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Two days later, all the heros were back in Nezu's office. The room was deadly silent and insanely tense. Hostile almost.

But that cannot be the case.

These are fully grown heros.

Just because they are heros, doesn't mean they cannot abide by the same laws as civilians. Specifically the law about murder.

Present Mic was glaring daggars at Cementos.

If looks could kill, and if those killings were considered murder under the law, Present Mic would be jailed.

Cementos swallowed hard, thanking every magical being that Present Mic's quirk was not Glaring Daggars of Doom. He didn't take the loud hero to be one for holding grudges, but when he was forced to bail from the radio show, Mic apparently took it personally.

Extremely personally.

Nezu, completely ignoring the murderous intent inside the office, began speaking.

"So, you found the location?" It was a rhetorical question.

Detective Tsukauchi nodded, standing up to write it on the rolly white board in the room. So far it had the data regarding the quirk-erasing bullets and the League Member's files. He wrote the location under the League Information section.

"We also still have Toga in custody. After calming her down, and promising a proper funeral for her friend Mange, she was willing to tell the location. When outside the realm of her quirk's drawback--bloodlust--she never wanted to be a villain." Tsukauchi informed, deciding to cut to the chase and breif everyone on the interrogation. "She hates herself for killing innocent people and admits to only killing when her bloodlust took over. Her words are true. She is remorseful. I also checked the whereabouts of the base location she supplied us with. It's legitimate. An invisibility-quirked officer was sent to keep watch over the area for a few hours and he came back with multiple citings of League members going in and out."

Nezu nods, hand on his maw as he stands in his seat.

So Toga is a victim. He had a suspicion but until he was able to confirm it, he had been at a standstill.

"Then I assume her previous home life wasn't ideal--potential quirk abuse or domestic abuse. I want a pro-hero to take her under their paw and help her mental state improve. Preferably someone with a quirk who can help subdue or understand her quirk if absolutely necessary. That leaves the options Midnight and Eraserhead if we chose to subdue her if the drawbacks get out of hand--though I would be hesitant as we are trying to help her. Next is Vlad, who would be the best for helping her cope, plus he would be able to supply her with blood." Nezu rambles to himself before turning on his heel and directing his next statements to Vlad King. "Would you and your wife be willing to take in Toga for the time being, Vlad? She might feel safer with your quirk being blood related."

There was silence. The squeaks from Tsukauchi messing with the White-Board even paused.

"I-I mean I can--I can text her real fast?"

"Splendid!" Nezu turned his attention back to the full table, ignoring the confused stares littered around the room. "Now we just need to obtain a plan of action. First off, when and who will be there for the raid?"

Midnight was glaring at Vlad, who was hesitantly texting his wife about Nezu's plan.

I want visitation.

"The raid should be sooner rather than later." Hound-Dog spoke up.

At the same time, Snipe asked, "We're still shooting them, right?"

Both men paused after their questions to look at one another. Differing viewpoints in heroics was always interesting, especially when a part-time therapist is paired with a full-fledged hero with guns.

And to think when they were teenagers, they wanted an Agency together, Nezu mused.

"We are going after All for One with the quirk erasing bullet, yes. And we do plan to do this within the next few days preferably." Nezu said, interrupting Hound Dog and Snipe's staring competition.

"I think Midnight, Aizawa, and Snipe should definatly go. Midnight would be able to make everyone sleep if things get too out of control. Aizawa's self-explanatory. And Snipe would be the best shot at administering the bullet via gun." Present Mic said, leaning back in his chair. He was too tired to put up a bubbly front at the moment. He needed a nap.

Much like Aizawa.

Nezu nodded to Tsukauchi, who then wrote the names on the board.

"Ectoplasm, Nighteye, Fatgum." Aizawa spoke, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He had a migraine and the lights were bugging him.

Nezu mulled over them and nodded once more.

"Why didn't you say yourself, Mic?" Asked Midnight, who seemed slightly confused at her friend.

"Would I be too loud? In a confined area?" He looked at her, then at Nezu.

"Then don't use your quirk. If I remember correctly, you did martial arts as a kid and are still quite skilled fighting quirkless?" Nezu asked.

Mic nodded, "Oh yeah. Shota dragged me into those lessons."

"You still suck." Aizawa mumbled, his words almost unintelligible as he remembered how horrible his friend's skills were as a kid.

"Write Mic down too." Nezu said to Tsukauchi, chosing to ignore a certain pessimistic hero.

"Toshinori could be backup with the police. Out of the way yet still close if needed--civilian duty?"

Aizawa looked at Nezu, practically begging for the rat to say no. But instead he nodded, causing Aizawa to groan.

"Wait are you allowing students to go on the raid?" Tsukauchi stopped, to turn to the office table.

The question hung limply in the air for a few seconds.

"I'll think about it. In the meantime, who of the students would be good additions?" Nezu added, squinting his eyes at Tsukauchi.

"Sorry! It wasn't my intention to strike a nerve. I was just curious if you allowed students on raids since the Precept's one."

"Work studies," grumbled Aizawa.

"It's fine. If we feel it would be...okay--for a lack of a better word--then students will be permitted to go. Who would be best suited for the mission?" Nezu asked the Hero course teachers.

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