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All Might stood off to the side, shifting his weight between both of his feet. He wasn't allowed to help with the rescue operation since he was retired. But he also didn't want to get in the way of active heros. So he stood off to the side, out of the news camera's view.

His nails were chipped from him ripping them off. His bottom lip was red and close to bleeding due to him biting it in worry. The skin around his eyes were puffy and his face had red splotches from his attempts at holding in his tears.

How had this gone so south?

Aizawa had been called in by Nezu to relay details of the event. Nezu was fast on the case to help figure out the best way to get everyone out of the building.

"Mic is at the hospital awaiting stitches in his arm. Nighteye left after getting an urgent call from his agency. Fatgum is...somewhere. The UA kids are currently still with the ambulances. If you take my work van, can you bus them back to UA? I cleared them to leave the scene as soon as they got a ride. They've already been questioned informally, but right now I think they're still in shock. Rest is mandatory." Toshinori nearly jumped out of his skin after hearing Tsukauchi's voice in such close proximity.

After listening carefully, he nodded to Tsukauchi. "Yes, I can surely drive them back to the dorms. I'm sure they're not feeling the best right now." Toshinori's mind was reeling.

Was he really going to leave the proximity knowing his successor is under rubble?

He bit the inside of his hollowed cheek.

Tsukauchi watched his friend wither away after the incident. He knew Toshinori was close with his successor. He had such faith in the greenette. He came to Tsukauchi for teaching tips and methods on training regimines to make the quirk's transfer go as smoothly as possible. Tsukauchi knew Toshinori spent hours upon hours holed up in his house to research his quirk and help the kid with any possibly problem he may come across.

Tsukauchi would even say Toshinori cared about Izuku as if he was his son.

He even told the detective that he felt horrible for essentially  saying the teen couldn't be a hero if he was quirkless. Toshinori had projected his trauma of being a bullied quirkless hero-dreamer onto Izuku. It was the heat of the moment, but no excuses.

Later on, Toshinori had went up to Izuku and apologized profusely to the teen. He told the greenette that he would train the teen to be the best hero he could be, no matter what. If he chose to except All Might's quirk or not, Toshinori would still be the kids mentor.

Izuku did take One for All though. But Tsohinori made him promise that if the power felt painful or overwhelming--or even if Izuku had a change of heart and wanted to become a hero quirkless--that it would be totally okay to give the quirk back.

Izuku could be a hero no matter what. And Tohsinori would stand behind him, quirkless or not.

Tsukauchi remembers how much Toshinori smiled when recounting his successor and how hardworking and intelligent he was.

Being a hero meant Toshinori wasn't able to create a life on his own. He didn't want anyone he knew getting in the midst of trouble because a villain found out they knew each other.

So Toshinori was hesitant. But now that everyone knew, he was happy to have met Izuku and started to live his life freely.

The events of today crushed Toshinori to the brim.

Tsukauchi put his hand on Toshinori's shoulder.

"I know it doesn't help. But I really am sorry for bringing up the question of allowing kids to be involved in this case." Tsukauchi whispered, looking at the rubble.

Toshinori stiffened at the apology before relaxing again. "You didn't know. No one knew." Toshinori cleared his throat before shrugging off his friend's hand. "Now, I need to drop off some young kiddos at UA. The keys?"

Tsukauchi looked the blonde up and down before handing over his van keys.

As Toshinori began walking away, Tsukauchi yelled out after him. "Take a few hours ro rest as well, Tohsinori. I'll update you with any news."

Toshinori's step faltered, but he eventually nodded.

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