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Kurogiri stepped through the portal leading to Sensei. The nomu corpse had been summoned to learn classified information.

The air was thick when he arrived. Tension wafted in the air so thick that one could cut it with a knife.

A steady beeping was heard as well as the stench of oldness.

The stench of being unable to maintain oneself to the same degree as in their prime.

"Ah, first...creation." Wheezed All For One, his oxygen mask fogging as he talks. Taking it as a sign to walk over, Kurogiri moves forward to stand beside Sensei.

The older patted him on the back. Oboro urged his body to move away from the monster next to him, however Kurogiri remained stoic.

"I am...not in" AFO's breathing was severely labored. "I feel my...quirks are"

Kurogiri moves away to check the vitals on the monitor next to AFO's bed. At simple glance, the heart rate was indeed slower.

He tells the truth.

The older man continued on, ignoring the nomu. "I tell you...I'm..." A shaky breath echoed through the dark room, accompanying the machine noises.

If he strained his ears hard enough, Kurogiri could listen into the wired television and hear groggy league members talking.

"I'm going to...slowly get rid...of my...quirk stockpile..."

Kurogiri stiffened.

"No!" Screamed Oboro. "No more quirks, I can't--I can't handle a-another one."

Kurogiri could hear his host's soul screaming and crying from inside his body. Oboro was weak, that's why Kurogiri was formed. Unlike the other Nomu's, Oboro was not fully killed beforehand, meaning his consciousness and soul was still alive in the body of a nomu. All For One had made sure to keep the younger adult alive long enough to add to his quirks and appearance. But Oboro was long since broken down--merely a fragment of Kurogiri due to trauma response.

Yet Kurogiri was the one in charge, and this wouldn't change until All For One's quirks faded away.

"I give the...quirks to...the pre...prepared nomus..."

Kurogiri let out an inaudible sigh, relief flooding both him and Oboro.

One more quirk, and my body will rip apart.

The human body was only meant to house one quirk--at least that ideaology included the first three generations.

Fourth generation quirk users had evolved beyond that limit.

Kurogiri could feel the quirks' powers seeping through his body and radiating through the room. Oboro felt sick from the power--he just wanted to go home to his cat.

His cat that his friends promised to take care of if he ever couldn't.

Kurogiri nodded at Sensei. "All of your quirks will go into the special nomus?"

"Yes." Wheezed a confident All For One. "I if low...but if I'm...wrong...I can always...take...them back.... I'm keeping...the...healing--" Unable to continue due to a coughing fit, All For One leans forward, hand balled and hovering in front of his face as he hacked out a lung.

Kurogiri stepped forward hesitantly.

"Don't touch it!" Cried out Oboro from inside Kurogiri's mind. The unaged teen was curled in a ball in the corner, sobbing as he rocked forward and backward.

Forward and backward.

Forward and ba--

"Is there anything you need, Sensei?" Asked a still Kurogiri, his hands firmly at his side and his body situated over three feet away from the number one villain.

Not responding, the villain continued to cough. He managed to wave off his first nomu.

Silently Kurogiri warped back to the bar.

Sensei is getting more reliant on medical machines and quirks.

It won't be long now.

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