared to death about cloning himself. And rightfully so.

All Kurogiri could do was stand there in shock.

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