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It had been about an hour since the public funeral began. People were paying their respects to all four people, though the majority didn't know who Magne--the fourth--was. 

Toga had integrated into the small group with Kaminari and Hiryu. Together they congregated and discussed fond memories of Izuku and Shinso--though they hadn't known Shinso for long. In return, Toga went on long tangents about the crazy adventures that were filled with the crackhead energy of adults who finally freed their inner children. It hadn't happened often, but sometimes at three in the morning, a Just Dance battle would break out and become extremely competitive. 

She missed those moments. In the midst of tension, she really did enjoy being with the League. She didn't miss the missions, but the company was wonderful. 

UA staff paid their respects to all four as well as took turns keeping the press away. Mrs. Midoriya, Nezu, Aizawa, Mistuki, and Shinso's father all said speeches and funny stories to keep fresh, happy memories in the eyes of people who knew the dead. Toga was even asked to speak about Shigaraki and Magne. 

Class 1A began sobbing halfway through. It felt as if they were missing a chunk of people they knew--even if some were villains that attacked them. 

After the speeches, most of the citizens and community members who were paying their respects left. The press was now waning. 

Mrs. Midoriya and Mr. Shinso stood with Aizawa, Vlad, and Nezu. 

A gasp was heard, followed by the sound of running. Vlad snapped his head towards the footsteps, worried about Toga after hearing her gasp. His eyes widened and then relaxed as he took note of who it was. 

Nezu nodded to himself. 

The ex-villains had arrived. 

Dabi and Spinner stood off to the side, next to Kurogiri. The nomu was now back to his original self for the most part, though his skin was dark and patchy in some parts and as his hair evaporated, the color changed, turning purple. 

Aizawa felt the glob get thicker in the back of his throat. His eyes burned more than usual, yet his dry-eye refused to let tears spill. So I wasn't imagining it. 

On the other side of Kuorgiri was Twice and Compress, both of whom held each other in a side hug as they walked. 

Toga had spotted them and had practically catapulted herself towards them crying. They embraced her with open arms as she shook in both happiness and sadness. 

Shigaraki would never have let her hug him. 

The Pro-Heroes didn't even bat an eye at the villains who had shown up. Instead they let them visit their old leader and member in peace. 

The League hadn't broken any laws or been remotely active since the building's collapse. Nezu didn't fear them, instead he had wanted to help them moreso. 

After they made sure Shigaraki and Magne's bodies were properly taken care of, the villains slowly followed Toga as she leaped towards Vlad. 

"This is my dad now!" She exclaimed excitedly motioning towards the hero. "He gives me blood and helps me feel happier! He is he best!--" She suddenly stops to glare at the somewhat surprised villain posse. "--But I'm not going to share." She crosses her arms over her chest. 

Vlad blushes from embarrassment. The stares of previous villains boring into his skull also not helping. 

Inko gave a watery smile at the scene. 

"It sounds like he treats you well." Kurogiri says, patting the teen on the head. Toga cocks her head to the side, curious about the weird change in Kurogiri suddenly. She had noticed how his appearance changed but his personality was different now too. She felt as if she had missed something big…but she made a mental note to pursue the topic at a more fitting time. 

She nods her head. "Yep!" 

"And if he ever doesn't…" Dabi steps forward, cracking his knuckles. He truly doesn't trust Heros as father figures.  

"We will beat him up! No we won't!" Twice finished off, bouncing up and down. His optimism and giddiness did not pair well with the words he just said. But he seemed happy for Toga nonetheless. 

Aizawa and Nezu stepped forward. Compress, who was being abnormally silent, watched them near and tensed ever so slightly. 

Toga grinned at the chimera. She had learned to play nice with heros under Vlad's watch. That didn't mean she sometimes didn't jab at them though. 

"May I speak with you all away from the main ceremony for a bit?" He asked in the direction of Kurogiri, a small smile on his face--a courtesy smile. 

Kurogiri stiffened, before nodding and motioning for Compress to come with. Nezu made no notion to stop the extra person as he began leading them to a slightly less crowded corner. 

When they arrived they stopped to watch everything from a distance. Some of the class 1A kids had shuffled forward to speak with the villains and parents. Kaminari, Mina, Bakugo, and Shoji had joined and began conversing with the group. They watched as the villains slowly lowered their guards around the children, who were downcast under the circumstances, but willing to display that the villains were also welcome.

"I had an idea." Nezu began, turning towards Compress and Kurogiri. "And I want your input. I will be upfront with you, this answer should be a group decision and not have an immediate reply. I would prefer you all to think about it thoroughly." His deep stare met the eyes of his two listeners. Kurogiri gave a soft hum, and Compress verbally agreed. "I was thinking of setting up a rehabilitation and reform panel at UA. And I would like you all to be a part of it. I'm sure you've all seen the audio of Midoriya, Shinso, and Shigaraki?" 

"Yes." Came Compress's steady reply. 

"They all wished for a brighter future for all people. And I know that some heroes are not the best for the job. I am also aware of how society's standards have strict biases against certain quirks. The panel I am pushing to install will help people of all backgrounds and pasts become whatever they wish to be--not only heroes. I want to have UA open to more besides the Hero Courses and Hero-related courses. Ideally, I would like for your group to teach children how to handle their quirks and learn to accept them as they are. I want people to know that they can be anything, and I want UA to be like it was originally meant--a place for everyone to seek refuge. Quirkless, or not, everyone needs to be welcome here. So my question is, would your group be willing to help me reform and rehabilitate UA--one of the first steps of creating a better society?" Nezu asks, eyes glinting with a fire only a passionate being would hold. 

Kurogiri nods, "I will inform the…League of your proposal." He turned back to watch Kaminari attempting to braid Toga's hair while she braids Mina's. Dabi and Twice were speaking with Aizawa and the two parents. Tsu, who had at some point came over to the group, was talking with Spinner over a seemingly passionate subject. On both ends. 

Compress began to crack a smile. For once the group had felt welcome outside of villainy. 

Too bad it had taken the loss of two kids and a young adult for society to accept change. And make their dreams come true. 

Nezu nodded, a good feeling set in his gut. He would reform UA. He would not let the lives lost this week mean nothing. 

The three began walking towards the group, silently observing the bittersweet chaos. 

"Would you…would you all like to stay for the…private service too?" A small voice asked. Kurogiri turned to Mr. Shinso. 

Looking at the group of people still sad over their friends and family members deaths, Kurogiri almost physically felt the sad, bittersweet thoughts flying through everyone's head. He knew Dabi, Twice, Spinner, and Compress would want time alone to send off Magne and Shigaraki. Individually. 

"Yes, that would be good. Thank you." He gave the timid, pink eyed man a small smile, filled with gratitude. 

Yes, everything was looking slightly better.

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