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It was now Friday. The public service was set up for the four people who had lost their lives. 

Their coffins were next to each other. Hitoshi Shinso was on the far left, his purple hair still and face seemingly tranquil--it was as if he had finally found peace in his sleep. Purple, light blue, green and yellow flowers cascaded down around the lips of his casket, flowing to the ground. His pale body stood out in contrast to all the colors. 

Next to him laid Shigaraki, whose corpse was left unaltered in respect to him. UA had been in charge of getting the bodies prepped, which included someone with the quirk that allowed them to take the scars off of beings who have died or take off the scratches littering abiotic objects. She had found a use for her quirk which included helping the morgue. In some scenarios, families couldn't have an open casket-funeral to say goodbye due to their passed relative's corpse being mutilated or severely scarred. Her quirk helped them heal to the point of allowing their families to see them peaceful one last time.

The scars on all four people were prominent and instead of using her quirk to erase them, UA along with the children's avalible parents decided that all the scars would remain. 

Shigaraki had scars littering his whole body, but most noticeably was his neck and face. Those scars had signified his life, past to present. The heroes felt they had no right to make these people who had once been living, breathing humans, seem one hundred percent perfect in death. That would mean their death and their dream would be wasted. 

No hero didn't have battle scars. 

And even though Shigaraki had been a villain, he was also a kid who once needed a hero. And he had been there for two children who were scared, and alone in a building that had slowly been killing them. He had helped them heal mentally, which was more than what the heroes could have done. Not all scars were mental too. 

Shiagraki's body, although it had been one of a villain, held the inner remains of a broken, lonely child too. The same loneliness that had enveloped Hitoshi and Izuku. 

His face seemed relaxed, almost kind, which was a big difference from his previously stressed and pain-filled expression that he gave during USJ. 

He looked pale and fragile laying on the cot. His guard was down and his body lay unprotected if not for the casket's partial-glass lid. 

Next was Izuku Midooriya, who, even though he had died asleep, looked in slight pain.

When they had found his corpse, his eyes were open, and a slightly tormented face had greeted them. It was as if the calm, quiet exterior of Izuku Midoriya had melted as the air got thicker. Pure sadness had overtaken Midoriya.

Pure grief. 

From what had been seen in the tape, he had truly meant that he wished they all were not enemies. That he wished no one had been forced to fight each other. That society wasn't rubbish and could have saved their inner child when they got the chance. 

His dying face had the grief of someone who had been forced into growing up too fast. 

Of someone who had learned to suppress their inner child and become stronger. 

They had managed to make Midoriya's face relax slightly, but it remained tense. No one would ever be able to completely free his body from the physical and mental torment he had endured as a child.

He, along with everyone else, were put in a regular white shirt and dress pants. 

Mrs. Midoriya and Mr. Shinso had agreed that suits were not something their sons would ever willingly wear, so they decided a more casual…a more free approach would work. 

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