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"Tomura." All for One beckoned from across the black television screen.

Tomura, who was in the midst of playing video games at an ungodly hour of the night, jumped. He was killing the opposing team, and he most definatly didn't expect to hear Master talking to him.

"Yes, Master?" He said, pressing a few more buttons to hide his avatar before pausing the game.

"I would like to you. Make sure you...are alone." His tone was demanding yet frail, the man was pausing to breathe every few words.

Tomura glanced around the messy room before deeming himself alone. "Yes. All members have went to bed."

"Good." There was a rustling from the opposite side of the television.

Tomura waited patiently for his master to continue talking, though his right leg was bouncing up and down. An anxious tic. Kurogiri was slowly trying to stop the young adult from ripping the skin off his own neck.

Right now he had a thick set of bandages around his neck to stop his scratching. Kurogiri had even tied it in the back. Contrary to popular belief, Tomura couldn't simply take off said bandages. He was not that flexible and couldn't wrap his head around untying a knot without seeing it and completing the process in front of his own eyes.

Nevertheless, he grumbled at Kurogiri every time the latter passed by to show his annoyance.

"I've quirk stocks... exponentially." All for One said. "The nomu's...are ready for...leadership."

Tomura's mouth dropped. Master really gave up majority of his quirks? So soon?

"But why?" Tomura felt the words leave his lips before he could even think to hold his tounge. After realizing his bluntness, he quickly shuts his mouth and mumbles a quick sorry.

A chuckle on the other line was heard. All for One was laughing at him. Tomura, not usually one for saying sorry or being laughed at, blushed. His ears were bright pink as he felt an overwhelming sense of embarrassment.

"My health is...not the great...est at the... moment. I fear...if I do not...act now," he broke off into a coughing fit. "Then...I will not to do so in...the future."

Tomura looked down at his hands.

He knew Master was not well. However he didn't know the extent of how sick Master was. Now it seemed as if he was dying too fast. Was Tomura ready to take the League into his own hands? He didn't feel like it.

I've failed so many times already...

Tomura felt a lump in the back of his throat, but he swallowed it back down. He willed the needle pricks located behind his eyes to go away. He will not cry.

He will not get emotional.

Sensei is a villain.

He is a villain.

And villains don't have time to cry.

Villains are strong.

Villains will bring society to its knees. They will show citizens the truth. Afterall, there is no black and white, only shades of grey.

There is no definite yes or no if opinions are able to surround the answer.

Hero society will fall, specifically in Shigaraki Tomura's cold hands. And he will not accept it any other way.

"I would completely...wrong to time is coming to an...end. You will...make a fine leader...Tomura."

Tomura smiled sadly, fingers tapping his knee. He was anxious. He was sad. But he knows he will do something big, he can practically feel its importance rolling off his shoulders in waves.

Tomura Shigaraki would not fail this time. Master had faith in him afterall.

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