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Oboro yawned. He was becoming extremely tired. Afterall, it was his first time fronting for over an hour.

Kuorogiri was finally beginning to stir by early evening. Twice and Compress had become avid cuddlers and allowed Oboro to move in the middle of the couch. Over the course of a few hours, Oboro had begun to feel lighter. The mist that was rolling from his body in waves was now toned down to a shimmer of the light. His hair was normal and he felt decent, if not slightly crowded.

Since All for One has died, I guess the major effects of his power has died as well. The short term quirks can't be used on me with him gone. I'm going back to how I was before.

But Kurogiri wasn't leaving anytime soon.  Oboro had simply gotten stronger, so now he equaled Kurogiri's presence. Instead of  Kurogiri solely operating, Oboro could now press for his own time fronting.

They were like co-operators.

Oboro was warm, head laying on Compress's shoulder while Twice hugged his torso.

Kurogiri woke up and began slightly freaking out.

"Are they safe?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Um...yeah. I think Spinner is standing guard and Dabi is searching the house for something."

"Did you patch up any injuries?" He pressed.

"It's been a while since I've taken a first aid class. I don't think anyone would want me near antiseptics. Besides, Dabi patched everyone up already. No one was injured too severely. Spinner's nose is doing better, slightly discolored but nothing is broken. Compress just had to get stitches in his arm from a cut. And Twice simply needed to calm down from the stress. Overall, they're pretty cool."

Kurogiri nodded. "I'm gonna front now. I need to check something."

Oboro shifted on the couch. "Uhm no. That's not how this is gonna work anymore. I'm just as strong as you--"


"--so we either both work together or we switch out when both agree. And right now I don't consent."

Kurogiri sighed and quieted down.

After a moment of thinking, he resigned and agreed. Feeling content with the outcome, Oboro relinquished control after Kurogiri promised to let him front again later.

When Kurogiri snapped out of his mind, he noticed he was warm. He took note of his surroundings to find himself laying partially on Compress and Twice hugging his waist firmly. He hummed to himself.

I forgot how much of a cuddler Oboro was. And Twice definitely took that up for grabs.

Slowly, he removed Twice's arms and got off the couch. He swiftly laid Twice so he was resting on Compress's lap as the latter napped in a sitting position.

"You're back." Dabi said, footsteps echoing as he walked around the corner of the hall.

Kurogiri simply nodded at the statement.

If Dabi didn't ask, Kurogiri didn't have to answer.

"The kid couldn't explain it too well. Scatter brained oaf. He's the original?" Dabi leaned on the wall, hands in his pockets. He was standing next to a small photo of a middleaged man on a dock, holding up a fish. A decent catch.

"All for One killed his body and tortured his soul enough for it to fragment into two pieces. I protected him when All for One was around. A few more fragments are left inside as well, but since I was the biggest fragment, and fronting at the time of All for One's sessions, he inserted a quirk onto me and not directly into Oboro. I am the nomu, Oboro is the humanity." Kurogiri said, making his way into the small kitchen. It was painted an off color of light yellow and had green accents here and there. He rummaged through the cabinet and fridge, before taking out canned carrots, a couple potatoes and pancake mix, all of which had been left by the previous base user. This base among a few others were set up so villains could come in and out. It helped to make the house seem homey and lived in, because if the cops or heros ever raided one of these bases, the inside appearance would only allude to a family that had left for vacation. Overall it was a good confusion technique to use on the cops. 

Dabi followed him in, though he was now barefoot--Dabi had ditched his boots within the first hour of being inside the house--though his footsteps were still loud.

He mulled over what the nomu said before deeming it acceptable. "So that explains why you aren't a brainless nomu. You still have the original brat."

Kurogiri hummed.

Dabi watched Kurogiri make a breakfast fit for the League. They had been ignoring the elephant in the room, but it was about time to start discussing the next steps of their lives.

"What do we do now? We can't just sit here forever." Dabi asked. If we don't do anything productive, I'm leaving. They have Toga, Stain, Muscular, Mustard and a few other of our members in custody already. Don't waste my time.

"First we should find Tomura. I think he said he was going to..." Kurogiri rushes to find what Tomura told him sometime before the attack. "...go outside for a bit?" Pain flashed through Kurogiri's head as he attempted to remember. He folded forward slightly, crumbling under the pain of another migraine. "I don't remember anymore." He whispered.

There was a pause. A yawn could be heard from the living room. A rustling of the blanket being pulled back was heard as well as a the sound of someone searching for something.

Dabi began to speak his thoughts once more. "Do you think the heros have hi--"

"--uilding collapsed. Two of the hero students in the raid are left unaccounted for and the heros have reason to believe at least one villain is still in the compound. We will keep you updated as information piles in. Now back to you." The newscastor said.

The villains froze.

Was Shigaraki still in the base afterall?

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