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Midoriya and Shigaraki froze at the sound of a gigantic crash followed by another loud noise. 

Midoriya gulped as he felt Shigaraki's grip tighten ever so slightly. He felt like his left arm was about to fall off. It felt prickly, so he assumed it was either asleep or losing circulation. Hopefully not the latter. 

Shigaraki turned off his lighter, opting to not showcase their location to the unknown entity dropping in. If all goes south, he would not hesitate to throw the Hero in Training towards the threat and then book it to save himself

There was no shame in believing that sacrificing this pitiful hero would aid in the young adult's survival. 

As long as he could outrun the brat, then he would win. It was as simple as that. 

Neither boy breathed until they heard a groan and the sound of someone scooting down the rest of the stairs, not bothering to stand up. 

Midoriya rolled his eyes, knowing his friend had somehow decided to follow him. Slowly, Midoriya looked back to Shigaraki. His vision had adjusted to the darkness of the basement, so he could make out shapes and the dark shadows within shadows. 

Shigaraki hadn't noticed that Midoriya became less tense. Shigaraki was still currently analyzing the potential threat and possible ways to pass the current level. 

He began scratching at his throat with his free hand, blood specks chipping away and embedding themselves under his fingernails. 

Another soft groan was heard before the sound of shuffling fabric entered their ears. "...Midoriya…? Are you in here?" Was what a deep, seemingly unbothered voice asked. 

Shigaraki snapped his head towards his green haired captive, weighing the pros and cons of letting his fifth finger disintegrate the green haired child's arm. But he was too slow because the teen had grabbed his wrist and managed to make Shigaraki lose his grip on the limb he was keeping hostage. 

"Yeah, I'm over here Shinso!" Was the reply. 

Shigaraki growled under his breath. First one hero-in-training brat was spying on him, now another one showed up. 

He couldn't deal with these…these children! His head was pounding, a muscle in his eyelid was spazzing, and his neck as well as his leg was stinging. He was in no mood to fight, no mood to deal with these imbeciles--these brainwashed hero brats who had everything handed to them on a silver platter. 

He heard the child coined "Shinso" move closer to Midoriya. Feeling as if there was no immediate threat, Shigaraki walked off and situated himself against the wall. He was so tired, so sleepy, so mentally and physically exhausted. His body felt as if it was shutting down, but first his ears pickled at the idea of listening into the other two's conversation. 

"--hy are you here? I thought you were with Snipe?" Midoriya asked, looking at his friend as he talked.

"You were supposed to be with him too, I just followed through with the buddy system technique." Shinso defended, crossing his arms over his chest. 

Upon seeing Shinso stubb up, Midoriya released a small laugh. It was as if they were back at the dorms, goofing off in the middle of the night. But reality hit him fairly fast and his laugher was cut off, replaced by a more serious tone. 

"Do you know what that big crash was before you came in?" Midoriya asked, bracing  for the worst possible news. 

"I dunno what the direct cause of it was, but the ground shook really fast and a wall right outside of the staircase collapsed…" Shinso said, rubbing the back of his neck. He was currently feeling fatigued physically. Mentally he felt scared. 

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