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"Would the following students come to Nezu's office: Jiro Kyoka, Hagakure Toru, Monoma Neito, Hiryu Rin, Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki, and Shinso Hitoshi. Please come to the Nezu's office immediately." The voice of a woman came off the UA intercom.

Sero, Mina, and Kirishima lead a series of ooo's. A couple stray classmates teased their friends by asking what they did to get Nezu on their backs.

The teases helped ease Midoriya's tension yet he still felt like he might combust.

I was called to the Principle's office.

For a split second, Midoriya had entertained the idea of hearing that Nezu read one of his Hero Analysis For The Future notebooks and was going to expel him. But other people were called that couldn't be the case.

Slowly, Kaminari, Jiro, Hagakure, and Midoriya stood up from their seats. Jiro confidently stalked towards the door, Hagakure bouncing after her. Midoriya ducked his head and quickly followed after them, cursing the announcement for drawing unwanted attention to him as he walking in front of his classmates to the door. Kaminari, finally registering that it was not indeed a prank, bolted out of the class.

"Yo dude, can you piggyback me?" He asked, hands behind his head as he tried to walk in a cool, relaxed fashion.

"...what??" Midoriya whispered, glaring incredulously at the blonde.

"Can you carry me? I want a piggyback ride." Kaminari looked deeply into his friend's eyes, before changing his facial expression. "I will now give you the ultimate puppy dog eyes and you will agree." He said right before pulling a face that made him look constipated.

Midoriya continued to be confused. Piggyback ride?

Jiro let out a snort before coming up behind Kaminari to slap the back of his head.

"Ow! What was that for?" He cried out, rubbing his the back of his head.

"You're being an idiot again." Jiro laughed, Hagakure joining in once she saw Kaminari's betrayed face.

The four kept walking, eventually reaching Monoma and Hiryu in the hallway. Both classes were relatively close to each other, so it wasn't that hard to catch up. Class 1A was the furthest from UA's staff rooms, including Nezu's office which was located in the third section.

"Well, if it wasn't the useless Class 1A!" Monoma broke out in laughter. "Look at--"

Hiryu sighed, before putting a firm hand on Monoma's shoulder. "Please. Please, I'm not Kendo. But I can grab her to escort us." Hiryu was done with the one way rivalry Monoma had with class 1A. He just wanted a normal day.

One normal day in UA.

But noooo, that's too much to ask for.

"C'mon people, we don't want to be late." Jiro said, walking ahead of everyone.

Hagakure jumped slightly before bounding after her, followed by Kaminari and Hiryu.

Kaminari struck up a conversation with Hiryu, wanting to know more about the 1B student. Afterall, their duel-training classes had been postponed for a few more weeks.

Midoriya stayed behind, walking with a slightly put-off Monoma to his left.

Monoma was grumbling about how Hiryu was a "Class 1A sympathizer." Midoriya wanted to ask Monoma more about his quirk, afterall it was one of the coolest the greenette has ever seen. But he deemed it not the best time to ask such questions.

Monoma stomped faster, wishing to become the leader as "Class 1A should not be leading since 1B is better."

Midoriya chuckles at the blonde's antics.

He stated at a steady pace, watching his friends walk ahead of him. Ever since middle school, Midoriya hadn't liked the idea of someone walking behind him. So he opted to be the one walking in the back. Sometimes it got him in trouble, like during the mall trip when he was eventually left alone and Shigaraki had found him.

But otherwise, he quite enjoyed watching other people converse and enjoy their lives.

Midoriya didn't like talking too much anyways.

He especially found it funny in times like these.

Because Kaminari managed to persuade Hiryu to give him the piggyback ride he desired.

Eventually, their group arrived at Nezu's door. Midoriya was the last to enter, having maintained a solid seven paces behind the others. Shinso had been in the room first, as his class was located closest to Nezu's office.

Midoriya slowly shuffled towards Shinso while Nezu began talking.

Shinso had been standing in the corner, overseeing everyone in the room. He was anti-social and didn't like the feeling of being surprised randomly. So Midoriya made it his small mission to stand next to his friend during the meeting.

"I can't believe that we are going on a mission together!!" Yelled Kaminari, who was bouncing in excitement.

"Shut it, dipwad." Jiro said, smacking the overly excited teen on the back of the head. "Nezu also said it was imperative that we keep this mission a secret."

"Yeah! Plus we don't trust you. That's why we all decided to bunk in Shinso's dorm for the time being." Hagakure giggled.

Kaminari's face fell, and he stopped walking. "We aren't just having a sleepover?" He asked, clutching his chest. He was exaggerating the feeling of his heart breaking.

Shinso and Midoriya watched from where they were leading the group. Midoriya was in front with Shinso behind him. Shinso knew Midoriya hated people walking behind him, so he chose to play bodyguard. Midoriya had smiled shakily, and Shinso smiled back. The walk to Shinso's dorm was relatively short. No one besides Midoriya and Shinso knew where his class dorm was located. But neither wanted to stop conversing with each other--afterall they are best friends. Nevertheless, Shinso made sure Midoriya felt protected as the group walked behind them.

"You and Monoma wouldn't be able to keep quiet on this mission, and quite frankly I think we are all equally as excited." Hiryu cut in, shrugging his shoulders.

"Plus! It will be like a bonding time! We can get to know each other better before the mission tomorrow." Hagakure cheered. She was excited to the max. Her first hard-core hero work mission!

This is gonna be so cool!!

"Like I would want to bond with someone in 1A." Monoma huffed, crossing his arms. He was mad that Jiro got in Nezu's office before him.

"You have no choice." Hiryu and Jiro said at the same time.

Kaminari left his spot and ran back up to the group that had kept walking. "Hey don't forget about meeeeeeeeee!!"

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