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"Did you find anything new?" A chimera asks his accomplice.

"Nothing more than you suspected. It is truly a gene-altering drug. It goes through every single cell's DNA and deletes the code itself. It isn't a matter of being quirkless with this bullet, it's a matter of being gene-less." Recoverly girl pulled away from her table. Her notes were neatly laid on the desk along with her pink and red pens. She moved over to adjust her projector. It was rigged to the microscope. She'd have to thank Power Loader for the device. It made presenting easier.

Way easier.

She rolled back to the desk, watching Nezu gently pick up her files and look through the notes along the margins.

He nodded to himself, "thank you Recovery Girl. Do we know how many bullets are left?" He looked the older woman in the eyes.

She answered quickly. "Two. The one taken apart and tested was the third. We're lucky a fellow hero snatched the box."

"Indeed." Nezu bobbed his head up and down. He held up the files in his paw. "Can I borrow these for a bit?" Recovery girl hummed an answer, already refocusing on the drug.

It was a fascinating invention. She wanted to know the nooks and crannies of the capsule.

Nezu chuckled at her concealed excitement, before slowly walking out of the room, papers in hand.

The UA hero's were all gathered in Nezu's office before school the next day.

"Emergency meeting" Nezu had told them.

"Dont be late." He had said.

"I'm serious Aizawa. You need to come." Nezu bellowed through the private phone call he had with the sleep-deprived teacher who hadn't confirmed receiving the message in the staff groupchat.

So there he was, sitting to the direct side of Nezu, annoyed at having to be accross the table from All Might.

Sure the oaf saved people, but Aizawa personally doesn't care for the loud man.

Aizawa stays clear from loud, moving objects. Specifically loud, moving, blonde objects.

"So, is everyone present?" Nezu murdered, running through a roll call in his head. Yup, everyone was there.

"Okay, Recovery Girl and I have been researching the drug found at the 8 Precept's base. We found out that it is indeed a 'Quirk-erasing drug.'" Nezu paused to look around the table.

Aizawa ignored the rat looking at him as he did so.

Aizawa was beyond annoyed anyways.

"Our job, as heros, is to decide what the best course of action will be reguardning these drugs. There are two left."

"Can we just destroy them?" Asked Vlad, leaning back in his chair.

"We don't necessarily know every chemical agent used in these drugs. They might be harmful to the civilians or environment if the drugs aren't destroyed properly." Nezu shut down.

Vlad nodded, mulling over Nezu's words carefully. He agreed, having not thought of that specific aspect.

Present Mic looked at Nezu. "Yo, would it be okay if we just lock it up, man?"

"And risk it being stolen?" Nezu questioned. Aizawa scoffed at the stupidity in the room.

However this was brainstorming time. And no one is judged for brainstorming and thinking of possible scenarios. So Nezu smacked the back of Aizawa's head, earning an "oof" from the insomniac.

Aizawa glared at Nezu, impossibly further annoyed.

"Wait. Hear me out for this, it's just a thought. What if we use it?" Asked Snipe hesitantly.

"--That is probably unethical." Inserted Hound-Dog, shaking his head. He was leaned forward in his seat, elbows on the table as he rubbed his eyebrows with his hand.

"But, I'm not saying we use it on a civilian or kid. What if we used it on a overpowered villain?"

"Still considered unethical, Sunaipu," Hound-Dog replied.

"If we did do this, who would we even use it on?" Midnight asked, looking around lazily.

Aizawa turned slightly to peer at Nezu from the corner of his eyes. Nezu was intently thinking this option through, his lips pursed.

"Dabi?" Someone called out.

"Tomura Shigaraki?" Cementos guessed, rubbing his jaw. "He was severely over powered. And I don't believe the Nomu's would be effected by the bullets."

All Might gulped, and it did not go unnoticed by Aizawa. Aizawa rolled his eyes before analyzing All Might once more.

The teacher was tense, shoulders raised uncomfortably. He was slightly slumped over and his eyes were blown wide.

"Toshinori has a person in mind." Aizawa cut through the banter between Hound-Dog and Cementos.

"Oh? Who might that be?" Nezu prodded, leaning over the table.

Everyone turned to face the Number One Hero, who cowered away from their gazes.

He was clearly uncomfortable being put on the spot like this, but he collected himself. "I--I um, yeah. I might know a villain...that um, might be--might need to be taken down....using that...bullet." At the end, Toshinori lost steam and trailed off, looking away from the other heros.

The door is such a fine specimen.

Oh what a joy it would be to walk out of the tense atmosphere.

All Might was tempted.

Very tempted.

After a few seconds, Midnight loses it and slams her shoe on the table. "Well aren't you gonna tell us?!"

Toshinori jumps out of his seat, his soul leaving his body for a few seconds. "W-well--well I--my---his name...All for O-one."

Midnight nodded before slipping her shoe off the table and sliding back down into her chair. She slipped her heel back on. She was suddenly glad she didn't wear her knee-high boots with three inch heels today. These smaller ones were so much more fun to be dramatic with.

The table got silent. Vlad sighed, "Oh shoot. I forgot about him."

Granted it had been a couple months since the meeting UA had covering All Might, his limit, teaching abilities, and nemesis. However, an overpowered nemesis is something worth remembering.

"So first, I think we should all write down the pros and cons of using this bullet on All for One, if we decide that is the best scenario. We need to think of every possibility." Nezu said, looking everyone in the eye.

All Might shifts his weight.

"It's still unethical."

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