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Shinso was nervous, he hadn't seen Midoriya since the Nomu catapulted itself through half the heroes and villains. His violet eyes were frantically analyzing the whole base, searching for his friend. 

A flash of green movement turning a corner was all that it took for Shinso to realize Midoriya must have found something. So he began to silently stray from their babysitter, Snipe, and attempt to reign in Midoriya. 

And maybe actually fight some villains.

Shinso felt like he wanted to be useful to the raid, and so far no one was letting him use his quirk, let alone fight

Probably because Aizawa wanted to make sure he was relatively safe while still experiencing hero work to its fullest extent. And his quirk was helpful if things got out of hand. Afterall, Shinso was still somewhat new to the prospect of actively becoming a hero. He had been on a few missions previously, but none as big as this. 

When Aizawa had told him about the mission, he was beyond nervous and excited. Afterall, he would be going on a mission with his favorite hero. 

But now all he felt was the impending feeling of something being wrong. The air seemed too thick. The noise seemed too controlled. 

Shinso glanced around again as he made his way to where he saw Midoriya headed. He wouldn't lose his friend in all his chaos. He knew Midoriya has a…track record of…impulsiveness and blatant disregard of self worth in these scenarios. Shinso wouldn't let that happen. 

He watched as an Ectoplasm clone crept behind Twice before attempting to get the villain in a headlock. It didn't work and both ended up tumbling to the ground. 

By this time, Shinso reached the far side of the room. He had made sure to keep himself under the radar of all Heros and Villains alike. His impeccable skill of remaining silent was one he had articulated in Junior High. He had to find a means to come home relatively unscathed every day afterall. 

He quickly flattened himself against the wall before turning to look down the hall Midoriya had traveled. Deeming it safe from murderous villains and nomu, he followed towards the noise of murmering. 

After passing by a few doors, he began to hear a loud crash. Bolting forward, he is able to see the Nomu that was fighting Nighteye's group had crashed into a nearby wall. Chunks of the drywall began falling from the spot, yet the nomu simply catapulted itself back at the heros. Shinso watched from far away as everything happened. Blinking out of his daze once more, he continued down the hallway. 

The ground cracked under his weight. The murmurs of quiet voices tricking thought the small hallway was almost completely drowned out by the sound of something heavy shifting. Shinso took to time to fling himself forward and cover his head with his arms, falling into a bit of a crouch. He felt the ground shake as the wall the Nomu collided with, began to crumble and fall down. After a few moments, Shinso begins coughing at the massive dust cloud that had rose up. 

Hacking out a lung, he observes his surroundings. The hallway leading into the main raid was completely destroyed. The wall had collapsed onto the adjacent wall, leaving an overlapping, thick pile of rubble. 

Shinso felt a sense of dread pooling in his stomach. Fear crept up his spine as he shivered. 

He slowly pulled the collar of his shirt over his nose and mouth, holding it there with a shaky hand. Breathing in smoke would not be good, especially as the warehouse-turned-bar seemed to be…condemned a while ago.

On shaky legs, Shinso kept one hand to the wall to help guide him through sections of thick dust. The other hand continued to hold up his shirt, filtering the air. 

Shinso speeds up his pace, ignoring the creaky building and moves closer and closer to the general direction of his friend. 

Now he knows for a fact, he must find Midoriya. He just hoped the greenette wasn't injured. 

Not even a couple steps later he reached a staircase. It was dark. Then again, the whole room was dark at this point. Shinso's eyes were adjusting quite decently. That didn't mean he felt safe in the darkness though. 

"--u okay? You're hurt?" Came a worried sounding Midoriya. Quickly Shinso began running down the stairs, pushing aside his frantic thoughts. 

He couldn't be blinded by his own pessimism. But it was increasingly hard to stay optimistic by the situation. Their only entrance and exit had been demolished. 

Unless one of the other two doors was an exit, though Shinso doubted it. 

The stairs creaked under pressure. 

Suddenly a booming noise caused Shinso to falter his steps, eventually crashing down the staircase.

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