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Inko Midoriya was biting her nails. Nezu had called her earlier to say the villain raid they performed went ary. Izuku had went missing along with one other student. It was obvious they had neglected protocol the teachers had placed on the raid.

They had wondered off.

But why?

She knew Izuku followed rules to a T most times. And only when he felt as if someone was or would be hurt by the rules, would he go against them.

So there must've been more to the story.

Her eyes were glued to the television as she watched rescue heros search the debris. They were efficient but the building was unsteady.


If they moved one wrong brick--one wrong slab of concrete--the whole building would contract even further into itself, possibly killing anyone who was still inside. It was a nerve wracking situation, but Inko remained hopeful.

The cameraman kept zooming in to the reckage, showing off the sharp edges of concrete and thick wires and beams poking out of the pile. Glass was scattered everywhere as a testament to the few windows that had previously been attached to the building.

It didn't look promising for the two missing UA students. But Inko hoped that the whole ordeal was simply a miscalculation and her son was walking safely a few blocks down, looking for their teacher.

Her heart told her otherwise. Yet the mother chose to ignore the pain in her chest.


Hitoshi Shinso's parents weren't answering the phone. This was the third time Nezu has attempted calling them but it was to no avail. He sighed, leaving a quick voice message linked to the number.

"Please contact me immediately when you get the chance."

He ended the call and turned his phone off and rubbed his paw to his maw. Nezu was stressed to the nth degree.

Two students were never seen leaving the building.

A villain potentially trapped inside as well.

Even if they are alive, the situation is increasingly dangerous. They have four days tops to find any survivors.

A human can only survive three days without water. And if they manage to find water, surviving without food only lasts three weeks. Dust debris and possible injries are a totally different matter. The statistics do not look good either way.

Nezu mulls over all the somber possibilities that could happen. None look increasingly good, and only few were increasingly likely.

It annoyed Nezu that two missing students were the outcome of such a planned out raid. He felt he hadn't taken into account that even in a hindered state, All for One would still be able to wield such a powerful quirk and use it accordingly.

The data Nezu had gathered on the pervious Number One Villain had been oversimplified. And Nezu hadn't caught that mistake in the heat of the moment.

He felt it was all his fault.

But the fact no one had even seen the two kids after their entrance was odd.

I need to talk to Aizawa.

Nezu took a deep breath in and dialed Aizawa's number. He needed to hear what the teacher saw--what he knows-- first-hand.

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